posted on Oct, 2 2016 @ 08:47 PM
LIving on a ranch, there's always something to do. This time of year it's haul and stack hay.
Yesterday, my back was hurting so bad I could barely walk. Today, I went on a 100 mile run for hay. I really didn't want to today, but I had to.
The hay isn't going to haul itself.
Loaded down with 7 tons of hay, behind my 450 on a hundred mile run is hard. I don't care who you are, it's hard. Narrow roads, heavy truck, every
bounce in the road is like an earthquake. Seven tons will beat you to death, on a bumpy county road!!.
It was a beautiful day; not much to complain about. Still the road was hard. Every crack in the road echoed through my back. 40, 50, 60, 70...mph
and beyond. Lots of trucks hauling cattle...the other way. Must have passed 50 of them. Bouncing on the hot asphalt, up and down. Just rollin'
down the road!. Normally the wife rides with me, but it's hard on your back. She stayed home today (bummer). She made a nice spaghetti dinner
though, so it's all good.
We've sold lots of steers this year, and I'm glad, but there's never been an easy moment. The hay we buy, it's called "Teff". It's a very
unusual hay, very hard to get and not grown very often. Because it's an annual, and requires irrigation, most who grow it use it as a rotational
crop. I haul 10 bales at a time with one truck and 14 with the other. They weigh about 1,000 pounds a piece.