this is an old video, I´ve seen it years ago and possibly many of you have seen it too but I think it is always interesting to relate it to the times
we live in.
Here this former KGB agent tells about the 4 stages needed to totally subvert a country, to turn it into another thing.
These are:
1). Demoralisation: takes about 20 years and its the erasing of old values and implantation of the new ones.
2). Destabilisation: takes months, its the destabilization of the current political leadership, strikes, revolts, protests...
3). Crisis: takes days and its the collapse or absence of political leadership, its the coupe
4). Normalisation: takes forever and its the construction of the new social order
This is from the KGB manual and is supposed to be the process to change a neutral or enemy country into a socialist/communist country, thus a soviet
But there are many ways to use a tool, we don´t need to necessarily have a revolution and a new government in three days, we can perfectly have stage
1 going on and when the society is vulnerable to anything we want to force on it apply stages 2 and 3 with pre-shaped elections, repeat stages 2 and 3
whenever necessary and at the same time unroll stage 4 in small increments.
I think this is what´s going on now with these absurd elections and impossible candidates, since 2000 at least, and a completely empty minded society
capable of defending the most absurd ideas just because they were propelled by the media.
If you don´t know this video give it a look because its worthy:
First point: it takes longer in the U.S. Because we were such a strong country with values and religion and our government was embedded so deep.
Second point: the soviets planted the seeds, others are finishing it OR the soviets planted the seeds, and in their absence the garden is being
overrun and the seedlings have matured and are destroying themselves. This would be why you see SJWs cannibalizing themselves.
It may. But this is only a method, a tool, it was certainly applied as is by the USSR during the cold war on countries around the world but others may
use this tool or an evolution of it and this is what we are seeing right now...
It may. But this is only a method, a tool, it was certainly applied as is by the USSR during the cold war on countries around the world but others may
use this tool or an evolution of it and this is what we are seeing right now...
Do some digging into the Frankfurt School/Institute and the Institute for Social Research.
Compare their plans to what our colleges have been pumping into young minds.
It took a long time, but seems to have been very effective.