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Hillary Has Until September 29 To Respond - Under Oath To These 25 Questions

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posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 03:37 AM
a reply to: burgerbuddy

When a person works for you and has the ability to do things in your name its with the explicit approval of said person. The "not me's" should not be allowed as an excuse. The "I don't recalls" is a legal language excuse to not answer a question directly while under oath. I cannot recall (pun intended) a time where I ever used "I don't recall" when answering questions under oath on examination / cross examination in court / deposition.

As a lawyer Hillary knows what words to use to muddy the waters.

When she doesn't know what words to use there is always Lynch running interference.

For everything else their is the FBI...
edit on 14-10-2016 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: burgerbuddy

When a person works for you and has the ability to do things in your name its with the explicit approval of said person. The "not me's" should not be allowed as an excuse. The "I don't recalls" is a legal language excuse to not answer a question directly while under oath. I cannot recall (pun intended) a time where I ever used "I don't recall" when answering questions under oath on examination / cross examination in court / deposition.

As a lawyer Hillary knows what words to use to muddy the waters.

When she doesn't know what words to use there is always Lynch running interference.

For everything else their is the FBI...

Yes, she is responsible for what is done in her name.

It's her responsibility to know.

This whole thing is coming down around them and not even Comey and Lynch will walk away unscathed if she loses.

These people are insane, the new emails are nuts.

She lied under oath on the questions and we'll see what action is taken and what JW does.

posted on Oct, 14 2016 @ 11:22 AM
Here we are :Hillary Clinton objects to ... mail&utm_campaign=conservative-daily&utm_medium=owned

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

It's being speculated that her memory loss regarding her inability to answer 21 of the 25 questions is REAL. She requested an additional 14 days to come up with the answers, but even with that time extension, could only recall enough information to answer 4 of the 25.


If her loss of memory is legitimate, it's a grave concern. The President of the United States should not be mentally impaired to this degree...or anywhere near it.

edit on 10/15/2016 by carewemust because: We're DOOMED if Hillary is elected to run our nation.

posted on Oct, 15 2016 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: carewemust

A convenient excuse she used in the FBI interview as well to get around questions whose answers would incriminate her. She then went on national tv during the first debate and told the world she knows how classifications work. Her strategy has been the "wait em out" game. Its one of the reasons she never holds press conferences. She was / is hoping Trump will create enough of a sensation that the media will concentrate on him. Considering recent emails from wikileaks shows most of the MSM is in her pockets its no wonder why they dont report on her medical issues.

Considering she answered "I dont recall / a version of it" for 21 out of 25 questions why did she need the extra time? She is trying to delay this issue with judicial watch as long as she can to get to the elections without a new scandal around her neck.

In this case Judicial watch is not happy and from what I am seeing the judge wont be pleased either considering the time frame and extension given and the lack of answers provided.

I would like to see the judge order an in person deposition under oath and recorded. Secondly Judicial watch will argue she lied on the question form and im not sure how that will affect the situation.

What I do know is Clinton is playing with fire with this memory game and judicial watch. It is a civil proceeding and invoking the 5th amendment / failure to answer questions can in fact be held against her, unlike in criminal proceedings where it cant.

Her memory loss excuse is nothing more than the lesser of 2 lies. Either admit you are engaged in a criminal conspiracy to defraud the public and commit corruption in officer or use your health issue to hide behind.
edit on 15-10-2016 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

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