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Thought insersion via em frequencies

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posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:00 PM
They have been doing this to me for several years. This is what I mentioned in my introdrucry post but until now found it best not to explain here.

They have devices or weaponry that can insert thoughts into the mind. With me the thoughts have ranged from killing people, myself, or doing vandalism. I am not A violent person nor do i intend to be. I wish all livinh creatures no harm. The intention is to get me into the evil prison system where I'm no longer a threat to them.

All of this started when I chose not to take their ssri medication anymore 2.6 years ago. My current lifestyle makes it difficult for them to get a fix on my location but when I was in a stable job the attacks were unbearable as I could not leave the location. At my house along with the evil thoughts, they also broadcast a fear of leaving the house so I'll.stat in the effected areas.

I thought I had gotten away but as I'm always raising awareness of the dangers of SSRIs they have found me again.

Why SSRIs you might ask? Do your research between psychotic breaks, gun violence, and SSRIs. The FDA knows that these drugs are hurting people but they don't care as long as they keep a patient on them for over a year their job us done. The SSRI creates a neural subnetwork that picks up the frequencies. Once a patient has the subneural network installed, a targeted stream of RF frequencies can insert any thoughts they want.I'm starting to think that brain surgery is the only way to remove the network but I'm not a brain scientist and don't know the full extent of how it works or how far accross the brain it spreads.

I know the community here hasn't understood me or much of my posts in the past and that okay I don't hold it against you I was just hoping that some people could understand my thoughts and I enjoy reading the philosophy and metaphysics section.

It's gotten to the point I don't think I can be on this site anymore. They are tracking me here. If I read a page here, it doesn't matter where I'm at they begin transmitting. So also as a warning when I leave, the beings/ people you are worried are pulling the strings behind the NWO are closely monitoring this site.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

I don't know where you got the idea about SSRIs creating a neural subnetwork, but your wrong.

I was on SSRIs for a few years due to depression. I never once heard any voices telling me to do anything heinous.

I think you have another issue that needs attention from a professional.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

My current lifestyle makes it difficult for them to get a fix on my location

They are tracking me here.

Nice try.

So also as a warning when I leave, the beings/ people you are worried are pulling the strings behind the NWO are closely monitoring this site.

Yah, thanks everyone is more afraid to post here now…


posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

Were you like this BEFORE you started taking SSRI's?

I was on them for eight months too.Then I stopped.No problems since then.Heed TerryDon's words and seek the help of a professional.Please.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Ericthedoubter

8 mo == 1.5 years

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

last night you were asking about suicide methods and now this, the only reasonable response my friend- is to seek professional help immediately, i truly am sorry that you are suffering.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:50 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

"With me the thoughts have ranged from killing people, myself, or doing vandalism."

I understand you are afraid but once you start having feelings like this you need help.

The conclusion you have formed that even members of ATS are a threat?

What about your friends, family?

Clearly you are also afraid of doctors as well.

What is happening to you is getting you to isolate yourself from others and that in and of itself is unhealthy. you are replacing healthy interactions with people, with these thoughts you are having. Incorporating into your conclusion that they must be real.Therefore isolating yourself from any help, as if to say you are placing yourself in a corner that seems to have no escape.

I think it show a tremendous amount of guts to come here and write what is happening to you. You want help and your willing to face your fears to the point of announcing them in a public forum.

In my opinion you need to take the next step for the safety of others and yourself. Seek not only professional help but also the help of significant others.

edit on 17-3-2016 by Kashai because: Content edit

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I did no such thing

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 02:56 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

But you have admitted in this thread Suicidal as well as Homicidal thoughts.

You should go to a hospital like right now.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Kashai


To the OP all conspiracy aside, the symptoms you are describing are extremely serious please go to an ER and talk to a doctor about what you have told us.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Kashai

I didnt say I enttertain them, I .mentioned that these technologies broadcast these sorts of thoughts. I am warning the members here of this harmful technology before I leave the site.

Your response is exactly what I'd expect from a mind controlled slave. I'm not saying you are one of their plants here but you definitively eat their fruit.

I'm not sick and going to the hospital is the only thing that made me sick.

It's taken me 2+ years to recover from the damage the medical-industial/military industry did to me and now that I'm strong enough I'm not going to hide anymore but be outspoken as what they are doing albeit my limited language abilities.
edit on 17-3-2016 by sociolpath because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: Kashai
a reply to: sociolpath

The conclusion you have formed that even members of ATS are a threat?

If you read prior threads of mine I have been met by almost nothing but ridicule when I've presented my ideas to this community. As if the self proclaimed inttelligint members of this site find it their duty to stroke their egos by using their brainwashed propaganda to discredit my ideas.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

Read this and you will see our research is by far not capable of doing "thought insertion" a static noise at best.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

And you believe this so much that its ok to feel like killing people or yourself?

You can call me anything you want.

You really do non know anything about me so it does not matter.

If you want to be angry at me because I do not want you to hurt your self or anyone else that is fine.

That does not change my mind about the fact you decided to bring this issue to a public forum.

So you are presenting that these feelings are the result of the system imposing something upon you. Using medications
designed to treat problems as you have described.

Why did you end up on these medications in the first place?

Can you go into the details?

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:32 PM
What happens to a person with your symptoms if you go to an isolated island?

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

Just to reiterate, SSRIs do not do what you say they do.

What they do do is limit the reabsorption of serotonin into the pre synaptic cell. In turn that increases the serotonin levels in the synaptic cleft.

If you didn't understand that I don't blame you.

Here's a simpler way of looking at it.
You have to 2 point that information in the brain travels between. There is a gap between these 2 points. This point is filled with serotonin when the information wants to get across. It basically makes a bridge. Then the serotonin is reabsorbed. The SSRI delays how long it takes for the serotonin to be reabsorbed.

That's basically it.
It doesn't create anything.
It doesn't take anything away.
It certainly doesn't create anything that could receive any RF from an external source.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

Brother you are preaching to the choir.

I have been on the internet since 1989 and there is one particular conclusion that I have been bringing up since then.

You know in a very interesting way that idea I had was just shown to be possible.

In every forum that I have ever been in I presented this idea and up until about a month ago I was ridiculed for it.

Being ridiculed in public for an idea that is different is the one of those constants in humanity.

Back to the OP....

I going to say it again but in other words you are painting yourself into a corner and this thread is a cry for help.

Otherwise you simply would have posted some links and provided us with a conversation.

That did not involve your feelings about harming yourself or others.

edit on 17-3-2016 by Kashai because: Content edit

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 04:26 PM
a reply to: sociolpath

I have never had a psychotic episode but was prescribed an SSRI for depression.

Initially it did help with the depression but it caused insomnia and a feeling that I was in a fog, that I found unpleasant.

As my situation had changed, I chose to simply stop the drugs (against my doctor's advice). I found that I was able to manage my depression without medication and had no adverse effects. The drug did not seem to "re-wire" my brain but merely provided some respite so that I could sort myself out.

Your symptoms are different from mine, you appear to be suffering from Paranoia. Here's a link to a site that explains it: Paranoid Personality Disorder: Drugs and Treatment

From that site you will notice that SSRI's are one of the many drugs given to try and help sufferers.

You must realize that the nature of the ailment will make you distrust others. But the truth is that there are many out there who are caring, trained and professional. These people can help you.

The condition of being distrustful is self-reinforcing and will damage relationships with those who care about you.

In all cases, you are the person who has the most power over your condition. You can acknowledge that your feelings of distrust may be just feelings, with no real substance, and choose to work to get things under control. To do this you must begin to trust by effort of will.

Please seek out someone who is a good person to trust. Someone who is qualified like a doctor, counselor or psychologist. If they prescribe drugs as a solution, think rationally, putting aside the emotions and feelings, and consider why they may be suggesting them.

Take heart, be courageous and do what must be done to improve your life.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: TerryDon79

Disclaimer...please bear with me while I get imaginative and have some fun and absolutely say nothing with any presumed or claimed authority and just wax poetic for a while.Some of the things you said gave me food for wild artistic serious thought .

Well it sounds like the seratonin is a bridge capacitor of some type or somehow enhances the bodies ability to pick up and process trojan horse generic inputs via ULF broadcast possibly "aimed"in a focused signal or widely broadcast via towers ect and piggy backed in on the normally dormant telepathic recieving channel.

Quite possibly the delay in the seratonin absorbtion is not something the body needs long term and could be akin to a jumpstart for a car....this elongnated contact may be allowing for or building a base or a conduit for or to another level of information reception,quite possibly this elongnated contact could be providing a resonant capacitator impact when the circuit is closed.....and if its closed long enough enough congruently resonating inputs being "recieved" might cause an information conduit cross-over where two paralell and maybe even symbiotic processes cross over and either broadcast on or recieve on a morphed hybrid-impacting frequency or conduit. Like picking up FM radio on your Television set .

Maybe the seratonin is via an internal but mechanically catalysed miss-fire acessing one small micro-action in the telepathic thought reception macro-process and is somehow "jumpstarting this process" insitu on a specific frequency paralelled intentionally to telepathys frequency to enable such a data conduit cross-over to happen.?Maybe with a drug like hybridised nano-seratonin were used and actioned and driven by an adjustable externally modulated bedrock frequency then one could maintain a longer term reciever and quite possibly with a larger volume and constant flow of a modulating data we could discover congruency and control and then realise maybe we not only are able to recieve data in a pigeon-holed manner but are also sending all the time and just dont know it.Maybe you could skip seratonin and use a generic"stem cell" style nano-fluid bridge?Something neutral in peripheral impacts.There is a remote possibility that the conduit cold be consistantly bottle-necking the flow and volume of data which is then parsed by something like micro-frequencies driven perhaps by emotional intentions similar in dynamic causality to a plants now documented physiological and physical reaction to "bad intentions" or "bad actions"......and possibly only the top or bottom end of the conduit or pipe is allowing data transfer and limiting the inputs to negatively tuned signals even generic ones sent by possibly anyone tuning in because they are as everyone could possibly be unknowingly broadcasting their thoughts 24/7/365 ......the seratonin possibly accomodates your unwanted "bursts of reception" on an Alpha Channel or a PRIMARY RED PHONE CHANNEL.....we have some external inputs which create in us internal reactions triggering primary physio-cerebral data-overides ....and whenever our system recieves one of these emergency override signals we have grounded ourselves to an extreme end of a spectrum and our primal instincts are setting off a triad of dynamic interactions bringing us to our red-phone directive level and unfortunately the seratonin enables/forces you to pick up and then by proxy "feel" inevitable dreadfull self-punative or punative type "feelings" and "thoughtts" .Its like if you have the BEST medicine in the world and your body needs it and recieves it then it sends a red-phone level signal to tell you to take more....well if we think of the polar opposite impact we would have our bodies biggest Danger or bad red-phone signal being activated but not by actual tangible experienced emotionally self-directed triggers ,but instead by externally catalysed randomly broadcast most negative self-immolating thoughts being in a broken manner recieved in small parcels.....and these externally born triggers could make our bodies manifest the physical disposition matching the incoming bad vibes as we act out the short burst of phsiological prompting the incoming data catalysed.

Maybe with enough sonic juice and modulation they could make a sonic bridge and override the need for anything being given drugwise....maybe they can overide everyones seratonin built bridge with a sonic bridge which could accomodate layered frequencies letting someone for example in Crowd Suppression to make everyone feel overwhelmingly HOMESICK ,or sad or sorry by broadcasting the desired triggers on the right frequency.

Could the seratonin actually be holding the doorway to one thing like the unbridged distance closed and also unwittingly holding the door open to vulnerability to a data conduit hi-jacking via a physically catalysed frequency broadcasting itself on a harmonic frequency compatable with hitchhiking a ride on an existing internal cerebral process elongnated to facillitate by an internally administered drug seratonin holding a bridged resonent base in stacis long enough for a micro-burst of data to be transferred .

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: one4all

Given the OP a question is do you think this is worth killing yourself or somebody else because you think such is possible?

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