posted on Mar, 12 2016 @ 03:01 AM
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The Pope hold religious power over any monarchs/heads/leaders of other countries who are Catholic. He is also the Sovereign of the Vatican City and as
such, is on an equal footing with any other world leader or monarch who is not Catholic, such as Queen Elizabeth II, the President of the US, etc.
The Vatican is fabulously wealthy in money, buildings, ancient books and treasures, donations, etc., and does not have to pay priests or nuns, who
taken vows of celibacy, poverty, etc. very much, so there is no major financial outlay in their staffing payroll, which means the wealth accumulates
fairly quickly.
In the event of a major call to arms in a religious war, who would almost automatically be considered to be the best person to lead - out of all the
world's leaders - but the Pope.
That time is coming... Satan has given the Beast from the Sea [aka the Antichrist], Revelation 13:2
'And the beast [aka a monster] which I saw was
like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon [aka Satan] gave him his power, and
his throne, and great authority'.