posted on Sep, 4 2016 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to:
Horsemanship is a skill best learned as a young man but honestly, anyone can learn to ride. I have trained show horses since i was eleven.
Saddlebreds, TN walkers, quarter horses, spotted saddle, hackney ponies, thoroughbreds, warmbloods, you name it, i have ridden it. I even have two
world champion saddlebreds under my belt. No kidding.
Can horses smell fear? Yes, they can. They can def tell if you are nervouse. Horses can spook in a second. It is what they are built to do. So you
must always remember to stay calm and be aware of your animals emotions.
Very important, find out your local laws about liability around horses. In TN, each individual is responsible for themselves when at a barn or around
any horses. If i take on a child as a student and that child gets hurt by a horse, i cannot be held liable. There are signs posted at every training
barn to let the public know. It is considered a very dangerous and unpredictable sport. Most people get hurt by a horse at some point.
Now that the warnings are over, my best advice would be to find an established barn with good calm horses and an experienced calm trainer. You can
prob find one in your local ads. $30 an hour is pretty fair. Listen to what they say, and above all else spend time, a lot of time just watching the
horses and watching them train other riders. You will pick up just as much knowledge watching them as you will riding, but there is no substitution
for riding. It's the only way to learn.