posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 07:55 AM
A co-worker just told me his brother in law has been raping his fifteen year old daughter/stepdaughter(not sure of the connection). He's on the lam,
as well he should be but still, this hurts. I'm not the victim but after fifteen years of Law and Order:Special Victims Unit I've certainly gotten
to understand how much this can screw a person up and how much this will hurt her. All I want to do, as a man with some standards, is hug her and tell
her we all ain't that bad and that's probably the worst thing I could do.
A hug is the best way to hide a face, according to Dr. Who(Is he wrong?) and would probably scare the girl even more than she already is.
I just don't get it. I don't care how good looking she is, how sexy she might be, one just doesn't do that. She's fifteen, FFS!
Why? Just why does this girls life have to be ruined because of a sexual predator? I have almost no connection to this family, never met the girl or
her rapist or anyone else in the family, but damn it hurts to hear this kind of BS.
I have lived most of my life without sex(chicks don't dig Spanish Archers, I guess) yet I've never gone to this extreme nor even thought of it. So,
WTF? The emotional scars on this girl will mostly last forever just so some guy can get his rocks off by torturing a child. Who the hell does
something like this?
I don't know what to think as this is the first time rape has hit someone I might actually know. I do know someone who committed suicide a few years
ago and that still hurts, even if she was just a passing acquaintance, but this hurts much more as this girl will have to live with this and it will
affect her life for the rest of her days, most likely.
It's taken a few hours to sink in and now I'm really feeling the pain and I have no connection to this family, for the most part. I wonder how they
feel and I really don't want to go there as that's bad territory. All I can hope is this asshole gets his due, and you all know what I mean by that.
Not death, I want this POS in jail, where he can be Bubba's little friend.
I don't know what else to say, or even if I should be saying more or less. I'm heartbroken for this young woman and the one thing I can say about
that is TV helped me learn that with L&O:SVU. I never really knew how bad sex crimes were until that show came along and at the very least, that show
has taught me many things.
It never taught me how to deal with this crap, even if it isn't someone I know. That girl is hurting, and most probably will for years to come.
That's the messed up thing about L&O:SVU that I've learned, the victims are all still living and that is, in many cases, worse than death.