posted on Apr, 6 2016 @ 01:10 PM
The Feel the Bern crowd, have you noticed how the Democratic establishment and main stream media act?
Some how The Bern has lost, what ever coin toss between himself and Hillary. What are the odds?
That all the people mad in Arizonia appear to be fellow Berners. How about the ballot 'snafu' in DC.
Seeing a pattern?
Seems to me that The Bern, is getting the short stick. If one would say these are example of voter fraud, the we all know, that only racist say
things like that. Saying Hillary is behind/taking part, well that's something only a sexist would say.
Seeing a pattern?
If you are seeing the pattern, had it changed you in any way?
On Facebook, someone reposted a tweet talking about how CNN is lying about the delegate count. My response was, do you think this is the 1st time CNN
has lied or do you think they do this with other topics?
No reply, but do you see a pattern