a reply to:
I do not believe that they are the same thing at all, although that is not to say that I believe either of them are entirely accurate markers for a
persons position on the issues either.
A centrist is a person whose views tend to fall to BOTH sides of the middle of a disputed position, depending on the position adopted and the
A moderate is someone who is always just to the one, same side of middle, willing to work with others of differing views, to make a given enterprise
or consensus work for the whole, generally speaking.
Now me, I am a genuine, dyed in the wool, calloused handed lefty. I believe in the rights of the working people to have greater control over the
affairs of state, than any representative or special interest group might have, purely by weight of the fact that we outnumber the rest, and I love
the concept of democracy a great deal.
I also believe that the working person should always be employed at a rate of pay which:
A)Renders them immune to fear of inflation
B)Means they can always pay the rent, bills, and have enough left over to save without living like a bloody sewer dwelling peasant from a Dickens
I also love the freedoms afforded me by the efforts of those who have since died, both because of the sacrifices made to ensure them, and because
those freedoms speak to my soul.
Many of them are non existent in this day and age, as the absence of a sword at my hip will attest.
I also believe that those who hate based on race, creed, colour, religious affiliation, sexuality, gender, and for any other fear based, phobia
fluffing reason, should be taken firmly to task, simply because their presence on this nations soil is an offence to those who died to protect our
I love real ale, and I used to love a bar in town. They allowed the EDL to meet there once, and I have never been back. They can suck railroad spikes
and wash it down with a helping of Fukushima run off water for all I care.
That means that I also believe that both those who directly oppose my freedoms, those who oppose a living wage, those who oppose the idea that the
floor worker is in fact worth a damn sight more than any thousand executive morons, those who oppose the idea that the people must become, and always
remain the power in this nation, no matter what side they might claim to bat for, are essentially part of the problem. It means that those who oppose
freedom of religion, sexuality, gender, those who hate based on creed and colour, are also part of the problem, not its solution.
I am not centrist, or moderate, because both centrists on the left, and moderates on the left, are prepared to compromise with those who oppose the
liberation of the working majority from the ties that bind them. I am not moderate or centrist because I believe in dealing harshly with those who
refuse to accept and love their fellow human beings, just because they cannot control their fear. I am not moderate or centrist because I believe that
there is no better way for this country to be run, than by its people as directly as possible, and I am not centrist or moderate because neither
centrists nor moderates would fight as resolutely for those things as I would, given a shot to do so. They would appease the enemies of freedom, the
mouthpieces of the banks, the global agenda pushers, and other denizens of hidden places besides, where as me?
I would have those bastards thrown off my island faster than you can say "NOT IN MY NAME!"
Essentially centrists and moderates are different, but both will become increasingly irrelevant, the closer and closer people get to controlling
their destiny and the destiny of their nations directly. When the people set the policy, there will be far less grey space, and more certainty and
direction. People will know where they stand, and will stand firmer because of it.