posted on Jun, 19 2016 @ 11:39 AM
Remove that line and there is no difference as both are control. So what the question is? Why and for what purpose does one desire such control?
Typically it is to program someone to be how they want or desire them to be instead of encourage who they are... if there are behavioral issues...
then encouragment has already failed to take place.
Before my devorce, we were time out people... he only needed it once during that time. He threw a very hard toy and smacked his mom with it and
laughed at her reaction of pain. I picked him up carried him to the time out spot and said sit here and think about what youve done.
I went and consoled her as she was crying, he was watching and started crying too mirroring her and wanting to console as I was... but he saw from a
distance that he was separate and the cause of the pain. He quieted down in introspection but was still visibly upset.
I walked over sat beside him eye to eye and asked him if he was sorry, he said yes. I said are you sure? He nodded as his mother stood next to me...
he said Im sorry daddy. I said you didnt strike me apologize to your mom. He took a very calm relaxed gentle tone, and apologized to her and she
picked him up and embraced him, due to post partum that was likely the first time.
Perhaps if she got down on his level eye to eye he wouldnt have gotten clingly later after the divorce to where she addmitted to taking to spanking...
was I thrilled? No all I asked was what happened to time out? She said he wont leave me alone, basically like a tumor in separation anxiety... so she
took to beating him off because he couldnt articulate his feelings just felt spearate and axious.
I always got down on his level eye to eye in play and speaking... his voice was always clear calm and gentle.
When a parent dictates... they grow a little dictator, and like the many countries we have... we cant see eye to eye when people start trying to
dictate instead of be one the same level called attempting to understand... there is no higher or lower to this level, as thats in the mind and just
labels... we are all humanity yet not acting like humans because we try to place others or ourselves higher or lower than other humans based on these
illusions we also have about what makes someone human than the very fact of life that animates the form we recognize as such.
How we animate this form we call human? Makes all the difference in the world by way of intent.
So what is the intent behind what one is doing? If you see negativity and react negatively to that mirror it will reflect that no different...
smashing the mirror on either side just shatters the image of the whole. So why would one want to smash something that already mirrors them?
Be the behavior one wants to see, not a mirror that smashed you into what they wanted to see. We call that tradition in both cases? It is simply
How we approach things as a young mind or ignorant mind and not knowing? Everything becomes our subject of experimentation... how do we forget this?
Because we think we have already seen all sides enough to know better?
Wisdom and ignorance is both salty and sweet... just ask to whoms eyes that behavior becomes a flavor in.
What we crave or have a taste for is personal, trying to change someone elses tongue is influence. If someone has an affinity for that influence...
then they will have a similar taste when experiencing life, yet each little fragment of experience although similar is still an individual.
Respect the individual for the unique person they are and water them as one would ones self... if one would like to see not only themself grow? But
everything external as well...
Cloning oneself through behavoir, is the illusion of an ego that says one is perfect... in that perfection they try to become a mold, to form the
world into what they want it to be in foolish pride... when 7 billion plus are doing this? We have our current world.
Fortunately 7 billion plus are not trying to destroy it yet 7 billion plus are also not trying to create it either just accept it and preserve the
possibility that it continues.
One is belief and ideas one has about things and how they can shape them with their creativity, and one the same yet respects what was already here.
The future is possibility and with each choice it occurs. The outcome good or bad? Depends on intent behind ones purpose.
So what is your purpose when not seeing that line as the same thing called control? If you cannot determine that both are control? Does one even have
it themself? Or is it tradition and that very programming carried that hurt when it was being programmed into oneself at that time? Trauma blocks out
such things over time in order to adapt as an adaptation to that adversity.
That is no different than cutting a naturally growing tree, so it grows the way we desire it to grow... yet it is simply a tree. What sort of tree?
Well what programming are you planting for the future? That others may appreciate or have to dig up, heal, mend or disinfect?
If someone wants responsibility? They first have to take it for themself by seeing the effects of the causes they create. One is only adding more
stress and pain, to a cause theyve already created compounded yet the issue even further... take heed into what one is fashioning, like a blacksmith
with each blow. Either way it will be judged by the world during the entire process, of all others seeing it.
Instead of judging and limiting possibility of the future? The change one wants to see, has to be in the reflection on that mirror we wish to cast off
into the world. Please make sure its something the world wants... which is a future and possbility for better, and isnt that what you wanted in asking
this question? Better?
Well, its up to you to make it that way in the world that you call your life... as it spreads out? It becomes the entire world... pass it on or throw
it away wont be your decision, as the world is the judge, when we got here it was already like this... when we leave? Hopefully a LITTLE better... and
its up to us to make the littles inside and out better through healing... not perpetuating the same pains for the same futures even long after we are
gone and in the past.
Medicine of the world or poison is always a personal choice, moment by moment by moment.