posted on Sep, 22 2016 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to:
No, I understand exactly what socialism means. I used your argument as well (people assuming socialism--communism etc) before when I supported the
idea of socialism. Now I'm not so supportive of the concept. Our socialized education and healthcare in the US are in fairly deplorable shape. I am
indeed glad that the poorest of our nation have access to free education but said education is so much worse than it is in the wealthy neighborhoods
that it almost serves no purpose at all. Here's a quick fact sheet regarding the poor and eduction in the US:
I've been to Norway.. beautiful country! Also a very small population per capita, if I am correct, and it sounds as if there is plenty of wealth to
spread around (and that a few, greedy elites haven't kept it to themselves, great!) But that is not the case here where I think the competitive drive
of capitalism is most likely a better way to go and encourages innovation and hard work, and rewards talented and skillful individuals.
Is it perfect? NOPE. Our whole system could use a revamping- the greedy are accumulating all the wealth, workers are not nearly as skilled as they
used to be, wellfare as we have it really does keep people from bettering themselves (I know- I received "free" healthcare through this new Obama
thing.. problem was, that if I went one dollar over the income limit, I'd lose it all and be forced to pay up to a thousand extra a month to cover my
family-- or to lose coverage altogether and pay extra later in taxes--what a nightmare!).
I'm not sure what the answer is.. but am looking for a reason to go back to my previous belief that socialism is the most humane system and benefits
society in general. Got one?