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Hillary is dirty, but is she the cleanest of the Democrats or is it NWO

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posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 06:34 AM
From all outward appearances, the RNC did not, and still does not want a Trump presidency

From all outward, and leaked emails, the DNC WANTS a Hillary presidency.

As we all read, she is so dirty, she could play Pig Pen, if they ever reinage Charlie Brown. Other high ranking Democrata HAD to know this. Joe Biden HAD to know this.

Why wouldn't another high power Democrat run? Are they even dirtier then Clinton?

Then only other answer is, that their really is an elitist (NWO) ruling class and she is their choice

Either way, her having power will be bad for the average American citizen
edit on 3-9-2016 by thinline because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 07:30 AM
Or the Clinton campaign and the DNC made a deal 8 years ago. That if she bowed out to Obama without throwing a hissy fit. The nomination would be hers during the next cycle.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: thinline

Yes, Hillary is very dirty, and why would anyone else run when the DNC was already in her back pocket? Realistically, Biden was the only other high profile option, and he was dealing with personal issues such as his son's death. He probably would have been undermined much the same as Bernie anyway.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: thinline

You jumped to a strange conclusion. It's not that other Democratic leaders are cleaner or dirtier. The Clintons are simply an incredibly tough political force to defeat.

They've won races for Arkansas' Attorney General, Arkansas Governor, the US Presidency, and the US Senate. The Clintons are notoriously shrewd and crafty behind the scenes, and supposedly they never forgive political grudges. They have major connections to power in virtually every major country, as well as in virtually every State and American field of business.

Most up & coming Democratic politicians simply aren't willing to risk their entire political futures to oppose them. Former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley also ran against Hillary during this primary season. And I was leaning towards him over Bernie. But Hillary's allies crushed him before he even had a chance to get going. If neither a popular former Governor nor a sitting vice president can even get out of the gate against them, what chance do most other Dems have?

Bernie only survived for so long because he aggressively courted the far left, which the Clintons and their "Third Way" allies actively dismiss. Bernie got unprecedented grassroots support in return and yet it still wasn't enough. It will take a well organized progressive campaign with a charismatic leader in order to pry Democratic Party leadership from their grip. And even then, it'll come with a hefty price that most politicians aren't willing to pay.

edit on 3-9-2016 by enlightenedservant because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-9-2016 by enlightenedservant because: added stuff

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: thinline

I remember the primaries when everyone seemed to be for Bernie and was disgusted with the corruption surrounding Hillary.

I also remember how many of us said that people would support Hillary regardless because she had a "D" after her name.

Seems we were right.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: thinline

I remember the primaries when everyone seemed to be for Bernie and was disgusted with the corruption surrounding Hillary.

I also remember how many of us said that people would support Hillary regardless because she had a "D" after her name.

Seems we were right.

You'd be "wrong" if your own candidate wasn't so despicable. Republican voters nominated the one Republican that Hillary can beat. LOL But every single time people tried to tell his supporters this, those words were ignored. It takes a special kind of candidate to be able to unite all of the people who actively fought Hillary. Most polls had her either in a dead heat or trailing Cruz & Rubio.

Even Dubya Bush got more than 35% of the Hispanic vote in both 2000 & 2004. He also got more than 42% of the Muslim vote in 2000. But Republican voters actually nominated someone who's aggressively destroyed that minority support. Even young voters and women voters overwhelming reject him now. And he's polling at close to 0% support from African American voters in many different polls. I didn't even think that was possible (obviously that includes the margins of error but still).
edit on 3-9-2016 by enlightenedservant because: clarified

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Don't blame Trump because you voted for Hillary.

Own it.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Don't blame Trump because you voted for Hillary.

Own it.


1. I voted for Bernie in my State's primary. Our early voting for the actual presidency hasn't even started yet. So your statement is a flat out lie.

2. I will gladly own up to whoever I end up voting for, be it Hillary or Jill.

3. And like I alluded to in my post, his supporters still can't accept why he's receiving such unified opposition. I will truly savor every second of the meltdowns from the supporters of "he who shan't be named" when he gets annihilated in November.

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 08:58 AM
Americans will wake up to the fact that once Clinton is installed by electoral vote, the Republicans that ostracized Trump and installed Clinton have the same reason as the Democrats. That is Americans will be subjected to unfathomable laws and regulations by all in the government using Hillary and the Main Stream Media as cover and deflection.

Laws that will usurp the constitution, laws that will basically enslave the populace.

While most people will be texting, tweeting and watching the MSM focus on what Hillary is doing, her health, her actions and interactions, that "friendly Congress Critter" you so graciously elected will be enacting and passing laws that are not constitutional and will not be visible until Clinton (or Huma) signs them and will be upheld by the corrupt supreme court.

I foresee BLM getting machine gunned in the streets by Clinton as well as others getting rounded up and jailed for peacefully protesting. I foresee no one able to complain about the government. Congressmen and senators will be appointed or selected to "represent" us and possibly just done away with. No one will be exempt. The rich will be the first to go in this regime. The Clinton Foundation will be the new Federal Reserve. All police forces will be Federalized along with each state's National Guard. There will be only one police force in the country answerable to only the Clinton Foundation. You may or may not see this in the MSM depending on whether the government wants you to or not. There will be no facet of our current life not affected by these monsters. We will have our taxes increased until we can no longer survive in our on homes - rented or owned. We will be then rounded up out of the streets for that is where we will be, housed in "camps" and forced to work in menial jobs just to pay the taxes the government has imposed on us. We will not be able to grow our own food because it will be illegal.

Unless we are willing to fight if this happens...

posted on Sep, 3 2016 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: NightFlight

Alright bud, drink a glass of water and sleep that buzz off. We're gonna make it through this together.

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