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Obama's Lack of Leadersip; Trayvon Martin; Obama's Mom; George Soros' BLM; Riots in Milwaukee

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posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:31 AM
When Trayvon Martin died, Obama went on to say, if he had a kid, that kid would have looked like him, and the Obama election put hoddies on sales.

In reality, if you followed the Zimmerman trail, you know that Rachel Jeantel,who was on the phone with Martin right before he died, said that Martin thought Zimmerman was gay and he might be there to punk Martin's little brother, so he attacked him.

Obama was being a politician over a leader.... #thanksObama

now we have BLM and the riots in Milwaukee, with the rioters yelling "kill whitie", CNN editing clips of the rioters call for piece when she was saying, lets destroy the suburbs, and at least one white media member had to leave the area because of direct racism directed towards him

Where is Obama saying, you know my mom WAS white. Do you think Obama thinks about his mom, if she was in the middle of Milwaukee with the Soros' terrorist group doing their thing, what would happen to her?

Obama is being a politician over a leader....#thanksObama

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: thinline

He is a politician and only a politician--anyone who voted for him, especially during round two, because they felt that he would be a leader were fooling themselves. I fooled myself in '08, I'm sad to say, but learned my lesson by '12.

Obama is a community organizer first, a politician second, and a leader way down below other things. A good community organizer cannot play both sides of the situation. Disappointingly, he made his choice long ago, and he chose supporting criminals (but only of a certain race) over the average American and those sworn to protect us long ago.

I don't blame him for the BLM movement, but I certainly know that he threw lighter fluid on a fire that was barely burning at the time, but he wasn't alone in that action.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: thinline

Do you honestly believe Obama is a leader and cares even a bit about the citizens of the United States? Didn't he prove he does not care and his job is to divide?

In a different reality your questions would make sense but in this one? Unfortunately not.

The US is going down hill pretty damn fast these past months and as I can tell he never did anything to help in this situation but he did a perfect job in making it worse.


posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: thinline

You dropped your Kenya on the floor.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

Obama might be the best politician in my life time, and definitely of this century.

Do you think he's not a leader or not a leader by choice?

Soros gave BLM $650,000, do you think Soros gave that money behind Obama's back? Did Obama ask for the donation? is it somewhere in the middle? I think I just got a new rant...

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: thinline

Whatever funding Soros's network of organizations have ultimately provided (what was the last thread topic? Leaked email shows $650,000 in funding — that'll go REAL far), claiming that the BLM is an invention of George Soros is ignorant dismissive nonsense that ignores the very serious real world issues faced by millions of Americans and their legitimate anger and frustration.

How many millions of people have participated in BLM protests? How many of those were activists with any sort of funding at all?

As much as I dislike Trump and as much as I think his followers are seriously misguided, I don't deny that they have ample reason to be angry, frustrated and even afraid — the employment outlook for blue collar workers is dismal. Give the current trends a couple more decades and a lot of them and their kids will be living in economically depressed hell holes with crumbling infrastructure, inadequate education, higher crime rates and little upward mobility. Then maybe over-policing, inadequate defense provided by overworked public defenders, etc will be the common experience of a large percentage of white folks as well.

Then all the racially charged identity politics in the world won't matter and maybe you won't find yourself repeating propaganda talking points on Internet forums and instead out in the street with your own sign.
edit on 2016-8-17 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: thinline

I'm not sure what Obama has to do with the Martin/Zimmerman issue, expect for what he said afterwards. His comments about "if he had a son..." were meant as a way to show that he knows about the fear some black parents can have. Immediately after that comment, he said "When I think about this boy, I think about my own kids".

So you have to put that in it's proper context.

You could say it was playing politics, but I think it was more about empathy and sharing a common concern some black parents have.

now we have BLM and the riots in Milwaukee

It has not been proven that BLM was involved in any way. So that aspect and the Soros junk does not hold any water. And Obama's Mother has nothing to do with it.

I think you take issue with the fact that Obama simply does not say the things you want him to say.

That's playing politics.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:50 AM
Obama was the man appointed to unite america. He has failed every step of the way to do so.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 09:56 AM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
Obama was the man appointed to unite america. He has failed every step of the way to do so.

He was not appointed. He was elected to serve the duties of the president of the US. Anyone that expected him to unite Americans for any purpose is severely mistaken.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 10:38 AM
a reply to: thinline

In reality, if you followed the Zimmerman trail, you know that Rachel Jeantel,who was on the phone with Martin right before he died, said that Martin thought Zimmerman was gay and he might be there to punk Martin's little brother, so he attacked him.

Also, this is incorrect. What Rachel Jeantel testified to was that he was being followed by a "creepy ass cracka" and that she told him to run and he said "no." I believe you're conflating her testimony with what she said in a Piers Morgan interview afterward where she stated that she thought GZ might be a rapist and told TM as much.

The whole "so he attacked him" bit afaik is just crap you tacked on (read: "made up") but if you really want to rehash the TM shooting, why not start with GZ's 911 call? See if any of this rings a bell:

Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away. When you come to the clubhouse, you come straight in, and make a left. Actually, you would go past the clubhouse.

Zimmerman: No, you go in, straight through the entrance, and then you make a left-- you go straight in, don't turn, and make a left. S--t, he's running.
Dispatcher: He's running? Which way is he running?
Zimmerman: Down towards the other entrance to the neighborhood.
Dispatcher: Which entrance is that that he's heading towards?
Zimmerman: The back entrance... F-----g punks. These assholes, they always get away...
Dispatcher: Are you following him?
Zimmerman: Yeah.
Dispatcher: Okay, we don't need you to do that.
Zimmerman: Okay.


Here we can see GZ has profiled TM as a 'f-----g punk' and an asshole who 'always gets away' based on... based on... based on... hmmmm... help me out here? Race? Was it race? Or did GZ just strap on his gun and stalk everyone he didn't know?

Here we have a teen out in the open who is being followed by a stranger, who runs away from the situation and an armed yahoo, a vigilante wanna be cop, disregarding the instructions of the 911 operator, chases after the unarmed, justifiably freaked out teen.

Well gee, that's nothing like your mischaracterization at all.

You're not very credible. Can you produce some evidence of this "kill whitey" shouting in Milwaukee?


CNN editing clips of the rioters call for piece when she was saying, lets destroy the suburbs

That was actually Sherelle Smith, the sister of the dead man. What she said was:

Burnin down s--t ain’t going to help nothin! Y’all burnin’ down s--t we need in our community. Take that s--t to the suburbs. Burn that s--t down! We need our s--t!

You did get one thing right though. CNN did cut off the "take that s--t to the suburbs. Burn that s--t down!" part of her speech, giving the appearance that she was calling for peace.

edit on 2016-8-17 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: thinline
a reply to: SlapMonkey

Obama might be the best politician in my life time, and definitely of this century.

Do you think he's not a leader or not a leader by choice?

Soros gave BLM $650,000, do you think Soros gave that money behind Obama's back? Did Obama ask for the donation? is it somewhere in the middle? I think I just got a new rant...

I don't think that he ever wanted to be a leader. His strings have always been pulled by other puppet masters, and that doesn't happen if you have any decent leadership skills.

As for the money--does it really matter? They're all part of the same puppet show.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: Kali74
a reply to: thinline

You dropped your Kenya on the floor.

Translation: I got noth'in

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: thinline

Nothing new to complain about Obama with? Gotta dredge up old news to fill your quota of daily Obama outrage huh?

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:23 AM
I am trying to find my sources again, but back during the original BLM hysteria, a Soros-backed group paid for the housing of out of town protesters here in St Louis. They stayed in the Bevo Mill area, in apartments.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: introvert
You could say it was playing politics, but I think it was more about empathy and sharing a common concern some black parents have.

It's a concern ALL parents have. Leave it to the new racists to think black people are some enigma that leave completely different lives than the rest of us and further divide people alone these completely manufactured lines.

It has not been proven that BLM was involved in any way. So that aspect and the Soros junk does not hold any water. And Obama's Mother has nothing to do with it.

Right, because I'm sure these people were all anti-BLM! Just like the guy who ambushed and killed 5 cops AT A BLM RALLY WHERE THEY WERE CALLING FOR DEAD COPS!

Your cognitive dissonance is infuriating.

I think you take issue with the fact that Obama simply does not say the things you want him to say.

That's playing politics.

I think you're just butt hurt because he said things you didn't want him to say. See what I did there? Like most left wingers I encounter, you're infantile.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: TheBulk

Leave it to the new racists to think black people are some enigma that leave completely different lives than the rest of us and further divide people alone these completely manufactured lines.

Living in black communities can be different than living in other areas. Obama was expressing empathy for what black parents may experience.

Right, because I'm sure these people were all anti-BLM!

I'm sure there were many that support BLM there. But that does not mean it was a BLM endorsed event or that they were supporting the violent actions.

Just like the guy who ambushed and killed 5 cops AT A BLM RALLY WHERE THEY WERE CALLING FOR DEAD COPS!

That man said he was "upset" with BLM.

Your cognitive dissonance is infuriating.

I've been pretty consistent so far.

I think you're just butt hurt because he said things you didn't want him to say. See what I did there? Like most left wingers I encounter, you're infantile.

It's childish to pull a "see what I did there" and then make a blanket statement according to your own anecdotal experiences.

Pretty sad that someone as "infantile" as I can easily point-out your fallacies.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: thinline

Soro's terror group? Obama's mom? Trayvon martin? This is really too much of a mish mash to answer.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: reldra Too much bread at this circus for you Relda?

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 12:01 PM
I didn't realize the Correct The Record shills were also paid to defend Obama's ineffective leadership.

posted on Aug, 17 2016 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: RobotBomb

NOT protect their MESSIAH !
JUST as we are about to TACK him up with his ISIS flag shroud?
Oh no they are just PAID more to protect Hillary than Obama...

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