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Russia Uses Electronic Warfare on Swedish Air Traffic Control While US Tells Poland No to NATO

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posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: paraphi

well thats an opinion you have. thats for sure. i think when civilians are being slaughtered someone should do something. but whatever. the Russians made the Georgians do it. so its Russia fault. -_-

and yeah the Russians are effective. when there are problems they solve them. if that means driving people that pose a threat out then they do it. unlike what the Americans do when they actually fuel decent and even support terrorists.

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

uhh Russia is definitely worth conquering. see when your the top dog you want to stay on top. Russia cant be allowed to grow. its literally a security risk to the US's hegemony.

you confuse me dude.when i joined ATS i thought you were fairly intelligent. youre like a totally different person now.

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 02:30 AM

originally posted by: AVoiceOfReason
well thats an opinion you have. thats for sure.

I think you'll find it's the historical truth. However, glad to have planted the seed of truth to challenge your revisionism of Russian's belligerent involvement in Georgia.

and yeah the Russians are effective.

And yes, the Russians were very effective against Georgia, but such an imbalanced military contest is hardly something to boast about. In the play ground it's called bullying.

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 02:44 AM
That's bad, imagine something would go wrong. Now it's "just" hostages, but it could have been victims, if an accident would have happened!
Just to paint the picture what Russia is willing to risk, if they indeed were behind this. I mean,
The outcome would be war. And they would be the aggressor.
They are willing to risk an act of aggression towards a peaceful European nation. If that's true, than damned that would be bad news.
And are apparently convinced they win. Because if not you'll be the guy that started WWIII.

Given the general tension, the refugee situation, the recovering from the last crisis, Europe seems like the easiest target.
With a brexit ahead turkey and greek, infantry frontline... who wants to be that? Also the only ones with a military on almost modern standard, seeing it as the Russians were competing in a different league, with the cold war, would be France. Spain, Portugal and Italy surely wouldn't want to afford financing a war, right now and the EU seems to brake apart.

edit on 23-4-2016 by Peeple because: Setting the mood

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: AVoiceOfReason

The US has no desire to conquer Russia. If we did have that as a goal we would have done so when the USSR collapsed. Every action by the US and the west / NATO after had been to work with and speak to Russia. Putin head has become so swollen he could easily be mistaken as a fugitive from easter island.

Every time countries have reached out to Russia, russia has thrown it back in their face.

Attacking me personally because you cant make your argument is a prime example of what Putin does. The sooner you and Putin understand / grasp the understanding of truth over popularity the better off you guys will be able to deal with reality instead of self delusion that someone else is to blame for your failings.

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 09:49 PM
a reply to: paraphi

well no the bully attacks unprovoked. the Georgians definitely started that fight.

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

i don't think you understand what conquest is in the modern world.. the united states wants to stay on top as everyone who is on top tends to want to do. russia is a direct counter to their power. any sensible world leaders would do exactly what the US is doing. sanctions propaganda and so on. they did it in iraq. they are doing it in syria. they did it in lybia. and its all for the same reasons. these countries are/were in direct opposition to the way the united states operates.

ohh yeah? which countries have reached out to russia? they've reached around it thats for sure.

and i did make my argument. im not attacking your personality. just tired of seeing you say things that make no sense.

posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 09:57 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

and they did so when the ussr collapse. what do you think the point was of collapsing the ussr? you collapse the economy. you buy up the assets. you start imposing ideology to change the culture. manipulate the education. and then you wait. this isnt the 1600s dude. matters of war and conquest are much more intricate now.

you might want to youtube a guy named yuri bezmenov. you might learn you something.
edit on 23-4-2016 by AVoiceOfReason because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: AVoiceOfReason
well no the bully attacks unprovoked. the Georgians definitely started that fight.

Clearly something is being lost in translation. The Georgians were fighting separatisms within their own borders. The Russian's intervened, so yes Russia attacked a sovereign nation. Russia started the Russia-Georgia War. It's well documented historical fact.

Now, while Russia's brutality in Chechnya is well known, it would not have been appropriate for another country to intervene in what was an internal Russian problem. What's good for the goose...

posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: paraphi

so south ossetia declares independence in 1992. georgia slaughters innocents and russian soldiers without mercy almost two decades later. and you think thats ok because they were fighting "separatism". if syria decided to attack Rojava i guarantee you would be singing a different tune.

russias brutality in Chechnya is well known. except they actually had a reason to be there. yeah war is brutal. so what? you got a point to make? you forget that after the war was over they made Chechnya an ally and helped them restore their nation? if only a certain other country would take note of this the world might be a more peaceful place. no mention of how brutal the chechnyan rebels were tho. its all russia. its always russia with you people.
edit on 24-4-2016 by AVoiceOfReason because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 04:52 AM
a reply to: AVoiceOfReason

You guys cant see reality can you? Russia (Putin) invaded Chechnya twice and placed a *PUTIN* mini me in charge. The number of people murdered so Putin could keep chechnya was insane (and still is.. just watch mini me threaten to kill people who dont support him / putin).

Now, about your history deficiency.
S. Ossetia declared independence in 1990 - from Georgia and not russia.. So its ok for Russia to invade Chechnya to prevent independence but its not ok for Georgia to do the very same in its territory? Ironic that its the Russians and not ethnic Georgians behind the push to destroy Georgia.

Secondly, the USSR intentionally evicted locals and replaced them with Russians. They did this in Crimea, eastern Ukraine, Chechnya, Dagestan, Kaliningrad, The Baltic states, Belarus, etc. Its one of the main reasons Putin distorts / ignores history. The nazi excuses of defending ethnic germans (and *PUTIN* and russians) is the justification *PUTIN* (just like hitler) use to control those sovereign territories.

Russia under *PUTIN* is a failed state and always will be until *PUTIN* is removed. Until that day comes we are stuck with his historical revisions and lies. Since NATO finally changed their stance on Russian hybrid warfare, making Russian hybrid actions a trigger for invoking article V, Putins arrogance will start a war with NATO.
edit on 26-4-2016 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on Tue Apr 26 2016 by DontTreadOnMe because: Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

well the conflict with the chenyans started well before anyone even knew putins name.. so theres that. and um, are you actually suggesting that there was no reason to fight Chechnya? terrorists right on your doorstep is a-okay huh? it wasn't about independence especially since Chechnya still has their independence. it would be hilarious for any country to allow someone like the Chechen rebels to just fester on their door step and invade them. so i dont get what your point is.

and Putin didnt place anyone in charge. he actually won kadyrov over, he hated putin for the longest time.. Chechnya and Russia are coexisting peacefully. and its quite good to see.

yeah ? "from Georgia and not Russia" what was the point of saying that? like im serious please explain. no dude its not ok for anyone to roll into town and kill innocent people. crazy concept right? again they were living there peacefully. there was absolutely no good reason for the Georgians to attack them. and no ones trying to destroy Georgia. Georgia can do what it wants. but the people of ossetia spoke a long time ago. they wanted to be independent. this is their right.

yeah Russia kicks people out because they aren't idiots. they do so for the same reason they aren't going to let refugees into Russia. again check out yuri bezmenov. hes a very informative guy i learned alot from listening to him.

and i dont see why you think Russia is a failed state. since Putin things have been exponentially better for my people, even despite all the bull# the west has thrown at us. russia is involved in global affairs, the military is strong, cultural identity is very very good, people are able to afford things we couldnt dream about a decade ago, suicide rates are down, birth rates are up(slightly) and so on. wheres the fail?

cant wait to see what you think, please respond.
edit on 26-4-2016 by AVoiceOfReason because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: AVoiceOfReason
well the conflict with the chenyans started well before anyone even knew putins name.. so theres that. and um, are you actually suggesting that there was no reason to fight Chechnya? terrorists right on your doorstep is a-okay huh? it wasn't about independence especially since Chechnya still has their independence. it would be hilarious for any country to allow someone like the Chechen rebels to just fester on their door step and invade them. so i dont get what your point is.

Ah yes - the old failed argument of enemies on the door step. Chechnya didnt invade Russia. Russia did in fact invade and occupy Chechnya - twice under Putin.

originally posted by: AVoiceOfReason
and Putin didnt place anyone in charge. he actually won kadyrov over, he hated putin for the longest time.. Chechnya and Russia are coexisting peacefully. and its quite good to see.

Wrong.. Akhmad Kadyrov, his father, was in charge when he switched sides in 2000 when the Russians invaded the second time. He was assassinated in 2004 by a radical who opposed Russian occupation. His replacement, also a Putin ally, resigned after a few months in office after several failed assassination attempts. Alu Alkhanov took the helm, who is also a putin ally. Putin removed him as president of Chechnya in 2007, replacing him by directly appointing Kadyrov.

No elections... direct appointment by Putin. No they dont coexist peacefully and Kadyrovs human rights violation list bears that out and thats not including the violation by Russia (Putin).

originally posted by: AVoiceOfReason
yeah ? "from Georgia and not Russia" what was the point of saying that? like im serious please explain. no dude its not ok for anyone to roll into town and kill innocent people. crazy concept right? again they were living there peacefully. there was absolutely no good reason for the Georgians to attack them.

I pointed it out because your claims were false. S. Ossetia was a part of Georgia (and still is). They tried to declare independence in 1990 and not 1992 as you claimed. The "revolt" was pushed by ethnic Russians, NOT Georgians and they are supported by Russia. I point this out because of the haphazard way you are distorting history. The Georgian government was not engaged in killing innocent civilians as you falsely claim. It was ethnic Russians, supported by Moscow, trying to dismember the country. Moscow did the same thing in Abkhazia and recently is attempting to annex those regions into Russia. Just like they are doing to Ukraine and Moldova. Just like Georgia, Ukraine was quiet and peaceful until Putin invaded. They then used the same lies you just repeated here - innocent ethnic Russians were attacked.

A lie that's been proven as a lie in front of the world.

If you dont like being called out then quit providing false information / Moscow's lies as truth.

originally posted by: AVoiceOfReason
yeah Russia kicks people out because they aren't idiots. they do so for the same reason they aren't going to let refugees into Russia. again check out yuri bezmenov. hes a very informative guy i learned alot from listening to him.

So its ok for Russia to send their citizens to foreign, sovereign, countries, make up lies about ethnic russians being attacked to justify invasion and expulsion of the native population.

Nice to know you support Russian genocide towards countries that Russia wants.

Yes, Putin is an idiot. Since you seem hell bent on defending him explain why Russia is evicting Tatars from Crimea... again. Why did Stalin evict the native population of Königsberg? Why is Russia starting to claim ethnic Russians are in danger in the Baltic nations?

Putins arrogance and stupidity will destroy whats left of Russia and ignorant people, such as yourself, will try to distort facts to justify Putins lies.
edit on 26-4-2016 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: Xcathdra

never mind what i said about being interested in what you thought. you cant just sit there and lie like that guy. who are you trying to impress?

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: AVoiceOfReason

Like I said you got caught lying and were called out. If you could support your position you would of. Instead you sidestep the issue and go for the personal attack - the same thing the liar putler does.

Thank you for proving my point.

If you have any truth to add let us know.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

alright bud. you believe what you want dawg.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Russia is not the enemy. GERMANY AND TURKEY is!!!! Two evil leaders hand in hand marching to Hitlers war plans.

posted on Apr, 26 2016 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

How is Germany the enemy again?

posted on Apr, 27 2016 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Joecanada11
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

How is Germany the enemy again?

Until Putin tells them what to think you wont get an answer.

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

NO Russia was cool with the west till Clinton bombed Serbia to help Germany, the Nazis in Croatia and their Muslim Brotherhood punks in Kosovo. Putin barely had a military left but still drew a line in the sand and put his troops in front of ours to say enough is enough. Had one member of our lead tank shot that BMP flying the Russian flag all hell would have fell on America. This will come to a head and the head of the beast is in GERMANY!!!

The Nazi intelligence network has never been disbanded.

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