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Favorite Stand-Up Comedy Routines

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posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 08:59 PM
Are there are any stand-up comedy routines that you can watch repeatedly and always laugh at?

Jerry Seinfeld - All Awards Are Stupid

This stand-up comedy routine makes me laugh every time. Seinfeld essentially articulated my view of almost everything in modern life.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: Profusion

There are so many it would be difficult to list them all but I'd have to say some of my favorites are from

Bill Burr
Louis CK

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: Profusion

Here's one of many great's from Chappelle.

DAVE CHAPPELE: why black people hang out with white dudes

edit on 11-7-2016 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:29 PM
Louis CK - Being Broke

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: Profusion

Haha! Love me some Seinfeld. For me, anything Louis CK...that guy makes me laugh. I saw a Kevin James stand up routine that was hilarious! Also, I just, surprisingly, watched Steve-O do a live stand up from Austin which was both funny and touching (yeah, I know...Steve-O, touching. It happens).

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: Profusion

Now I feel old but HELLO!!!! Steve Martin standup !!!!!

I'm on my phone so not linking anything but COME ON

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:39 PM

originally posted by: eluryh22
a reply to: Profusion

Now I feel old but HELLO!!!! Steve Martin standup !!!!!

I'm on my phone so not linking anything but COME ON

Steve Martin reference with a Columbo avatar. Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but you're officially old.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:40 PM
Here's a recent comedian I've been listening to and this is one of my favorite stories of his.

John Mulaney Best Meal I've Ever Had What's New PussyCat

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:43 PM
My tastes have changed over the years but I still find Lewis Black funny anytime I watch him.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:46 PM
Tom Segura - Dr. Dick

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 09:50 PM

I love this bit

Patton Oswalt is a comic genius.

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: TheElectricPriest

originally posted by: eluryh22
a reply to: Profusion

Now I feel old but HELLO!!!! Steve Martin standup !!!!!

I'm on my phone so not linking anything but COME ON

Steve Martin reference with a Columbo avatar. Yeah, I hate to break it to you, but you're officially old.

Still wiser than those whipper-snappers

posted on Jul, 11 2016 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: Profusion

A particular stand-up routine? Carlin's Jammin in NYC.

Particular stand-up comedian? Bill Hicks. He was the next Carlin...dead at 32.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 12:03 AM
If there is a better one than Robert Schimmel's original HBO routine I have not seen it.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 09:05 AM
Bill Burr
Anthony Jeselnik
Louie CK
Joe Rogan
Michael Ian Black
Ryan Stout
Chris Hardwick
I could go on and on

Comedy is the greatest form of entertainment right now.
Most new movies suck, most new music sucks.
Stand up comedy continues to stay great.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: Profusion

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Profusion

I am on a notsosmartphone so I can't link anything

But I would recommend anything on YouTube from bill Hicks !
His theory on evolution is epic!

Also he has his own conspiracy theory about his death...some say he faked his own death got really fat, and became ALEX freakin JONES!!! Lol...

edit on 12-7-2016 by Mike Stivic because: intrepid ran out of adamantite

edit on 12-7-2016 by Mike Stivic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:06 PM

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: Lysergic funny as I know women in every male field... what's wrong with being a mom? Depends on karma, maybe...I personally have not a thing against raising children, babysitting is a high status where I live too... as long as there is no post mortem baby is work..tending to a male figure working his bottom off isn't easy either.
Some people are blessed no matter what title they contain/hold. I'm not going to go to Japan and insult a housewife walking ten steps behind her husband, poor taste..really same as in another culture..where women simply craft and go to market... trading gifts, food and what not.
That male comedian might have a chip on his shoulder.
He should travel into another continent and experience cultures that don't diss women.
Thanks for the opportunity to arch a stand up comedian at work
And giving me chance to see what some find funny.

posted on Jul, 12 2016 @ 02:48 PM

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