posted on Jul, 3 2016 @ 04:22 PM
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Eyes are lovely things
I used to draw them, over and over, in my books. Still do sometimes when I'm mindlessly doodling!
I used to work with someone who had one brown and one blue! So unique!
He Who Was Visited By Them! Rider! Mentioned about the colour changing with emotions, and I tend to agree. When I'm normal, meh, blah, nothing
exciting going on, mine seem to be brownish. But when I'm a happy chappy or very sad, they get their green tinge. I used to sit in the blaring
sunlight for a while, so my eyes would water, before having photos taken
just to make sure they were greenish.
My son's eyes were blue for the longest time, they've only just started transitioning to a greeny colour. I was pretty amazed! I thought the darkness
of my eyes for sure would go to him, being a dominant colour, but nope, he got the bluey green