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This video changed my opinion on the refugee 'crisis', probably for the better

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posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

That might be the most I've ever received!

I try to not get caught in the weeds on the Islamic State. Essentially, I want our species to become a space-faring, interplanetary one as quickly as possible.

I firmly believe that goal is not achievable when we have people running around planting bombs in the name of a fictional diety.

I won't make an apology for asserting that we would be better off without them. I don't think playcating them is doing us any favors in the short or long term.

But this could also be said about gangs in Chicago, or the cartels in Mexico. They're all the same portion of the plant that could be pruned without consequence--IS is just currently the section in most dire need of the shears.

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: anon29

I kind of want to agree with the whole 'religion skews morality' case but that's only in extreme cases. You can live a good life without religion as you can with it. I think it's a little hasty to jump to complete genocide when it's such a small minority that are the problem. But of course, the problem is the ideology which is harder to tackle. It's a tricky one, but the answer isn't genocide

a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Sorry to get defensive, I thought you were one of those people that skim read one part of a comment and conclude a whole story. I get why you did it though

Just you wait and see if a certain number of people in this thread don't turn up and say absolutely.

I honestly didn't think it was going to happen, let alone the next post.

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 12:01 PM
accidental post

edit on 22-3-2016 by anon29 because: Accident

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 12:23 PM
a reply to: anon29

Agree with the interplanetary talk, imagine how far we could have gone by now if we didn't spend all those trillions on the war on terror, war on drugs, war on ______, etc.

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 12:46 PM
Germany is already a lost cause.

Young German men are set to be a minority in 4 years, not 4 decades.

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 03:23 PM
USA and TPTB ware going to try Alien invasion.
it would not work. we got wize.
then they Did ISIL. it was Not enuf.
so Now they FLOOD is with crazy evil immigrants.

We are a broken world and people.
they have Won this unless we riot and stop them.
but do you see that happening?

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: Deny Arrogance

Germany has actually won via 'Guest-Workers' -aka immigration- for decades. No weak, but strong worded, Rubicon-rhetorics will be able to change history.

Fifty years ago, Germany was in need of healthy, unmarried Turkish men to work in the country's booming post-war economy, and Turkey was more than willing to help fill that demand.

Turkish guest workers transformed German society

Funny headlines or substantiated content, we obviously can't have it both ways.

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: conz1992

Nick Griffin? If my grandfather was alive today, he would rip that mans arms and legs off and use the rest as kindling. Why? Because Nick bloody Griffin is a fascist piece of dirt, and that is how you deal with fascist pieces of dirt. You decimate them. My grandfathers did not fight the Nazi hordes in World War Two, so that jumped up little Hitlers like that utter waste of oxygen could come along and start the scum machine turning again.

If you find yourself in agreement with anything that man ever said in his life, or treating anything Griffin says with any more respect than you would give the word of a pathological liar, then it is time to reexamine your positions.

posted on Mar, 22 2016 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: TrueBrit

Well like I said I disagree with him I just used what he said as an example along with what the Jewish lady said, it just happens to sort of fall into what she is saying. Chill man, I hate the guy too haha

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: conz1992

I watched the video and just can't understand how the leaders could allow this to happen. Why would you do that to your own country?

Now, after seeing what is happening in Europe and what has happened in the U.S., it is making me think of something. It is my belief that guns are not allowed in Europe. Is this correct? I mean for citizens.

We all know Hillary is a globalist and that she is responsible for at least a lot of the refuges with her Libya and Syria dealings. We also know that she convinced Obama to carry it out when he was against it. She stated last year that she wanted to increase the amount of refuges to the U.S., by 650 % over what Obama suggested. She may say differntly now, but she changes what she says so much, who really knows what is going on inside her feeble.

So back to guns. The lefties would love it if no guns were in the US, period. They would love to overrule the 2nd amendment. My feeble is wondering if this is part of the global agenda that will eventually come to the US, but first they have to disarm the citizens.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 09:32 PM

originally posted by: n00bUK

originally posted by: bobs_uruncle

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: conz1992

If the number of people coming in increases, then the percentage of evil doers might not change. The total number of evil doers will, but the percentage need not. Therefore, the evil doers remain in the minority, no matter what the total number of migrants might be.

Do you follow that logic?

So, just because a greater number of humans are arriving, does not mean that a greater number, a majority, are going to be evil doers, but it does mean that there might be more evil people around.

However, given that western foreign policy over the last forty years or more is directly connected to how the terror wave which is breaking now, came to pass, I would say complaining about consequences is somewhat weak. We have sown, and so must we reap. To complain about our fear of the consequences of our nations actions on the intelligence front, is unseemly and in poor taste, given the pain those actions, that we paid our governments to be complicit in, have caused.

We need to put on our big boy pants, so to speak, and stop acting indignant about the danger we have put ourselves in by continuing to support agendas which necessitate the proxy war ethic. Perhaps when that has been behind us for a few decades, we might be able to be legitimately in possession of righteous indignation. Until then, keeping our chins on display might be wise.

In South Africa before 1994, there were tens of millions of good and decent people, but then there was also the ANC. The ANC used terror and extortion to increase their numbers, killing both random and designated targets. Why would ISIS not use the same model to increase their numbers? They have people everywhere now. I expect we will see a coordinated effort by ISIS across a dozen or more countries at one time in the near future. It is unfortunate, but when it happens we will have to start exporting these alleged refugees back to their origins.

Cheers - Dave

....... we are passive to the atrocities our nation's are causing across the world.

I can agree with that statement, we have all been far too passive in regards to the atrocities each of our countries or colonies has committed.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: gator2001

I watched the video and just can't understand how the leaders could allow this to happen. Why would you do that to your own country?

She stated last year that she wanted to increase the amount of refuges to the U.S., by 650 % over what Obama suggested.

I'm not sure if I understand or agree with how the 2nd amendment (and/or lack of support of) plays into this.... but I see this insanity (for lack of a better word) by some of the major players in the global political world.... and I sincerely believe that the actions taken are SO against the will of the people of leaders' respective nations and SO against common sense.... and it is specifically what makes my mind wander towards the New World Order conspiracies. That is the only way I can comprehend what I am seeing. Of course I can't prove anything but it is the only thing that makes sense (even though I can't quite understand how this helps the NWO agenda... in part because I don't have a grasp on what a NWO agenda actually is).

I guess one way to put it is a common, average person could tell you that if you take a bunch of un-vetted 20 to 30 year old men from a part of the world where women are treated like garbage and send them into various towns in Europe.... there are going to be problems. ANYONE with common sense could see the problem and many voiced that opinion but the Dear Leaders just bulldozed over them and shoved the "refugees" down their throats. Then, after the chaos started, there was the cover up followed by accusing concerned (common sense) citizens of being racist for speaking up.

None of it makes any sense.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: eluryh22

What I mean by guns, is that guns are illegal for citizens in Europe, if that is correct, but there are millions of guns in America. The "bad apples" seen in the video rioting and assaulting people knew there were no guns. The percentage of bad apples is up for debate and I don't live there, so can only go by what I read, but the video is pretty damning to those that created and support the mass influx.

My thought was how easy it is for the bad apples to act out and assault because they know there are no guns. If those same people were in the US, I wonder how many women would have a gun and would deter the rapists. Just one example.

With the globalist agenda, that like you said, we don't know what it is, but we know Hillary is one of them. Lately, there is a constant push from the left to get rid of guns. They would like to change the 2nd amendment if they can. If I was a globalist and wanted to replicate what is happening in Europe in the U.S., I would first try to make it as easy as possible and that would be to take the guns away, so they can't protect themselves.

I saw where a political leader in Germany use the word experiment associated with the refuge influx. Today, I read a republican in the U.S., say that we need to be united if we are to continue this American experiment.

That is just scary that they feel they can just experiment with societies like this, if that is what they are doing.

You know, maybe we need to make friends with some of these jihadists, come to a proper understanding, identify a common goal, and send suicide bombers to all of the globalist headquarters when they are meeting. Might make a lot of what's wrong with this world go away. You can't unelect them. They make there own rules.
edit on 24-3-2016 by gator2001 because: To correct my autocorrect.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: gator2001

My thought was how easy it is for the bad apples to act out and assault because they know there are no guns.

Yeah. Guns make it so much better. The more the better.

edit on 3/24/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: conz1992
‘With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations’

I don't really know how to put down what I think about the whole refugee crisis thing after watching this, and after thinking about it for the past couple of months. The logical part of me thinks "It's just right wing propaganda" but it's not like there aren't facts to back up the claims made and for the first time in my life I'm going against my original beliefs in thinking that Europe's made it's worst mistake in decades.

I understand that there are people who genuinely need help, and want a better life for themselves, but such is life - That among those good people, there will be an ever increasing number of bad people. Bad people that don't care about your countries culture but are more than happy to endorse theirs and in some cases push it on people. We've already seen the increase of 'Islamic extremism' in the UK in the past 10+ years, with clerics like Anjem Choudary publicly announcing that one day Britain will be an Islamic country - The thing is I used to think he was alone, or only had a small group of following but he doesn't, and when you have an idiot like that spouting mindless nonsense, unbelievably but inevitably people will listen and follow.

You only have to look at the past year or so in Europe, not even the numerous large terrorist attacks that have happened but the increase of sexual attacks, violence against the natives etc. It all makes sense now, really. But to be honest, another part of me thinks the west deserve it, since this is just a backlash of the Iraq war, to which I've never agreed with yet it's killed up to a million innocent people.

I'll state again, I do know that these people are a 'small minority' of the people who genuinely need help but for how long are we going to call them a small minority? They've probably been saying that for 15+ years, and that number can only increase, not decrease. I finally understand the thinking of the 'closing the boarders' state of mind and I'm beginning to agree with it.

I guess all we can do right now is try and keep ourselves and loved ones safe, because I can only really see it getting worse from here out for people living in Europe.

Dunno where this comes from. I found it on another site getoutofdebtfree in Britain which did not have a source or link to a source but I think it explains who is behind the mass migration of people from the 3rd and 2nd world to the first and why.

Question; what follows economy's without borders? Answer: countries without borders, thats what.

Michael Sandel explores the philosophical justifications made for national borders. Using a pioneering state-of-the-art studio at the Harvard Business School, Prof Sandel is joined by 60 participants from over 30 countries in a truly global digital space. Is there any moral distinction between a political refugee and an economic migrant? If people have the right to exit a country, why not a right to enter? Do nations have the right to protect the affluence of their citizens? And is there such a thing as a 'national identity'?

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:29 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: gator2001

My thought was how easy it is for the bad apples to act out and assault because they know there are no guns.

Yeah. Guns make it so much better. The more the better.

That went right over your head. It's ok.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 04:46 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: conz1992

If the number of people coming in increases, then the percentage of evil doers might not change. The total number of evil doers will, but the percentage need not. Therefore, the evil doers remain in the minority, no matter what the total number of migrants might be.

Do you follow that logic?

So, just because a greater number of humans are arriving, does not mean that a greater number, a majority, are going to be evil doers, but it does mean that there might be more evil people around.

However, given that western foreign policy over the last forty years or more is directly connected to how the terror wave which is breaking now, came to pass, I would say complaining about consequences is somewhat weak. We have sown, and so must we reap. To complain about our fear of the consequences of our nations actions on the intelligence front, is unseemly and in poor taste, given the pain those actions, that we paid our governments to be complicit in, have caused.

We need to put on our big boy pants, so to speak, and stop acting indignant about the danger we have put ourselves in by continuing to support agendas which necessitate the proxy war ethic. Perhaps when that has been behind us for a few decades, we might be able to be legitimately in possession of righteous indignation. Until then, keeping our chins on display might be wise.

That is so euro. Youre going to put on your big boy pants and get terrorized for a few decades?? i only wish cucks like you were the only ones made to suffer for being spineless feckless turds. I cant imagine your ancestors who gave everything for your country would even call to wish you happy birthday. I thank God at least half of America isnt sniveling cowards like you euros. If you have any family that ccares about make sure they post on ATS if you ever get allah akbarred ill give them a star.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:14 AM
a reply to: sjake111

My grandfathers fought for the freedom of people from oppression during the second world war. They taught me about politics, about war, about hate and suffering, how it comes about, where it comes from, and how to deal with it. Their experience informs my position on these matters more than anything else does. Tell me those warriors of old, of land and sea, were wrong, and I will tell you that although you are welcome to your opinion, it is still utterly invalid.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: TrueBrit

color me surprised. after their recollections of the blitz i hope they got to the part where overwhelming American force ended the thing in 2 days. use more adjectives next time.

posted on Mar, 24 2016 @ 05:45 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: conz1992

If the number of people coming in increases, then the percentage of evil doers might not change. The total number of evil doers will, but the percentage need not. Therefore, the evil doers remain in the minority, no matter what the total number of migrants might be.

Do you follow that logic?

So, just because a greater number of humans are arriving, does not mean that a greater number, a majority, are going to be evil doers, but it does mean that there might be more evil people around.

However, given that western foreign policy over the last forty years or more is directly connected to how the terror wave which is breaking now, came to pass, I would say complaining about consequences is somewhat weak. We have sown, and so must we reap. To complain about our fear of the consequences of our nations actions on the intelligence front, is unseemly and in poor taste, given the pain those actions, that we paid our governments to be complicit in, have caused.

We need to put on our big boy pants, so to speak, and stop acting indignant about the danger we have put ourselves in by continuing to support agendas which necessitate the proxy war ethic. Perhaps when that has been behind us for a few decades, we might be able to be legitimately in possession of righteous indignation. Until then, keeping our chins on display might be wise.

So again I ask you, how many refugees is the UK taking in? Or the US?

God you are annoying with your ideological drivel.

And how many times do you need to told that the majpority of these refugees are treasure seekers who are not even fleeing from war.
edit on 24-3-2016 by DutchMasterChief because: (no reason given)

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