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Computer Acting Strange Need Help

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posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: enament

Ok so I feel stupid now, I broke my own rule, when you have a problem restart comp, check all updates did that except for one the windows update which I haven't done in about 2 months. Doing it now.

No guarantee thats the problem but its usually a good place to start though

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: madmac5150
I am guessing that this is related to the operating system. Mine is a dual boot Win7/Linux system with each OS residing on its own hard drive. My Win 7 runs without issue. My Linux OS will do the same thing you are describing if it sits without input for too long. My hardware is much different, (Quad core Xeon workstation) but when running Linux (Fedora) it does the same damned thing as yours.

I'm actually so fed up with Microsoft and all their severe BS, Spying etc win 10 BS. I actually want to switch to Linux Ubuntu

Have you tried Ubuntu??

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 05:00 PM
70+ WIN updates and after thats done will check if there is more to update.

Windows what a pain in the ass, shows how good the program is that it has to update so frequently.Ridiculous.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: enament

originally posted by: madmac5150
I am guessing that this is related to the operating system. Mine is a dual boot Win7/Linux system with each OS residing on its own hard drive. My Win 7 runs without issue. My Linux OS will do the same thing you are describing if it sits without input for too long. My hardware is much different, (Quad core Xeon workstation) but when running Linux (Fedora) it does the same damned thing as yours.

I'm actually so fed up with Microsoft and all their severe BS, Spying etc win 10 BS. I actually want to switch to Linux Ubuntu

Have you tried Ubuntu??

I had Ubuntu on an older dual-core 32 bit machine. I didn't care for it; it seemed like dumbed-down Linux... and I had serious issues with the OS's stability on what was (back then) an advanced machine... and I wasn't thrilled with GNOME... I prefer KDE. I loaded Fedora Linux (back then it was Fedora 13 or 14), and it ran great. Fedora 21 WAS running great on my current machine up until about 2 months ago when an automatic update screwed it up. I update weekly, because Linux folks always find a fix for everything... but the updates haven't fixed my issue... yet. I imagine that with a workstation, there are probably more hard-core versions that would run better on my machine's XEON architecture... I just like the look and feel of Fedora with KDE better than any other Linux variant I have ever tried. (Along with Fedora and Ubuntu, I have used Redhat and Debian... Fedora has always been stable, and very well supported to the end user... that is my personal experience; every user is different)
edit on 26-3-2016 by madmac5150 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 05:21 PM
I recently had that problem in my computer. I found it oddly, to be caused by my anti virus, I use Avira. It was just the tiny part that tries to get me to buy the full version, it's called 'products launcher'. It it only supposed to come on every so often, but it was running continuously. I manually ended the process and it only runs normally about once a week to offer me an avira product in a pop up and then turns off.

If you don't find an explanation, you can go to If you register a free account, you can post to get help from someone who will walk you through a diagnostic and fix step by step.
edit on 26-3-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-3-2016 by reldra because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: madmac5150

Maybe your mother board isn't so linux friendly possibly. i have been wanting to try the dual boot thing for a while but I'm scared to mess with something that works. ( not now though ).

I'm glad to hear about the version you are using, Its hard to make that leap from windows to linux because of all the things you have to do manually on linux, but at the same time thats awesome too though because it gives you so much more control over your machine.

Microsoft = money grab.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: reldra

Good to know . thank you for the link, I will have to check that out.

You know it really could be something goofy like that too.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: enament
a reply to: madmac5150

Maybe your mother board isn't so linux friendly possibly. i have been wanting to try the dual boot thing for a while but I'm scared to mess with something that works. ( not now though ).

I'm glad to hear about the version you are using, Its hard to make that leap from windows to linux because of all the things you have to do manually on linux, but at the same time thats awesome too though because it gives you so much more control over your machine.

Microsoft = money grab.

I have a Dell workstation, I pull up the BIOS settings page on boot up to select what hard drives are active... I have 3 HDs, one has Win7 loaded, one has Fedora 21, and the third is a 2Tb storage drive with a Windows partition... Linux can read and save from a Windows partition (the opposite is difficult)... so it is the easiest solution for document interchange between the two OSs.

Most Linux releases now require very little in the way of manual set-up. The hardware detection daemons used on installation releases now are really damned good. The ONLY hardware I have that is not 100% Linux compatible is my laser printer (an older Sharp laser printer/copy/scanner/fax). Everything else configured on set-up automatically.

It is FAR more user friendly than it was back in the early days (my first Linux machine was a Pentium 1 back in 1995... and it was a PAIN in the A$$ to get specific hardware to work properly. Improperly configured video drivers could actually damage CRT monitors.)

If your machine has the ability to select active hard drives, having a dual boot system is VERY easy...

I also have an older rack mount server with dual Pentium 4s that I used for years as a file server. It is dormant in my garage at the moment, and it is a Fedora Linux machine. With that OS, I could have it totally updated and restored in about an hour. I had WinServer2003 loaded, but it a huge headache to get it networked with mixed OSs. Linux makes it really easy on network setup.

If I could get a good driver for my printer, and if Nikon would release Linux software for my digital cameras, I would use Linux exclusively and wipe my Win7 drive.
edit on 26-3-2016 by madmac5150 because: Cant sleep, the clowns will eat me

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: madmac5150

I sometimes miss the days of DOS, I use to like typing in the commands to tell the comp what to do.

I have set up a dual boot before not to hard to do, i just wish the switching back and forth was as simple as pushing a button though, that would be so much better.

I think for a bit i am going to see if the things i have done so far have fixed my problem, no point in throwing the kitchen sink at it I did a few things to it, i'll just see if it made a difference. I have a suspicion weather or not it just may have been the sleep mode having been activated without my concent, man i hate it when microsoft funks with your computer without your permission.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 06:06 PM
If you have the computer set to hibernate , chances are it may be just a corrupt hibernation file (hiberfil.sys). This is the file everything in memory is written to at the time of hibernation. And the file that is read from to be able to resume.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: enament
a reply to: madmac5150

I sometimes miss the days of DOS, I use to like typing in the commands to tell the comp what to do.

I have set up a dual boot before not to hard to do, i just wish the switching back and forth was as simple as pushing a button though, that would be so much better.

I think for a bit i am going to see if the things i have done so far have fixed my problem, no point in throwing the kitchen sink at it I did a few things to it, i'll just see if it made a difference. I have a suspicion weather or not it just may have been the sleep mode having been activated without my concent, man i hate it when microsoft funks with your computer without your permission.

That is one of the things that I love about Linux. That level of text command driven computing still exists within Linux. I use command line text interface all of the time.
C:/DOS run
Run DOS, run!


posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog
If you have the computer set to hibernate , chances are it may be just a corrupt hibernation file (hiberfil.sys). This is the file everything in memory is written to at the time of hibernation. And the file that is read from to be able to resume.

That my friend, seems like the most likely candidate. My Linux OS never gets screwy until it "hibernates"... my WIN7 "hibernates" with no issues. There is a conflict somewhere between the kernel and the hardware configs...

It could be Gremlins...
edit on 26-3-2016 by madmac5150 because: Cant sleep, the clowns will eat me

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 06:14 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog
If you have the computer set to hibernate , chances are it may be just a corrupt hibernation file (hiberfil.sys). This is the file everything in memory is written to at the time of hibernation. And the file that is read from to be able to resume.

i disabled it, I don't like it to hibernate at all its now set to never and screen saver after 1 hour.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: enament

I do know that there are freeware programs available that will monitor your background processes, and identify "bad actors" that can cause your system to "hang". There are a few that I have used in the past to run diagnostics... however, I caution you on their use. Some work quite well, and some will lock your system to the point that all you can do is re-load your OS and hope for the best.

My Dell workstation has self diagnostic software that works really well. (I love my Dell so much- a Dell Precision T3500 that I bought off lease... I bought my wife one as well. They are both quad-core XEON machines at 3Ghz... and they are AWESOME) I would check with your motherboard manufacturer and see if they have a free diagnostic program for download. I know ASUS used to supply free diagnostics...

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: madmac5150

I have a good feeling its not the mother board, besides it has polymer capacitors they last forever. well not forever but they last.
I bought a PC off the shelf once, tinkered with it a bit started to customize it a bit when the warranty wore out , then it wasn't enough so i built my own from scratch, I really enjoy it and what you are left with is a great machine.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 10:23 PM
I have built dozens of PCs from the motherboard up. I now own two Dell Workstations, both quad-core Xeon machines; with all of my experience, they are the most reliable computers that I have ever owned. Hands down.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 12:25 AM
a reply to: enament


There's been issues with their newest driver-it's made some pc's act weirdly.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 01:30 AM
Go to msconfig or use cc cleaner to audit the startup and remove EVERYTHING not needed. Nothing should be updating unless you need it to when you use the program. Everything you have starting up when windows loads should be limited to NEEDED TO START UP. Nothing else, at all.

Then I would reboot and see what is still running in the background. End the processes you know are not needed in task manager, which will show you how much of system resources are being used by each. If they persist you may have to research a little and find what program the culprit belongs to. Get rid of it-

If you have a newer looking windows, go basic. Remove all the pretty features like the aero and all that. I keep my machine with BASIC, like XP basic style. All visual enhancements are wasteful and pointless.

There is a great program called "enhance my seven" that does all this for you. (you said win7 right)

Also, I would look into the indexing windows has for hardrives and turn it off.

Basically less is more.

Also, I wouldnt use an antivirus. I would use NONE, and just dont do crazy things. If you want good /safe porn sites then you can research which to go to. Lets be honest, thats the main reason people need anti virus.

If you need one because of work and such, use AVG, its light and effective.

You may want to update your graphics driver....or if you did recently revert to the old driver. NEVER update hardware via windows update.

Hope this helps

edit on 3 27 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Ericthedoubter

No I use ATI/ASUS Video cards.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: enament

Give this programme a try if all else fails . It has saved me after a few bad updates

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