posted on Jun, 14 2016 @ 06:02 AM
I have been talking about this with my friends for a long time and here it is; it even has a name! "Generation Snowflake"
Our version was the young (below age of 26ish) gets offended by any f'ing thing. And guess what; I too never ever hold my words back from them. These
people punish you with unfollowing you from social media etc. like we care. These talk from your back; plot stuff; try to manipulate other people's
thoughts about you.
The interesting fact about those (yea I call them "those") they haven't improved their awareness and they have no idea if you hear them talking about
you even 2 meters near you. They have a sight problem as well; they have no idea if you will notice them talking about you because "those" even if
they are more than 2 people look right into your eyes or even turn their heads towards you while talking about you.
Another one; these people think the number of followers you have is your "status". The money you have is your status and if you follow the "fashion"
trends they think you are cool. If you dress like you want they think you are out of place or old-fashioned.
They are also attention seekers plus if you give them attention they use this to climb up among their social group hierarchy by ignoring you or giving
you a negative comment about it in front of his/her people. If they are alone; they appreciate it. If they are not; they use it by all means. They
have a lack of appreciation understanding. If you compliment them; there is a high risk of them getting offended also!
When it comes to friendships; they are usually friends with people which they can get benefits from and they think this is natural. This is valid for
both sides. Thats how they saw on TV and how they learned from their short past via the new common sense of their surroundings.
Another one: They are fake as hell. They have no intention of educating themselves in their free time. Only thing they do is to get high 7/24 and
drink or go after sex. They do not read. They only read or learn stuff if it is needed to get attention of the opposite sex or their social group.
To me, this is disgusting.