posted on Aug, 7 2016 @ 08:15 AM
With the demise of hard line phones are the pollsters accurately reflecting what the polls really are ?
At best they are a very general indicator of how old people that typically use land lines are leaning towards. Does not include the majority of people
that do not use land lines or don't answer phone calls from unknown sources.
Basically, an easy trick up to the sleeve of the mainstream media to pump this crap out 24/7 to get there favorites positive coverage and their
opponents negative. Gallup, the long time pollster company that decided not to cover polls for the 2016 election, even pointed this out saying polling
is no longer valid due to modern phone technology and greatly reduced usage of land lines.
Basically polls in 2016 tell you how the baby boomers will vote, not Generation X or millennials or Generation Z who are casting their first votes in
a federal election, now boomer's are the biggest voting block but if X, Y And Z come out in force for one candidate they will tip the scales.