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You're cruising in the left lane, a car comes up behind you honking & flashing their lights...

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posted on Jul, 25 2016 @ 01:19 AM

Why do the speed limits exist?

edit on 25-7-2016 by akushla99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: akushla99

Why do the speed limits exist?


The lack of foresight in road design and ability to handle increasing volume of traffic causes these problems. However, with the introduction of toll 'hot lanes' I am positive this hot lane will provide those pesky fast drivers and those in emergency situations an alternative means of bypassing the bottle-neck and dangerous situations that currently exist.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:24 PM
Slow to a stop, get out, call my boys and go hunting.

posted on Oct, 14 2017 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

You don't even have to be in labor. Those are the rules of driving.

Left Lane = Passing Lane

Right Lane = Driving Lane.

If you aren't passing someone you don't belong in the left lane. If you're in the left lane, then you better be passing someone and when done get over. That's how it works. Nobody should have to tell anyone that.

I feel your pain!!! People can't drive. There are rules on how it works. They're easy. Learn them or get off the road.

Nice baby pics BTW.

posted on Nov, 3 2017 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: mOjOm
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

You don't even have to be in labor. Those are the rules of driving.

Left Lane = Passing Lane

Right Lane = Driving Lane.

If you aren't passing someone you don't belong in the left lane. If you're in the left lane, then you better be passing someone and when done get over. That's how it works. Nobody should have to tell anyone that.

I feel your pain!!! People can't drive. There are rules on how it works. They're easy. Learn them or get off the road.

Nice baby pics BTW.

AND it is a $500 fine in Texas I have heard.
edit on 3-11-2017 by LaitModelFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2017 @ 10:51 PM
A traffic problem that needs attention.I think the powers that be need to tone down these headlights we are facing out on the streets at night. After this, the tickets should be issued to the drivers running their fog lights on clear evenings. Maybe it's my age but it surely is blinding me.

posted on Apr, 17 2018 @ 04:26 PM

originally posted by: _BoneZ_
a reply to: ladyvalkyrie

Congrats on the new baby!

They just recently made it law here in Indiana that it is illegal to drive in the passing lane and not move over for faster traffic. Even if the faster traffic is speeding, and even if you are doing speed limit. You must still move over.

So far police have issued over 2000 tickets and citations for failing to move over out of the passing lane. Still, every day I have to go around people (on the right side) while driving down the freeway because idiot drivers won't move over.

LOLOL get behind me in the left lane and flash your lights I will wave and smile. I'll take the ticket, tear it up, and get right back in the left lane. The ONLY vehicle that has anymore of a right to the left lane than me are emergency vehicles on a call. If I'm doing under the posted limit I'll drive in the right lane. As far as I'm concerned if you're speeding that does not mean you are fast traffic. It means you are a criminal. I'll bet if you took the time to check those 2000 tickets you'll find that those people were driving under the limit. I say that because the law you mentioned clearly says it is illegal to drive under the posted speed limit in the left passing lane. There is no law now or will there likely be in the future that says I must pull to the right to allow a criminal to use my lane. If you need to get to a hospital fast it's called ,911. Ask any cop and they will tell you being in labor is not a free pass to ignore the law.

posted on Sep, 29 2018 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: ladyvalkyrie
....GET THE F OVER!!!! Yield! Move your a** into the other available lane, or one of the TWO other available lanes. Definitely do NOT:

1. ignore them and casually keep cruising along
2. be a real d*ck and slow down
3. flip them off
4. race them once they finally make it around you
5. when they finally get around you, speed up and tailgate them at an extremely dangerously close distance at 90 mph

That car just might be....oh, I don't know...someone in an emergency...such as, a woman in labor trying to get to the hospital. Just sayin'.

And on that note, I would like to report that despite all the jerkwads on the road, I made it to the hospital safe and sound and they promptly cut this out of my body:

A few minutes after being born.

A few hours after being born.

The day after being born.

Allow me to introduce to the world, Scout Eisley Lafitte.

When the Mrs was in labor, our car broke down in the middle of a country lane and my phone battery died... By the grace of God a car drove up by us, we flagged him down and the very kind gentleman took us to the hospital... Keep in mind this was 3am in a country lane that has VERY LITTLE traffic at night and yet somehow he appeared.

I believe he saved my child’s life that night as the cord was tangled around baby’s throat and had I been the person to deliver, I have no idea what would had happened.

Congrats on the Saucepan lid (cockney rhyming slang here in London for ‘kid’) it’s a beautiful thing
edit on 29/9/2018 by fusiondoe because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2019 @ 09:10 PM
Our GP once told us to get our then 5 year old daughter to the hospital as quickly as we could because we could get her there faster than an ambulance could come to us and then take her there.
I drove with hazards on and lights flashing at full speed with her turning blue and slipping in and out of consciousness beside me.
Most cars moved until I came behind an old Honda Civic, bodykit etc on it. The little # driving it slowed down and was laughing, when I tried to go past in other lane he swerved across to stop me. I was stuck behind him at 20 mph below the speed limit until the turn off to the hospital.
We rushed her in to A&E and she survived.
If I ever knew for sure who that little # was I'd probably end up doing a long jail sentence with no remorse.

posted on Oct, 26 2023 @ 03:20 AM
You are one of the people causing the problem. It’s not your responsibility or your right to decide what is important enough to need to exceed the speed limit. You’re an ass for not moving out of the way. The left lane is for passing, not cruising. Several states have started issuing citations for people who are not passing. Do you really need an officer of the law to tell you to stop being a stubborn jerk? Just get along with people and consider the needs of everyone instead of only your needs. reply to: DeepImpactX

posted on Oct, 26 2023 @ 03:31 AM
Mike you’re a selfish ass. Some people do have emergencies. The posted limit is a suggestion not a hard line. If not, emergency vehicles would not be allowed to exceed the limit. You sir do not know the law nor are you considerate of anyone other than yourself. Their reason does not matter. It’s important to them so as a considerate person you should make it important to yourself. Maybe they’re running late for work, maybe they need to go to the hospital, the reason is irrelevant. It’s because of people like you that many states are now ticketing drivers in the left who are not passing. a reply to: MikeA

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