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American College of Pediatricians Says Reject Transgenderism

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posted on May, 18 2016 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
We don't want perverts in bathrooms either!

That to me is the real reasoning behind why the Obama and various agencies opposed these states actions. They don't prevent child molesters and child rapists from using the bathroom. It's hypocritical for right wing nazi Christian zealots to deny it to someone who most wouldn't even know were transgender using it discretely who would never violate someone else's sexual rights.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: SoulSurfer

It's immoral to have a different gender identity?

How so?

We stand on opposing sides. You follow the doctrine of Aleister crowley "Do as thou wilt" and I follow Natural law.

We will not meet eye to eye, no matter which way I respond to you. Crowley is anti-morality. Hence why getting you to understand is impossible. I say this, while staring at your signature. And I have huge judgement against crowleys satanic followers & philosophies.

But Ill respond with the truth Mostly for others to be aware of the one TRUE law.

It is immoral because it is NOT natural. The Natural Order is Man and Woman. God does not make mistakes. And neither does Nature. Which is the natural Order.

It is man who thinks he is a "god" that has become unnatural & destructive.
edit on th2016000000Wednesdayth000000Wed, 18 May 2016 11:34:57 -0500fAmerica/ChicagoWed, 18 May 2016 11:34:57 -0500 by SoulSurfer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: SoulSurfer

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: SoulSurfer

It's immoral to have a different gender identity?

How so?

We stand on opposing sides. You follow the doctrine of Aleister crowley "Do as thou wilt" and I follow Natural law.

We will not meet eye to eye, no matter which way I respond to you. Crowley is anti-morality. Hence why getting you to understand is impossible. I say this, while staring at your signature. And I have huge judgement against crowleys satanic followers & philosophies.

But Ill respond with the truth Mostly for others to be aware of the one TRUE law.

It is immoral because it is NOT natural. The Natural Order is Man and Woman. God does not make mistakes. And neither does Nature. Which is the natural Order.

It is man who thinks he is a "god" that has become unnatural & destructive.

It's not natural? Plenty of people are born with ambiguous genitalia. A famous case was a south African female runner who had testes that were internal.

Brain scans indicate trans people share characteristics with the opposite sex.

You're just ignorant.
edit on 18-5-2016 by WhateverYouSay because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:28 PM

edit on 18-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Ttriple

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

How is your opinion of Crowley germaine to this conversation?

Do you always jump to absurd conclusions based on something as trivial as a quote?

That said have you read anything by Crowley or do you just "know" all that silly crap you just posted about him.

(All that is fairly unimportant beyond base curiosity so don't feel constrained to respond.)

You're mistaken about Trans* folk being "unnatural" ... It is beyond evident that they exist and that millions have perfectly normal lives.

As far as superstitions about whatever you conceive the "natural" order of anything, you've already demonstrated your mistake on that score.

Thanks for answering my question though!
edit on 18-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Formatting

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:28 PM

edit on 18-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Sheesh

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:28 PM

edit on 18-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Ddouble

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Gryphon66

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

The American College of Pediatricians is a small right wing conservative group. They have from 60 to 200 members.

Try the American Academy of Pediatrics.They have 60,000 pediatricians as members. I think they have some different views.

So what? It doesn't matter. What they have to say is compelling. The transgender fad is wrecking people's lives, especially children who are gleefully seized upon by the LGBT "community" when they go through the "I want to be a girl/boy" phase and made to take hormones and put off puberty so they will be "prepared" when the time comes. The promotion of transgenderism to children ought to be completely illegal.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 12:57 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Your argument is nothing more than a slight variation on the garden-variety "gays are pedophiles."

You are mistaken in each of your claims, ludicrously so on a couple.

I had come to expect better from you ... some reason and rationality ... Not this policitcal tripe.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 02:50 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

The American College of Pediatricians is a small right wing conservative group. They have from 60 to 200 members.

Try the American Academy of Pediatrics.They have 60,000 pediatricians as members. I think they have some different views.


The group's membership has been estimated at between 60 and 200 members (in contrast to the AAP's over 60,000 members

They are...

Anti-Video games
Anti- Gay couples adopting
Anti- Sex Ed

And a bunch of other stuff..

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: SoulSurfer

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: SoulSurfer

It's immoral to have a different gender identity?

How so?

We stand on opposing sides. You follow the doctrine of Aleister crowley "Do as thou wilt" and I follow Natural law.

I don't think you have any understanding of the Natural Law..

Natures law treats gender assignment as a spectrum, not a binary choice.

Here’s what we do know: If you ask experts at medical centers how often a child is born so noticeably atypical in terms of genitalia that a specialist in sex differentiation is called in, the number comes out to about 1 in 1500 to 1 in 2000 births.

But a lot more people than that are born with subtler forms of sex anatomy variations, some of which won’t show up until later in life.

Not XX and not XY one in 1,666 births
Klinefelter (XXY) one in 1,000 births
Androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 13,000 births
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome one in 130,000 births
Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia one in 13,000 births
Late onset adrenal hyperplasia one in 66 individuals
Vaginal agenesis one in 6,000 births
Ovotestes one in 83,000 births
Idiopathic (no discernable medical cause) one in 110,000 births
Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment, for instance progestin administered to pregnant mother) no estimate
5 alpha reductase deficiency no estimate
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis no estimate
Complete gonadal dysgenesis one in 150,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening in perineum or along penile shaft) one in 2,000 births
Hypospadias (urethral opening between corona and tip of glans penis) one in 770 births

Total number of people whose bodies differ from standard male or female one in 100 births

Total number of people receiving surgery to “normalize” genital appearance one or two in 1,000 births

Given the number of people who have been inaccurately "assigned" a gender at birth, perhaps we can approach "Nature" with a bit of humility and allow individuals to decide for themselves what their body is telling them.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: schuyler

You mean how Leelah Acorn's life was wrecked when her parents refused to help her transition?

"After 10 years of confusion I finally understood who I was. I immediately told my mom, and she reacted extremely negatively, telling me that it was a phase, that I would never truly be a girl, that God doesn't make mistakes, that I am wrong. If you are reading this, parents, please don't tell this to your kids," the note says. "Even if you are Christian or are against transgender people don't ever say that to someone, especially your kid. That won't do anything but make them hate them self. That's exactly what it did to me."

At 16, she wrote that she realized her "parents would never come around" and that she would have to wait until she was 18 to start any kind of medical treatment to transition to being a female.

That, she said, "absolutely broke my heart. ... I felt hopeless, that I was just going to look like a man in drag for the rest of my life."

It should be illegal to let your kid die because you refused to help them.
edit on 18-5-2016 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

1. The actual credible organization of physicians practicing pediatric medicine is the American Academy of Pediatrics not the organization named by the OP.

2. The Amercian College of Pediatrics has been named a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center

Read more at Think Progress

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 03:31 PM
Like usual this transgender thread has degraded into a moral pissing match...
People are either willfully ignorant to the statistics or they simply don't care.
Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

The current approach of promoting gender reassignment is causing more damage than good. 70-80% of "transgender kids" phase out of the mentality after puberty. People that go through the surgery are 20 times more likely for suicide than the average person. Yet I read stories of parents giving kids hormone blockers and boosters.

You defenders of the transgender movement really need to stop playing the moral high ground while promoting self destructive behavior! I would actually like to see these people happy and productive members of society(shocking I know). But my approach would be helping them rather than enabling them...

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 03:36 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko

They know that gender is solely in the brain, and therefore, it is 100% subjective.

Not true. Sex represents gender. The people with gender dysphoria are uncomfortable in their bodies and believe they should be the opposite SEX.

99.9% of the human race has either the MALE or FEMALE chromosome which is in nucleus of every single cell in their entire body. Never a mixture of the two unless on very very rare occasions in which a person is intersex.

There is no difference between species dysphoria and gender dypshoria. There is absolutely no difference between a boy who thinks he should be a male chimp, and a a boy who thinks he should be a girl.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: JAY1980
Like usual this transgender thread has degraded into a moral pissing match...
People are either willfully ignorant to the statistics or they simply don't care.
Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden

The current approach of promoting gender reassignment is causing more damage than good. 70-80% of "transgender kids" phase out of the mentality after puberty. People that go through the surgery are 20 times more likely for suicide than the average person. Yet I read stories of parents giving kids hormone blockers and boosters.

You defenders of the transgender movement really need to stop playing the moral high ground while promoting self destructive behavior! I would actually like to see these people happy and productive members of society(shocking I know). But my approach would be helping them rather than enabling them...

Based on one study.

Again: confirmation bias.

You whined a moral pissing match and then you do the same thing yourself?

Quote the portion of the report making the statement that being trans* is "self-destructive" behavior.

We'll wait.

Nevermind YOU CAN'T because the study says no such thing; that's your own "moral claim" showing ...

Here's what the abstract from your report CONCLUDES:

Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

Let's make that a bit more prominent eh, your study CLEARLY shows that:

We should be inspired to offer "improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

It does not show that being trans* is self destructive.

It does not show that having sex reassignment surgery is self destructive.

It does not show ANYTHING that you're claiming, in short.

As to your "concern" about productive members of society, I assume that means you're in favor of helping to provide addional care both medical and psychiatric after surgery for Trans* folks ... right?

Because THAT is what your study concludes is needed.

"moral high ground" ... my left foot.
edit on 18-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: Gryphon66

originally posted by: Wardaddy454

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: ketsuko

I find it amusing how as this fake debate rages on, the potential society upending threat has been winnowed down to men walking into women's locker rooms.

It's like conservatives are stuck on the plot of some campy 80's movie.

What laws were on the books this time last year that prevented men from entering women's locker rooms that have been circumvented by this "giant loophole" you speak of? I'm pretty sure that loopholes require laws to exist in the first place. How would these laws even be enforced?

Are we going to have frantic calls to 911 about suspected interlopers?

"She says her name is Anne Coulter and that she's a female but I just... I just can't be sure. Her hands are huge. Please send help quickly! Society is in immediate danger of being upended."

What a Transgender thinks.

*Drops Mic*

Were you totally surprised to find a trans* person who espouses standard right-wing rhetoric?


You might also be surprised that there are also Americans who are gay, Black, Latino, lower and middle income White and Women who also support politics that are not in their own best interests.

Every demographic has outliers.

*puts mic back on stand*

Nope, just found a Transgender who points out the actual issue. But sure, its "standard right-wing rhetoric".....You really are the problem LOL.

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: JAY1980
Same crap, different day. Same crap over and over and over.

Whenever a concern troll "someone playing the moral high ground" brings up Dr. Dehjne’s study, they try to use it to prove that transgender people commit suicide at a really high rate. Or that they’re just as criminal as men. Or that health care for transgender people is ineffective and should be discontinued. In fact, all of these are either gross representations of the actual findings of the study. Let’s take them one by one.

So what does the study say about transgender people and suicide? It’s higher, but only statistically so for those who transitioned before 1989. Afterwards, there’s no statistically significant difference between transgender people and the general population.

What does it say about criminal convictions? It says the same thing, no statistically significant different for those who transitioned after 1989. What does it say about the efficacy of health care for transgender people? It says the study shouldn’t be used to make any judgments about the efficacy of transgender health care, because there is no control group, and that the consensus is health care is beneficial.

So what does the study ACTUALLY recommend? Transgender people need better follow up care after surgery.

Try reading what the lead researcher had to say about this study: Interview with Dr. Dehjnes

And 70-80% desist rate is bunk. Been visiting some conservative anti-trans, anti-everything-different-from-me websites I take it? The End of the Desistance Myth

posted on May, 18 2016 @ 03:48 PM
a reply to: JAY1980

For the purpose of evaluating the safety of sex reassignment in terms of morbidity and mortality, however, it is reasonable to compare sex reassigned persons with matched population controls. The caveat with this design is that transsexual persons before sex reassignment might differ from healthy controls (although this bias can be statistically corrected for by adjusting for baseline differences). It is therefore important to note that the current study is only informative with respect to transsexuals persons health after sex reassignment; no inferences can be drawn as to the effectiveness of sex reassignment as a treatment for transsexualism. In other words, the results should not be interpreted such as sex reassignment per se increases morbidity and mortality. Things might have been even worse without sex reassignment.

Even though surgery and hormonal therapy alleviates gender dysphoria, it is apparently not sufficient to remedy the high rates of morbidity and mortality found among transsexual persons. Improved care for the transsexual group after the sex reassignment should therefore be considered.

The study you linked is in no way saying that sex reassignment causes more damage than good.

Since you seem to be a mental health and gender dysphoria expert with years of experience in the field, what exactly would be your treatment plan, and do you have any record of your success that you could share with us?

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