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Catholics are not Christian?

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posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Pot, meet kettle.

Go read your posts.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: Raggedyman

Pot, meet kettle.

Go read your posts.

Are you saying I said Catholics were not christians

Mr potty kettle, please show me
edit on 31-8-2016 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

Wait, though, Beer. I'm not a kettle!!!

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 08:46 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Nobody cares what you think they are saying about what you do or don't think or are saying. Or what others "think" you are saying or not saying. None of that matters, because you have nothing of substance to say. Just like you don't give a royal rip what anyone else is saying or showing or explaining or demonstrating or providing.....

nothing you are "saying" makes one bit of difference anymore ---- not to anyone who is seriously trying to figure things out.

edit on 8/31/2016 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

I know. I didn't mean to imply that!

I just meant to accuse him of doing what he accuses other people of doing.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 08:59 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Raggedyman

Nobody cares what you think they are saying about what you do or don't think or are saying. Or what others "think" you are saying or not saying. None of that matters, because you have nothing of substance to say. Just like you don't give a royal rip what anyone else is saying or showing or explaining or demonstrating or providing.....

nothing you are "saying" makes one bit of difference anymore ---- not to anyone who is seriously trying to figure things out.

Have you read my posts buzz
I have not said all Catholics are not christian
You have run with an absurdity

I have said not all those who call themselves Protestant are Christian as well as saying not all Catholics are Christian

Being combative, making up my replies to suit your silly opinion seems combative

Go read my posts.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

I know. I didn't mean to imply that!

I just meant to accuse him of doing what he accuses other people of doing.

Are you saying I said Catholics were not christians

please show me Mr potty kettle

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Yes I have read your posts.

You never say anything that isn't ambiguous, ambivalently phrased, agreeable, or accurate. You never do.
So stop trying to pretend that people just aren't paying attention.

Your ridiculous "crumbs" that you throw out there are too few, too stale, and too late.
You have ruined your entire schtick, all by yourself.

Because - you don't respond to information provided when you ask for it. You only disrespect it, and continue asking people if they read what you posted.
News flash ----- you're busted.

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:28 PM

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Raggedyman

Yes I have read your posts.

You never say anything that isn't ambiguous, ambivalently phrased, agreeable, or accurate. You never do.
So stop trying to pretend that people just aren't paying attention.

Your ridiculous "crumbs" that you throw out there are too few, too stale, and too late.
You have ruined your entire schtick, all by yourself.

Because - you don't respond to information provided when you ask for it. You only disrespect it, and continue asking people if they read what you posted.
News flash ----- you're busted.

So dear buzz, where did I condemn catholics as not christian

getting a simple answer from you is nigh on impossible.
A rant and a rave, easy peasy, simple answer...

I was asked for a comment, no relevant info provided from anyone that challenged my comments.
Maybe you should just buzz off

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

I have said not all those who call themselves Protestant are Christian as well as saying not all Catholics are Christian

I re-read your posts. By your standard, a Christian, whether Protestant, Catholic, Anabaptist, or other, is a Christian when you say they are Christian rather than when they say they are Christian, making you the judge.


Yes, I realize that you never mentioned Anabaptists or others. I included them so they wouldn't feel neglected by you.

edit on 31-8-2016 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:36 PM

originally posted by: pthena
a reply to: Raggedyman

I have said not all those who call themselves Protestant are Christian as well as saying not all Catholics are Christian

I re-read your posts. By your standard, a Christian, whether Protestant, Catholic, Anabaptist, or other, is a Christian when you say they are Christian rather than when they say they are Christian, making you the judge.

No I didnt, not at all
I said by their fruits you will know their hearts, even linked passages from the bible.

I wouldnt know a true christian from a false christian in life.
God judges the heart, I dont

I said by their fruits, even linked passages from the bible.
Anything else is a little dishounest on your behalf


Yes, I think we can assume Anabaptists are Christians, they should not feel left out.
I am sure there are many anabaptists who are not true christians either.

In fact I know a good parable to support my clain

Wheat and tares
edit on 31-8-2016 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman
Are you saying I said Catholics were not christians

Mr potty kettle, please show me

No, not saying that.

originally posted by: Raggedyman
There are plenty of Catholics who do not meet the standards of christianity, as well as protestant christians who dont meet the standard

What are the standards of Christianity? Who decides that? No doubt, the Bible would have something to say about that. What does it have to say, in your opinion? My observation is that standards vary, from denomination to denomination or person to person. What makes a "true Christian" is an item for theological debate. At the end of the day, that person's relationship with God is their own business. We have no idea what God has revealed to them, or their heart. We do not know their level of loyal devotion. Who are we to say they are of the many? Every man is a sinner, aren't they? And every man will be judged, won't they? Any man who believes Jesus Christ came to Earth to sacrifice himself for our sins, and rose again three days later to sit on the side of his Father in Heaven, qualifies as a Christian in my opinion.

So yes some Catholics are not christian, some Protestants are not christian.
Many who claim christianity are not and will not

I would agree in the sense that, there are some who don't practice their beliefs but still call themselves x, y, or z.

Cant just call yourself a christian, believe in God and be a christian

I understand what you're saying. I wouldn't consider Satan a Christian either, and he would be aware of the truth of all these things. I think what it would come down to in the end is simple. You either reject the truth, or you accept it. And clearly, being the adversary, Satan rejects that reality and seeks to create his own.

The pot meet kettle comment...

I am amused that you make a thread citing that there is a standard of Christianity, and if it is not met, that person is not truly a Christian. I assume you would not consider them a good representation of Christianity either. So, in extreme cases, things they've done (or may do) in the Lords name, is really, in their own name and for their own agenda and twisted ideologies. Am I correct in thinking this may be your opinion? And I would be inclined to agree, generally.

But one atheist and two potential atheists (Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot) that weren't even driven by their atheism (though that may have definitely influenced specific actions against the religious), that murdered millions through their regimes, are supposed to be a representation of atheism or atheists in power? I don't think you really believe that, but you have sure as hell made it sound like it elsewhere. But I don't bring it up to talk about who has killed who and why.

Just an example of one of my observations. Not that it is worth anything.

Hey I'm sure I've been inconsistent in things I've said. Nasty, too.


I see I'm not the only one to introduce you to the kettle today.
Maybe it means something.

edit on 8-31-2016 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2016 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Wheat and tares

Now that is one seriously disturbing story!

The kingdom of heaven = the World.
The Son of Man has a father, perhaps Man.

So it's all about human activity in the World. Nothing particularly spiritual about it at all.

The devil character sows seeds of a plant(Lolium temulentum, typically known as darnel) not suitable for human consumption, whereas the Son of Man sows wheat, the produce of which is suitable for human consumption.

At the harvest time(end of age), that which is not suitable for human consumption is burned up. The wheat crop is put in the barn presumably to be consumed by the Father(Man) and perhaps also by his son (Son of Man).

Very disturbing! Since the two kinds of plants are really two kinds of people.


Even if you give it the best spin possible, it is still disturbing.

Two kinds of people, the golden brown(wheat) and the dark purple, almost black(darnel). The only question is: "Should we kill the purples now or let someone else do it later?"
edit on 31-8-2016 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

According to the bible, not me

The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is a biblical term that sums up nine attributes of a Christian life according to Paul in his Letter to the Galatians: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

Its not a theological debate, its a heart thing

I dont know a persons heart, I dont know a true christian from a non true christian, I have to take their word

I have read most of the catholic churches dogma, surprisingly its fairly reasonable, unfortunately in the real world it is not adhered to by the majority of catholics

I wouldnt consider Pol Pot, Mao or stalin a good representation of humanity as well as many religious leaders, modern day, Hinn, waco texas guy, Meyer, the Pope
Evil in the church and outside of it, its a people thing

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 12:09 AM

originally posted by: pthena
a reply to: Raggedyman

Wheat and tares

Now that is one seriously disturbing story!

The kingdom of heaven = the World.
The Son of Man has a father, perhaps Man.

So it's all about human activity in the World. Nothing particularly spiritual about it at all.

The devil character sows seeds of a plant(Lolium temulentum, typically known as darnel) not suitable for human consumption, whereas the Son of Man sows wheat, the produce of which is suitable for human consumption.

At the harvest time(end of age), that which is not suitable for human consumption is burned up. The wheat crop is put in the barn presumably to be consumed by the Father(Man) and perhaps also by his son (Son of Man).

Very disturbing! Since the two kinds of plants are really two kinds of people.


Even if you give it the best spin possible, it is still disturbing.

Two kinds of people, the golden brown(wheat) and the dark purple, almost black(darnel). The only question is: "Should we kill the purples now or let someone else do it later?"

I didnt write it, also you just read the story, may need to spend a bit of time studying it to really understand it

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

I didnt write it, also you just read the story, may need to spend a bit of time studying it to really understand it

I think some other people have already studied it. Some have concluded that the holy people who wear saffron(Eastern Religions) know the truth, whereas those who wear the Royal Blue(Purple from Phoenicia, ie. Judeo-Christian) are self-deceived. That's their worldview. I prefer to not have that worldview at all, and not think of people as either/or.

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: Raggedyman

Nobody cares what you think they are saying about what you do or don't think or are saying. Or what others "think" you are saying or not saying. None of that matters, because you have nothing of substance to say. Just like you don't give a royal rip what anyone else is saying or showing or explaining or demonstrating or providing.....

nothing you are "saying" makes one bit of difference anymore ---- not to anyone who is seriously trying to figure things out.

Is that a quote from Buddha?

edit on 1-9-2016 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

Another Buddha quote?

edit on 1-9-2016 by seentoomuch because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 01:00 AM

originally posted by: pthena
a reply to: Raggedyman

I didnt write it, also you just read the story, may need to spend a bit of time studying it to really understand it

I think some other people have already studied it. Some have concluded that the holy people who wear saffron(Eastern Religions) know the truth, whereas those who wear the Royal Blue(Purple from Phoenicia, ie. Judeo-Christian) are self-deceived. That's their worldview. I prefer to not have that worldview at all, and not think of people as either/or.

Well thats awesome for you
I bet some think some are monkeys and other hominids, floats your boat
edit on 1-9-2016 by Raggedyman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2016 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: Raggedyman

People like Hinn.. man they are in a category of their own, am I right?!

That TBN crowd... sheesh.

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