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Chemtrails may have been debunked

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posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 02:43 PM
(sorry if this has already been posted)

Well it appears that the tin foils can be taken off as many scientists agree-chemtrails are bunk. In a recent survey all but one of the experts do not have evidence for any kind of atmospheric tampering.

Researchers from the University of California, Irvine, the Carnegie Institution for Science and the nonprofit Near Zero organization asked 77 atmospheric chemists and geochemists if they had come across evidence of such a large-scale spraying program, and 76 responded that they had not.

Now before you start saying that 'oh those scientists were paid off' read again. They collaborated with a non for profit organization, and this statement says

Our goal is not to sway those already convinced that there is a secret, large-scale spraying program—who often reject counter-evidence as further proof of their theories—but rather to establish a source of objective science that can inform public discourse.

I construe that as a neutral comment. Granted the rather small focal group does not reflect the entire scientific community but even I know chemtrails would need ideal weather conditions and the altitude of a crop duster,the mind control particles would have to be extremely potent and then...forget it-it would be like trying to solve a Rubix cube in the dark.

Thank you for your time and I await the knee jerk reactions.
edit on 19-8-2016 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 02:48 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

In a recent survey all but one of the experts do not have evidence for any kind of atmospheric tampering.

Thats a relief. The atmosphere overhead is foggy with jet exhaust. No secret tampering there...

posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Always a very interesting topic for me. However, I would not say it has been debunked just yet. On the contrary, I believe more and more whistle blowers will come out.

However, thanks for the post. I follow this regularly, I tend to believe that they are dumping things into the atmosphere and waiting to see what will happen. We are the guinea pigs. IMHO

Kristen Meghan claims to have spent nine years in the Air Force – working in ‘bio environmental engineering’. She says, ‘I started noticing large quantities of chemicals on the system that did not have a manufacture name and weren’t tied to a building- that was normal protocol. of of many


posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

It doesn't appear that these scientists have actually done any chemtrail-specific testing on their own, rather they were asked if they had come across any indication.

Because of that, I don't think we can call it proof and debunk the theory.

It's more so a case where the opinions of many outweigh the opinions of a few.

Most doctors will tell you that chemo and radiation are the best and only cancer treatments you should do, but I would hope that at this point most are well aware that is not the case.

They do say that other tests were not done properly, which I agree with, but proving an experiment was done incorrectly does not does not disprove the chemtrail theory.

I for one am on the fence and believe their is no conclusive evidence way or the other.
edit on 8/19/2016 by scojak because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

... asked 77 ... 76 responded that they had not.

So what about the one dude? What about the one guy that DID know all about the chemtrail program?


posted on Aug, 19 2016 @ 03:52 PM
Please use existing thread.



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