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So, how about them Tall Whites and Charles Hall

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posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 06:05 PM
a reply to: beetee

If there was a coexisting earthly civilization inhabiting "inner earth", then that would be a secret the military may want to keep, and cover up with an "alien" story.

What if?

edit on 7-3-2016 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 07:47 PM

originally posted by: windword
a reply to: SaturnFX

or they've been visiting here for soo long that any germs back and forth have long since integrated into the ecosystem, perhaps even before humans were a thing.

Or, maybe they're antediluvian beings that have been living in inner earth, Agartha, all this time, and are not alien at all.

My gawwwwd!

That would mean..
WE are the alien! -dramatic music

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 08:15 PM
It appears that with Mr.Halls background data shared and his sensitive potential location, in the desert he may have been "sharing" some truthful information relating to his experience/encounters... 1 could imagine that feeling he described when being in their presence and them in his was comparable to a the feeling a being would feel if say in jungle amongst the wildest unprotected... And so the expandable feeling of why the "prey" ok among the predator? Unless studying, maybe. 1 has heard of the TALL WHITE NORDICS through various C.T. readings so it is possible he came in contact with them or beings similar to them...

a reply to: beetee

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 08:21 PM
Arseholes come in all shapes,sizes,creeds,colors and species. SO no it would not surpise me to see a alien acting like a jerk off to a lesser being.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 10:00 PM
I would think that most abductions were generally reported as experienced with large eyes and being grey. Would there be more than one species of alien that abducts people ? I am not saying that he isn't telling the truth but it seems like a story about grey alien abductions except he inserted tall whites. Short and tall aliens sounds fishy, sounds like he is trying to show contrast for a book or 3.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 10:46 PM
edit on 7-3-2016 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 10:49 PM

posted on Mar, 8 2016 @ 01:55 AM
a reply to: yuppa

That, unfortunately, might be an universal truth. At least we can say that there are abundant representatives of such people throughout human history and spread over a lot of very different cultures. So that there be arseholes among the stars should not raise any eyebrows.

We, for instance, even though our technology to someone living say 2000 years ago would seem like magic, our behaviour would be almost instantly recognisable.

edit on 8-3-2016 by beetee because: Sentence didn't make sense.

posted on Mar, 8 2016 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: Medicator

Well, seems he wasn't so much abducted as interacted with. And why should he want to invent a tall white alien that goes to Vegas, if he could just tie into the whole grey alien thing? I'm thinking that if he was to make up something it would be easier to go with something that is already established.

I agree that a lot of things sounds fishy. The whole story is so far out there that almost everything is fishy. And short grey vs tall white is a nice contrast, but then again, why not tall and benificent? Aloof, cranky and frail doesn't really fit from a purely literary standpoint.

Another point that I particularly like is that they don't really reveal much to him. Every time some topics, like where they are from, they become evasive. And they refuse to give us the most juicy technology. This, of course, also conveniently absolves the author from having to commit to an origin for these aliens. But if you are already claiming they are busy at a huge underground base in a known location, where people could in principle (if not in practice) just go and look, this seems an insignificant detail.


posted on May, 31 2016 @ 07:12 PM
He's clearly lying through his teeth. First of all he had motive. His books weren't selling at all when he marketed them as works of fiction. So money is obviously a factor here. Second, I've listened to extensive interviews he's done and the way he tells stories and "recalls" said events is clearly not the way normal people would do so. Everything he says is one solid "fact" after another there's no flow to his stories or any emotion, only description of emotions he supposedly had at the time. You can literally see him pausing after every sentence and thinking ok what else did I say in my books that I can say next. His descriptions of conversations he supposedly had with the whites are the most telling. They just don't have the charecteristics of normal conversation its just facts about themselves that they told him. There's no real dialogue to it just more recitation. Anyone who knows how to read people or observe patterns would conclude that he is full of it. This is coming from a very strong believer in Ancient Alien Theories, greys, abductions, government interaction with alien races, etc. I'm not just a troll trying to bash on this guy I honestly believe that he is 100% not telling the truth. He wrote those books and has all the information in them memorized it's not hard to recite the same information. He's very careful in the way he answers questions and the way he speaks and he never answers questions directly he answers them more like a politician with talking points. Someone who experienced what he claims he did wouldn't be so boring and factual about the way he talked about those experiences.

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