So I made a thread and have been on a kick lately that was really fun. I took on the mentality of a Trumper. I know those who have the benefit of
YEARS of hearing me ramble on knew I was full of crap.
To those who did not. I want you to realize something. You starred and flagged me like I was actually all for trump. Kind of like how he was a
bleeding heart liberal when it was convenient and now is a conservative caricature who you now see as your champion.
I dont even care if you are mad or if you say you knew all along. You are brainless and easily fooled. How on earth can you have such temporal memory.
How did bush get elected? I bet you STILL think he was all for the America you dream of. That he was not an elitist. F-ing LOL
I am disappointed in all of you Trumpers on ATS. Just because the script seems impossible you think TRUMP cant be establishment? That he is somehow
this rebel out to fight for the common man. Because you are too smart and can see behind closed doors where those that decide who is going to run this
farce for 8 years work out the script....
You are soo dumb. Really really dumb.
I hope he wins and your poor low income lives come crashing down. I hope you suffer like the rest of us will under trump. Like we did under bush, like
we did under Obama. I hope we go to war like he is bluffing and our sons and daughters are sent to die for him and his good times. You only know how
to wage wars to secure trade dominance. That is your skill set. That of a pillaging viking horde. That of a beast.
You deserve to be called cattle. You hear a familiar bell and flock like animals to the herdsman,
Be mad. You are spewing hateful crap and have the nerve to get upset? How about you have NO IDEA of history. You have no memory of our past or
knowledge of our ethos.
You are TERRIBLE Americans and really are the central reason why our country is not great. You are baby booming, asshats and their indoctrinated
offspring not smart enough to think for yourselves or brave enough to defy those who you know are wrong.....that before you die will leave us with yet
ANOTHER puppet we have to deal with as he gorges our coffers and strips our civil liberties.
In the real world I will continue to lie to your faces. You will lap it up and buy me beers. Invite me to your parties and let me see your inner
workings. Because you are dumb and easily fooled.
Just like trump. I will be a mini trump since you are so dumb and it works swimmingly.
Here is something real though. I actually am VERY grateful to trump. He has showed me that some people are just born with a slave mentality and seek
to be someones bitch. The strongest get all the bitches, just like prison.
You are going to vote in a PRESIDENT just out of spite to the establishment? A BILLIONAIRE high pedigree silver spoon goon.....
I am amazed at how dumb you are. I am relieved that at the end of the day, I am smarter than you. I may be dumb, but not dumber than you.
I didnt fall for bush, Obama, and now trump.
You are the establishments bread and butter, You always fall for it after hearing golden words from silver tongues.
Here is something else real. I agree with the world. The US is full of idiots who only know how to hate and kill. Animals not meant for the future.
Worship your priests, worship your leaders, submit to the state. It is your lot.
So yeah. Trump 2016-
raa raa raa.
Yo have failed our country and our ethos. Our legacy is lost to your dumb and petty generations. Hateful little people only worried about the hunger
in their bellies and the burning of your loins.
Trump is strong. Sure, you are weak thats why you are amazed by his strength. To the rest of us you look like wanton bitches lapping up an elitists
How terribly Un-American.
edit on 3 3 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)