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I'm thinking of going to live in the woods....

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posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: CranialSponge
a reply to: skunkape23

I agree.

Camping and spending long lengths of time amidst mother nature and all her glory can be quite the uplifting experience.

But nothing beats getting back to flushing toilets and hot showers.

Let's not forget COLD beer.

... and munching down on a pepperoni, bacon, and onion pizza with extra cheese.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

Holy Sh*t! I nearly choked and fell out of bed LOL! Best answer ever....

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 11:20 PM
a reply to: gladtobehere

no because you're not use to using leaves to wipe your butt!

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: Caver78

No one owns the land. No one ever has, no one ever will. Just that people get brainwashed into believing that if someone says something and writes it on paper that means something. It means squuat. There's only 1 law, that's the law of physics. That's it. Everything else is just some dude thinking something up to enslaves someone or make money off someone, writing it down and now saying this is the way it is. It's total and complete BS.

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

That was the reason I bought the hybrid so it will be cheaper on gas to get around to my go to locations. I'm not saying I'm going to stop talking to people. Far from it. I'm going to meet all kinds of people. And generally have my camps within about a 30 to 60 minute drive from town. So I can still do a lot of the normal stuff. Just that I'm going to be able to live basically without having to rent a place. But ya a significant portion of the time will be working on my camps etc etc at which time I'd be alone, but not completely disconnected as I'm going to try and keep within cel phone range. I like that idea because I could then still surf the net at least to some degree. As I said, if it really is way beyond what I thought and or if I eventually get bored of it, then maybe move back to a city and rent a place. But I'm thinking the only major issue would be like the adjustment period. But I'm already use to camping out in the backwoods. Done it many times. Seen many bears. Bears don't bother anyone. Ya they could kill you but it's extremely rare. Also based on how I'm going to set my shelters I won't have to worry as much about that, hardly at all even. And ya if you want to call it squatting go nuts. It is whatever you want to call it. It's just living off grid that's it. And ya if one can't afford anything and everything they might also look for ways to live without spending a lot, such as living in the woods, rent free. The bottom line is we all do whatever we want, and however we can. To me it sounds more like you have no dreams so you have to piss and moan about those who have dreams in life still. some of us are at least trying to enjoy life still. And trying to live the best way they can within there means.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 01:15 AM
I don't know what real estate prices are like in Canada, but in WA you can get a couple of acres out in the sticks pretty freaking cheap. Maybe try that first. Get a cheap camper as a home base sort of thing and start learning.

I'm still kicking myself for not picking up a piece of property. Is was a little over an acre, close to a river but not in the flood table, had power and was surrounded by trees. I want to say it was $12k. Get a decent older truck, get a decent but older camper, You're neighbors are far away, you are super close to being able to go be a hermit for a few days or weeks at a time. Fishing, hunting, quiet. If you have to clear it, clear the middle and you'll still have privacy if other lots nearby sell. Spend more or go farther out and you can get more acreage.

Even very experienced people run into big trouble out there. I'd work on gaining experience before you give it a shot. If you want to get away, seriously buy a truck, slap a camper on the back, start mapping where you want to go and have that to fall back on. You don't really need to talk to anyone. Be safe. Get a gun.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 03:48 AM
a reply to: lavatrance

I did it a couple of months out of the year in different countries. It is a great experience.

My suggestion to you if you are going to do it out of a car is to get a car and set-up where you can sleep in the car lying completely flat and comfortably. It will make the world of a difference. Always looking for a place where you can camp out can be a pain. And having to deal with setting up a tent or a tarp.. dealing with morning dew, bugs, etc. .. it is always great to have the option of not having to do any of that and just be able to park and go to sleep. Also being outside all the time can take a toll on you.

A 4x4 would be great in some places in the NW, but you pay more for gas but can be worth it. A Ford Expedition or equivalent comes to mind - not sure you can lie flat and stretch out when you sleep, but the new ones have a flat-folding 3rd row. (If you got the money of course.. )
edit on 25-4-2016 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 04:12 AM
a reply to: Natas0114

where's that?
edit on 25-4-2016 by nOraKat because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: lavatrance
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

And ya if one can't afford anything and everything they might also look for ways to live without spending a lot, such as living in the woods, rent free. The bottom line is we all do whatever we want, and however we can.

So you still haven't answered the basic questions I asked in my initial reply on this thread; how will you deal with waste and garbage in your new found paradise? What will you eat? How will you stay warm at night and keep predators away? Build a fire...from what? Gather wood until it becomes too exhausted or distant to get? Then what?

To me it sounds more like you have no dreams so you have to piss and moan about those who have dreams in life still. some of us are at least trying to enjoy life still. And trying to live the best way they can within there means.

I have no dreams? Heh, heh...hardly...I'm living my dream after working very, VERY, hard for many years to achieve it. I'm not freeloading off the land and others. I spent many years working overseas with the single goal of someday buying a several hundred acre ranch in the Rockies and raising cattle. I don't run away when the going gets tough; I've endured wind, snow and deadly cold, along with blistering heat, rain, impassible roads, predators...and I've done it for over a decade now. The nearest person I might call a 'neighbor' is several miles away. The nearest county maintained road is also several miles distant. The nearest gas station is 12 miles (and that's all it is, just a gas station). The nearest grocery store is 20+ miles. Oh, and no, I don't have cell phone service out here!

Was it difficult? Sure it was, but it was worth it. Was/is it dangerous? Absolutely, every day could be the last. Even so, we built a 2,200 sf house, a barn, loafing sheds, stock complex and put in nearly 20 miles of fence. Oh, and I will gladly answer the waste question; we built a complete septic and leech system which turns waste back into normal ground water. We don't leave it for others to discover and take care of. As for trash and garbage, we produce quite a bit (just like anyone), but we put it in our dumpster which we pay to have hauled off. We raise our own food (and food for others). We use dogs and guns to keep predators at bey. We heat with propane which we pay to have trucked in. And we paid the $50,000 it took to run power lines to our place. We depend on ourselves, not others, when times get difficult. We are self sufficient.

Far, FAR, from not having a dream, friend...far from it! However, we WORKED for it and we earned it...we didn't expect to get it for FREE! And, it's this whole notion of 'free', this theme of 'I can go live off the land for free until it no longer suits me', which strikes a nerve and goes against the grain. Frankly, you've openly inferred this same thing in not only your OP, but also your response here.

We have also had to deal with the likes of what you are proposing, these car camping free-spirited vagabonds. Now you may not be one of them, but it seems that's what they all say at first. We tried the 'live and let live' thing for a while, but all they do is take, take, take. They leave waste, trash and deplete / destroy every natural thing which is convenient and within their reach. Once they've destroyed everything out to a radius which is no longer convenient for them, they move on...leaving a giant scar in their wake. No more!

I applaud someone for having adventure in their soul and having a dream, but not under the guise of taking and not giving back. I salute people who have a dream and are willing to work HARD to see it happen. I have little respect for someone who runs away when the going gets the least bit difficult, someone who expects life for free, but is unwilling to take on the responsibility for that same life they are granted. So you want to go live in the woods because it's "rent free"?

Nothing is free, friend...nothing!

edit on 4/25/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: Natas0114

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: iTruthSeeker

I see shows like "Alone" and these people are experts yet also fold pretty quickly.

I been watching that. Interesting how many notions of survival fold the first time a super predator growls outside your flimsy shelter.

Some of those contestants pushed the panic button so quickly…
I live in the deep woods, it can be quite interesting...a friend visiting last week was awestruck by the natural beauty and isolation and wildlife- during the daytime.... at night however-he nearly crapped his pants when a bobcat screamed after hunting down a bunny. Next day a black bear smashed the back window out of his jeep for his leftover skittles. Following night coyotes got loud 20 feet from the house-till 3 wolves came through and ate 2 in my front yard. He didn't sleep much while he was here... be prepared for all that nature in case you get some on you! Lol

Thanks for sharing that. About noises…

For a time, I slept in a large meadow near a job I had one summer at a recycling center. There was all kind of wildlife there, including fox, quail, rabbit and at night, huge owls. Laying on my back I could see these monsters gliding silently over the meadow, hunting.

In my mind there ain't nothing so disturbing as the sound of a baby rabbit being carried off screaming in the middle of the night. They scream shrilly from above, the sound slowly fading as the owl carries it off to be killed and devoured.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: Natas0114

originally posted by: CranialSponge
a reply to: skunkape23

I agree.

Camping and spending long lengths of time amidst mother nature and all her glory can be quite the uplifting experience.

But nothing beats getting back to flushing toilets and hot showers.

Let's not forget COLD beer.

... and munching down on a pepperoni, bacon, and onion pizza with extra cheese.

Ahh, the sirens call of domestication, complacency, and melancholy.

We may remember that memorable pizza, but the best memories come from those 'outdoor', episodes.

posted on Apr, 25 2016 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

As for trash and garbage, we produce quite a bit (just like anyone), but we put it in our dumpster which we pay to have hauled off. We raise our own food (and food for others). We use dogs and guns to keep predators at bey. We heat with propane which we pay to have trucked in. And we paid the $50,000 it took to run power lines to our place. We depend on ourselves, not others, when times get difficult. We are self sufficient.

No you are not. Because of the reasons you mentioned yourself.

If you were self sufficient you wouldn't be producing quite a bit of trash and garbage and you wouldn't be paying for power and propane.

Oh, and I will gladly answer the waste question; we built a complete septic and leech system which turns waste back into normal ground water.

What about the moose, deer, bears etc do they not crap in the woods? The only reason you need such a system is because you wanted to have an in house flushing toilet instead of an outhouse on a hole in the ground.
edit on 25-4-2016 by DutchMasterChief because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 02:50 AM
a reply to: Domo1

Well you can buy here for cheap out in the boonies too. However, we're a socialist country. We're not that far off from stallinistic soviet russia. For example with me they did this whole thing where they lied to add fake taxes to me which maybe I'LL fight for the next 10 years and still not get anywhere with. So if you have taxes outstanding here you essiencially can't do much. Like you can't have a bank account, you can't buy property, so it oculd be worse and owrse. That's why I wouldn't mind getting out if here if I can. We live under real tyranny here. It's not a free country at all. So no I can't buy land. And I wouldn't want to anyway as I'd want to see different places not just be tied to one place.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: nOraKat

what I was gonna do is buy some chains, just in case. Yes stay in the car a good deal of the time. But I'm also going to be working on my camp. the way Im designing it no one will even know it's there. I'm going to make it camfloged for the most part.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 03:00 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

okay mr big shot you win. are you happy now. And ya my garbage will be on your ranch when you wake up scatterd around just the way you like it okay.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: lavatrance

You can be the next Mick Dodge.

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 12:16 AM
a reply to: lavatrance

The path in and out gets worn, and that gives it away.

Also camouflaged can attract attention. If it's noticed you're trying to hide it people wonder why.

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: DutchMasterChief

He probably wants a flushing system so he has more time for ranching. Even basic crapping takes more time without modern conveniences.

An outhouse is a luxury. The hole in the ground has to be done right or you get problems with rats, puppies if there are any about, large animals stepping in the hole etc. Planting a tree over the hole when it's full is sensible if it's in a suitable location.

Moose, deer, bears etc. eat a wild raw diet. I expect a bear that eats garbage has poop as unpleasant as a human on a junk food diet. If you're eating cooked, processed food your poop is not a natural addition to the forest floor.

Here we have problems with trendy sea-kayakers going off following their dream . . . then pooping inappropriately on small Scottish islands, introducing bio-organisms, pharmaceuticals and other substances that have never been there before. Decomposition can be much slower up North and the poop stays where it was deposited long after the kayakers have left. Often the fashionable team leaders are so ridiculously image conscious they can't bring themselves to discuss appropriate pooping, and the newbies haven't got a clue what to do.

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 03:35 AM
I'm gonna poop on the ranch then dump all my trash on it. The ranch is my lutreen and dump site. I have permission from the owner
edit on 27-4-2016 by lavatrance because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: lavatrance

I'd strongly recommend against that!

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