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What Do YOU have in your...???

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posted on Feb, 14 2016 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: Rikku
are you insane?

I read through this and can see you're getting picked on a bit, but it really is a good idea to have one.

I grew up on the coast, where tsunami warnings were once, twice a year, random times you never knew when you had to get to higher ground. 2am or 2pm, didn't matter, cant predict these things. My dad made us keep 72 hour kits so when we heard that siren go off warning the town, we'd just grab them and go. Where people all around us were scrambling to get things, we'd already be gone. We would go through them at least once a year, to change out clothes and other things.

A lots been mentioned here that we kept, and I have one for myself now that im older, so I wont repeat.

Not to go all Titanic on us, but I've always had a good quality whistle. Good attention grabber if needed and lightweight. And a fire steel. Matches/lighters are good to have, but can die out with wind and rain. A fire steel can really generate hot sparks, and is cheap and lightweight, small. Maybe in a match holder, instead of matches, put some cotton balls that have been dabbed in Vaseline.

You mentioned you had a garbage bag (in op), that can be used for rain if needed, multiple uses. Cut/poke a hole in the bottom for your head and 2 in the side for arms, put it on. You'll look silly, but, it works.

Walking/hiking shoes that can handle where your going, or that can handle all the different options on how to get back to your home. If your a lady, and wear high heels, ide bet you wouldn't want to walk back home in those! Or man or woman and be walking home in dress shoes, or some kind of sandals. So good pair of shoes that fits the occasion.

Thanks for the thread, I like reading about this stuff and see what others do too.

edit on 14-2-2016 by C84K2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 03:23 AM

originally posted by: CranialSponge

Stopping to see if someone on the side of the road needs help is pretty much an unwritten rule around these parts.

My dad always kept a small fire extinguisher in the car just in case he saw a car on fire. Its rare, but he still always had one just in case someone needed help. It takes a while for fire department or police (IDK though if police keep a fire extinguisher in their cars?) to get to the scene. Those can get out of control especially if they've been in an accident and fuel, oil is spilling, electrical fire too. If they're trapped somehow or unconscious, good to have, try to put it out. Better if they can get out on their own and you put out the fire.
edit on 15-2-2016 by C84K2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 03:52 AM
I'm quite lucky to live in the Sierra Nevada foothills, tucked away in my quiet little gold country town. I don't lock my home or vehicle 90% of the time. At night I leave my wallet in my unlocked truck, keys in the ignition more often than not. I feel zero threat from humans in my area. The weather is nearly perfect, "above the smog, below the fog". Like Hank Jr once said "I got a shotgun, a rifle and a 4 wheel drive and a country boy can survive". On a typical day, all I need: (besides construction tools in toolbox)

-cell phone w charger
-medication dispenser
-Camel Snus Frost (prefer large size)
-power bars/granola bars
-few bits of fruit (Apples, oranges, grapes)
-first aid kit
-hoody or jacket (only in winter)
-extra pair of shoes/boots
-change of clothes (in case I gotta impress someone)
-cologne/body spray
-jumper cables
-lug wrench
-Large crowbar behind driver seat.

In the event I must travel beyond the comfort zone in and around my town i.e.: Central Valley, Bay Area, etc I usually also bring:

-My trusty sidekick. I named her Nina.
-Nina's pal Clip
-15 of Clips closest friends.
-extra medication

edit on 15-2-2016 by Tuomptonite because: I messed up, ok? Geezus

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 05:17 AM
Everyone's situation is different. The important thing is to bring what you might need for your situation. The other thing to remember is to use what you bring, check it often and don't bring a lot of crap you'll never need. So many people make some kind of a car bag, then throw it in their car/truck and forget about it. Also changing out items as the seasons change is a good idea. Being very familiar with the contents, their locations and actually using items keeps your bag close at mind. You'd be surprised how many people carry a bag and then forget to even go to it when a situation arises.

In reading responses here, there have been a number of great points. Someone mentioned sturdy / comfortable shoes, and this is a key point. I probably should have noted this, but I wear them every day so I don't really have a need to carry extras. If you wear dress shoes, bringing an extra pair of shoes you'd be comfortable walking in is a great idea.

For some, just staying with your vehicle is probably the best option. You'll need a lot less stuff, but you're a lot more dependent on someone else (coming to your aid). Some don't have this option, and need to be more self-sufficient as a result.

There were a couple other things I forgot to mention. One of them is a handy trick I learned. I carry several lights (you can almost never have too many). Even during the day a flashlight can be very handy (working on a car/truck, etc.). One of the lights I bring is a mini-mag light (the 2 AA kind). Around this light I wrap several wraps of duct tape, about 3' of the stuff. It's a great way to have handy duct tape if you need it without carrying a whole roll, but it also serves another purpose. The duct tape allows you to put the light between your teeth and hold it to free up both hands. Holding an aluminum light in your teeth is pretty unpleasant otherwise. The other item I take, but neglected to mention was zip ties. It's amazing how handy these things can be in different situations.

Someone mentioned road flares. I don't carry any, but these would be good in high traffic areas. Someone else mentioned bungee cords. This is a great idea and I should probably add a couple to my bag; I use a million of them at the ranch for various things. Another mentioned a fire extinguisher. This too is a great idea I should probably consider. I would put this into more a car item than a carry item though (subtle difference though).

edit on 2/15/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 07:49 AM
Some other random 'thoughts while shaving'...

Water - I carry 2L of water, but I don't put my water in my water bottle(s) until I need it. I buy (2) separate store bought 1L bottles of water and just put them in the truck/car. Water eventually gets funky, and plus it freezes/thaws. The freeze / thaw action will draw air into your water bottle and ultimately contaminate the water. So what I do is keep the water in the store bought container until I need to take my bag. Then I will fill up the water bottle and put it in the carrier. In the meantime I just cycle through the water whenever thirsty. This means I've always got fresh water and a clean container to put it in. Now, you might be asking yourself why not just take the store bought bottles(?) I could do this, but they don't fit into my insulated bottle carrier with cup as snugly. It's just a functional thing for me.

Firearms - I see a lot of bags with an arsenal of firearms and ammo in them. I do carry one in my bag, but it's small and I don't carry a ton of ammo. Here's my take on the matter... There are several things to consider. First, any bag in a vehicle is a target for theft, and even though I live in a practically zero crime area I don't always travel through low crime areas. I certainly don't want to lose a $1,000 pistol in a bag which gets stolen. Second, firearms and lots of ammo are heavy. When one considers the combined weight of everything else the weight of any single item is a consideration. Water is the heaviest thing you will carry, but a firearm probably ranks up there in 2nd or 3rd spot. Lastly, and probably most importantly; I don't plan on getting into a gunfight. In fact, even though I'm a big firearms enthusiast, I'll probably do everything reasonably possible to avoid any sort of an armed confrontation. (remember, the idea is to get home, not go all Rambo Alpha Sierra). Yes, you might need one for personal protection (from animals or people) so I carry one, but the likelihood of actually needing to use it is relatively low in comparison to other items.

Area Awareness - Some of the items I carry (or don't carry) are a result of my familiarity with the area and the terrain I spend most of my time in. I would probably add in items like a handheld GPS, binos and other like items if I knew I was going to be traveling to an area I wasn't completely familiar with. This kind of goes back to the theme of your bag being a 'living' thing which changes as your situation changes, not just something which sits in your car for months / years.

Bag - I opt for a pack type bag. All situations are different, but this is what works for me. For some a duffel type bag may work just fine, but I want something I can carry over distance if need be. (this is also the reason for the weight considerations). I want something I can, and will, take with me.

Goals - As stated, my goal is to get home, plain and simple. My energy and resources will be focused on this effort and no other. Home is where my best and most resources are (not to mention my family and those who need me), but home isn't always nearby. In fact, for most "home" is more than 10 miles away. My goal is to stay with my vehicle as long as practically possible, but there are times when this is just no longer possible. So a good litmus test here to illustrate is say a winter storm. Storms are generally temporary events. My best money is likely spent staying with my vehicle in such an event. It provides shelter, heat and protection. However, after a storm event if my vehicle is still disabled then it's not going to get me home (goal #1). This is when I would choose to likely leave the vehicle. Maybe I get lucky and catch a ride (and need nothing from my bag). Hey, great...but this might not be the case. I want to be prepared. Everything I do, each step along the way, will be in one general direction; home. Whether 10 miles at a time, or slogging 500 yards, the focus and direction will be the same.

Physical Endurance - Pacing one's self is critically important. Overdoing it can be just as fatal as doing nothing. I'm relatively fit, but I'm no spring chicken anymore. A person must know their limitations, and stay within these limitations. The key is to keep moving, regardless of how, and moving in a focused direction. Yes, I've had a fair amount of survival type training, spent years outdoors in some pretty harsh conditions, but I'm not some gung-ho Navy SEAL type either. Every individual should know what their physical limits are and stay within them. Staying properly hydrated is critical. Food can wait.

edit on 2/15/2016 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 08:20 AM
On a side note (for those interested); my bag, fully equipped for winter, weighs just under 22 lbs. Not too bad, but too heavy in my opinion.

One of my short term goals will be to reduce this weight, but retain the same functionality. I'd like to get the bag down to 16-18 lbs.

One of my challenges is, there are some items I'd like to add (which is the wrong direction weight wise).

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Flyingclaydisk
Everyone's situation is different. The important thing is to bring what you might need for your situation. The other thing to remember is to use what you bring, check it often and don't bring a lot of crap you'll never need. So many people make some kind of a car bag, then throw it in their car/truck and forget about it. Also changing out items as the seasons change is a good idea. Being very familiar with the contents, their locations and actually using items keeps your bag close at mind. You'd be surprised how many people carry a bag and then forget to even go to it when a situation arises.

I agree with all of this. The items included will be different for different situations (although I feel some basic things should be required in all kits regardless, ie- a knife/leatherman, fire steel, para cord, duct tape, cash etc...) and there's no point in bringing so much stuff that you cant even carry it. Needs to be a combination of things you can carry the weight of and has a purpose for everything being included in the bag/kit. And I agree, this is all customizable, you shouldn't go online and buy a premade survival bag just thinking "This is all I need"- like you said, there's no point in getting one if your going to forget you even have it or don't know how to use what you've bought or put into it. Put things into it that you will use, know how to use, or are willing to learn how to use, and are able to carry the weight of. And like you said, it should be maintained.

I've noticed you talking about things with multiple uses, those kinds of things are great for kits like these. The more uses you can find for something, the better. Helps keep down weight.

Ide break it down into 3 or 4 kits- ( I only have 3, being that even though I've still kept my car key on my keychain for the past 4 or 5 years, I do not, however, sadly, still have the matching car to go with it lol) What you put into them is custom, but ide put a knife, fire steel, para cord, duct tape, first aid, some cash, in ALL of them) maybe some other things im forgetting at the moment. And with each kit, I make it better, for example, the few bandaids I would put in my wallet in #1, I would grow into a larger, more complete first aid kit in my car, backpack and home, where there's more space to add more to it.

1- on you at all times-- for example: a pocketknife or small Leatherman type tool, some cash, 550 para cord made into a bracelet or belt, or replace your shoelaces with it, a few bandages and a few feet of duct tape stored in wallet or back pocket, and a fire steel on keychain. all very small and lightweight, you don't even know they're there...yet, at the same time, you do know they're there.

2- a car kit

3- a grab and go kit (or, aka...a bob, or bug out bag) at home, easily accessible- I put this into a backpack I can easily grab that's near the front door. I put things on top that I will expect to use more often, so they are more easily accessible.

4- you own home-- you never know when a port will go on strike preventing or slowing distribution of goods, bad weather, or a riot, demonstration or unforeseen event will prevent you from leaving home, or you just don't want to leave and subject yourself to the street at that time during a situation like a riot or demonstration and their aftermaths.

My dad took the phrase "is the glass half full or half empty?" and turned it into "is the gas tank half full or half empty?" While he was always optimistic and the glass was half full, in terms of the gas tank, it was always half empty. He taught us to not let it get below half. You never know what will come up where that half tank will be needed, and there's no gas station around, or something happened it needed to close or some event happened and everyone is trying to get gas all at the same time and the lines are a mile long. More frequent fill ups, but your not spending anymore money than you would otherwise.

Growing up my dad always taught us to have a kit like this, while not being fanatical/doomsday about it lol. To some who don't have these kits, it may seem fanatical and complicated, but once you get this stuff together, and know how to use it, its not fanatical, its very little maintenance if you know what you have and how to go over it and take care of it. Its also easy to add/subtract from it once you know what you've got. Or its easy to adjust it.

Its being prepared for the unexpected. And if you are prepared, you are in a lot better shape than your neighbor or the person next to you that has not put the time into organizing one. (And once its all together, and you know what your doing , again--- its easy from there on).

I like reading what other people have to say, it gives me ideas and how to better my own backpack.

edit on 15-2-2016 by C84K2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 11:48 AM
I've never been in a position to need such a bag but, if I did make one up, I'd include a pack of playing cards.

The thought of being stranded somewhere with absolutely nothing to do would drive me spare.

Something I treated myself to was an army surplus poncho in case I got caught in the rain whilst out walking. It's great, enormous and weatherproof, lightweight and easy to roll up. Plus it didn't cost a fortune and it's got a hood.

And a good pair of spare socks can't be mentioned often enough

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: Rikku
are you insane?

City boys always think the world will never change and the buses will always run on time.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 12:23 PM
A good question but...I'm not going to tell you because it is a secret.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
Not being prepared on country mountain roads is a recipient for disaster. Sometimes vehicles overturn off the side of the road where they are unseen to help. If your phone has no reception... There's no way to drive out... Or maybe you are trapped in it or cannot access the road... Better safe than sorry.

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 11:23 PM
Just something I've not seen mentioned: one of those flashlights that works either by winding or shaking rather than batteries. Yes, I know some of them aren't the greatest light but they're far superior to no light at all from a flashlight with dead batteries. Another advantage is that they won't cause a lot of damage to your entire kit with batteries going bad and leaking. There are versions of wind-up/solar radios that have a light built in as well. Not sure about the weight of them.

Another is a full rain suit, pants and jacket with hood, like construction workers often wear. Heavy duty plastic, not the easily punctured stuff. I can testify that they are not easily ripped apart even by blackberry and wild rose thorns.
They can be found packaged in plastic and take up very little space as long as they're left unopened, not much weight to them but very good at keeping out the cold if donned over the warm clothes mentioned in other posts. The bright yellow color can be seen from distance even in low light.

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