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Teen dies after being shot in face while playing with gun

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posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:43 PM

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A 13-year-old Philadelphia boy who was playing with a gun with several other teens has died after he was shot in the face.

Police say the teens were playing with a gun in the backyard of a home Wednesday evening when the gun went off, striking the boy once in the face.

Teen dies after being shot in face while playing with gun

I am very disappointed with the education system in the USA. Guns are a major issue yet there is nothing taught in school about them. I seriously do not understand why there is not a basic required class on how to handle a gun?!?!? Kids get shown how to handle a condom, but yet not how to properly handle a gun?

In one hour kids can be shown how a gun operates and how to safely handle a gun. Guns are not rocket science. Do not point the barrel at someone, keep your finger off the trigger, and make sure it is clear before doing maintenance. I just do not understand how people are so stupid.....
Seriously.. 13????????????????????? I knew all about guns when I was 8. How to handle them, how not to point them at people, how to clear them and absolutely do not PLAY WITH THEM.....

What kind of parents let this crap happen? It gives every law abiding, responsible gun owner a bad name.

Guns are a constitutional right in the USA so why is there not a basic training in school?

Rubbers and sex okay..... guns.. no no no.... I do not get it.

edit on 29-6-2016 by Orionx2 because: "text" crap keeps auto injecting... deleted it.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:45 PM
You're right! I took archery in High school. Never shot myself in the face.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:46 PM
a reply to: Orionx2

I agree. We as a society have access to firearms. We need to teach our children how they are used, how they are handled and show them how destructive they can be. Along with most other creative and thoughtful programs in the public schooling system, hunters safety/JROTC seem to have fallen away.

For some kids, that was the only way they properly learned how to handle a gun.

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:51 PM
Abstinence and lack of education on the subject works so well at preventing teen pregnancy and STDs.

Looks like it works just as well with firearms.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: Orionx2

Its very simple to buy your kids video games from 8 years old and up. Kill bad and good guys, monsters, warriors, aliens. Shoot em, laser em, demolish them, explode them...and they get back up: new game-over and over.

We have been responsible for orienting our kids by forms of "entertainment". Until we teach them in the real world we live in, we dont pick up guns or bombs, lasers, stunning weapons like in the games...because they really do KILL and people DO NOT GET BACK UP.

Its the double standard...if its ok in movies and games, then why doesnt little Joanie get right back up and we start the game over if I take daddy's gun and shoot her in the face?

You my friend...are so right with point made. Thanks....

CPL/CCW Holder
edit on 29-6-2016 by mysterioustranger because: add

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:55 PM
You're right!
All children should be able to shoot bullseyes.
That's what USA needs the most at this point in time.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: Orionx2

Guns are a major issue yet there is nothing taught in school about them. I seriously do not understand why there is not a basic required class on how to handle a gun

Although a class or two wouldn't necessarily hurt, this is the job of the gun owning parents, not the schools.
Why does a 13 year old have access to his parents guns?

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: Orionx2

Very sad, and it is scary. I have taught my kids about handling firearms and they are locked up all the time. I would hope one of my kids would have steeped in emptied the gun and called the police/parents, or leave the area fast.

I hate seeing any lives taken by firearms. What a tragic loss.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: ShadowLink

I've had access to guns my entire life (Millennial). It was taught since a very young age what they were about and when/where they were it was acceptable to shoot.

We as a society and culture have the responsibility to teach, at the very least the basics, of firearms. Some parents don't have nor do they want them in their home.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

I sure do miss the 50,000 years of complete peace and non-violence we had before video games were invented.

Is your history degree a doctorate or just a masters?

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: ShadowLink

Because by 13 my father taught me to shoot. Some gun toting parents lack the foresight. Isn't that the reason of public education? To ensure we can garner knowledge our parents likely lack?

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: JinMI

I'm no different from you. All my life I've been around guns, my house currently has many.
But it was my parents who taught me how to handle, care for, and ultimately not shoot someone in the face by accident.

As for schools educating my kids on firearms safety, pfft.
I barely trust them to educate my kids on the basics of math, English, geography and science, let alone the proper handling of a gun.

This is a parents job. If they want to own a firearm then they need to learn how to maintain and safely use when, then they can pass that onto their children so an incident such as this doesn't befall them too.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: ShadowLink

I agree, I wouldn't want the schools teaching my boys about them either. However, someone has to, IMO. Education is key to stop this useless nonsense.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
a reply to: ShadowLink

Some gun toting parents lack the foresight. Isn't that the reason of public education? To ensure we can garner knowledge our parents likely lack?

You're absolutely right.
However are American schools not controlled by the Government? I don't know anything about how your schools work.

If so, what form of gun safety do you think the Government would have schools teach?
My guess is it would be a great way for the Government to get their hands on the guns of the next generation by teaching them how bad they are and that they aren't needed and whatever other propaganda they can think of.

I won't argue the fact that our children need to learn gun safety. I am in complete agreement with you all on that point, I just don't think schools are the right place for this to occur.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: abe froman friend? Never understood history studies yourself? I'm going to take your statement as a joke since history has proved you wrong 1,000-fold.

With your statement "sure do miss the 50,000 years of complete peace and non-violence we had before video games were invented." ...youve certainly ignored the 50,000 years of massive, widespread, history making and nation forming horrendous violence, repression and torture that was the norm.

I won't take it personal, but perhaps you should re-read my comment in response to the o.p. and current state of gun tragedies discussed in it...then positive and intelligent discussion can proceed.

Insults acheive nothing positive. Thank you anyway though...MS

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: ShadowLink
a reply to: JinMI

I'm no different from you. All my life I've been around guns, my house currently has many.
But it was my parents who taught me how to handle, care for, and ultimately not shoot someone in the face by accident.

As for schools educating my kids on firearms safety, pfft.
I barely trust them to educate my kids on the basics of math, English, geography and science, let alone the proper handling of a gun.

This is a parents job. If they want to own a firearm then they need to learn how to maintain and safely use when, then they can pass that onto their children so an incident such as this doesn't befall them too.

Shadowlink, I absolutely agree with you so please don't think I don't with what I am about to say.
My daughter is now 19 and I had to raise her myself for the last 3 years. (I am a Male, her mother bailed). She graduated High School a year ago. Many of her friends are middle class but her friends parents are BOTH working all the time to stay in that middleclass. They rely on the school system to bring them up right because they do not have time to because they have to work all the time. Yes, I know that is not ok but that is how it is. That is why I believe a basic one hour class on Guns should be mandatory around Jr High (7th-8th grade). If you can get to them that early then maybe they will not get shot in the face at 13.

With that said I totally agree parents should teach their kids about the basics of guns even if they despise them. I grew up in the Pacific North West and guns are just normal. Hardly anyone gets shot by accident. The state I live in is majority democrat/liberal yet many of them are hunters and are ok with semi-autos... Gun education is lacking.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: Orionx2

Seriously.. 13????????????????????? I knew all about guns when I was 8. How to handle them, how not to point them at people, how to clear them and absolutely do not PLAY WITH THEM.....

Ok . And you had responsible parents who taught you ? And , of course they enrolled you in a hunter's safety course ? Kept those firearms secured ?
Its never a parent's responsibility nowadays. The state , the teachers , etc are the ones that should make sure the firearms are secured and the young are trained for this very reason ? Damn , I had all kind of firearms ( and bows) that I had to go through a CIA waterboarding style interrogation to get the ammo much less the firearms when I was young.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:34 PM
a reply to: Orionx2

I'm torn on stories like this--I fully agree that there should be some basic education on firearms for children, but then again, our public school system fails to include balancing a checkbook and budgeting in most math or econ classes, so it's very hard for me to rely on the public school system to get anything right where it really matters.

I think the onus of education and safe storing of firearms falls on the parents. Of course, the problem lies within the fact that many, if not most, parents are not that into guns or even own one, and many who do are ignorant to proper safety and function of firearms.

With that in mind, I agree that there should be a mandatory education on them, maybe around the age of 10 or so. But we can't expect that to be enough, and so I still think that the burden falls on parents, friends, or family members to ensure that this type of knowledge is shared. Hell, even local gun ranges could give a free class for 10- to 12-year-olds once a month or something. I'd volunteer to help, and I'm sure plenty of others would, too.

I feel terrible for the family and friends of this boy, but this could have been so easily prevented with a little bit of knowledge and training. It's such a sad waste of life.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:34 PM

originally posted by: ShadowLink
a reply to: Orionx2

Guns are a major issue yet there is nothing taught in school about them. I seriously do not understand why there is not a basic required class on how to handle a gun

Although a class or two wouldn't necessarily hurt, this is the job of the gun owning parents, not the schools.
Why does a 13 year old have access to his parents guns?

I agree with you. And guns are such a touchy subject here, the arguments over just suggesting it between parents, school systems and government agencies would never end.

posted on Jun, 29 2016 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Orionx2

Education won't end the problem, look at how many teens and adults have accidents despite sex ed and birth control being available over the counter. Gun education is much the same, people want to pull a prank, think pulling the trigger will be funny, or just don't realize it's loaded.

I may have told this story before, but this happened 5 or 6 years ago. Unlike me, my friend is a gun fanatic. He keeps a loaded and chambered handgun in every room of his house, within arms reach of wherever he hangs out in it and one of his favorite past times is to take his rifles and go shoot things. My friend doesn't understand how I don't find that fun, so he's always handing me his guns and trying to get me interested in them.

In the time of this particular story, my friend had just gotten a new rifle, I don't know the type but based on the look it could be summed up as an assault rifle. He left it in his room, and when we got to his place he went to get it. He gave it to me, had me point it, and imagine I was shooting it. For whatever particular reason I thought it would be funny this time to point it at him and pull the trigger, as we were both under the impression the gun wasn't loaded.

Fortunately, common sense prevailed and I didn't do it, then I gave the gun back to my friend. He proceeded to load it and set it in his room again. Only, when he loaded it he discovered that there was one in the chamber so we had been playing with a loaded weapon. The point is, sometimes even when you know better an accident can happen, and in my story it very nearly did. Kids by their very nature are even more prone to accidents, teaching them about guns will reduce the number of accidents by some percentage but most parents who own guns are already teaching their children basic safety so the current accident rate won't be reduced by much.

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