posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 12:34 PM
We’ve had multiple experiences shared so far, all of them different. That’s what makes it interesting. I didn’t know there was even a name for
such things. In fact, I had all but forgotten this until I saw that word. This gives a name to 1/3 of an experience I had. My experience begins just a
little closer to the experience of Raxoxane, but just a little. I like his (her?) outcome better though.
I was around seven or eight at the time and spending the summer with an aunt and her husband in Northern California in the late ‘50s. They had a
house on a steep hill side, situated in a spot where car lights could not have contributed to what I saw. At night I would sleep on the couch in the
living room. This room was a portion of a longer room that had a dinning room portion to the left of the couch and beyond it. On the far right side
corner of the dining room, there was an open doorway which led into the kitchen.
I would often wake up in the middle of the night and I would just sit there and look at the patterns on the stones of the fire place across from me.
The stones filled up the entire wall, so I could do this for a long time until I got tired and went back to sleep.
I had been thus occupied, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something that seemed to move in the doorway of the kitchen. I wasn’t alarmed
by it. I was just curious, so I turned my attention towards the doorway. I witnessed what looked like a dense fog type of shape, not as high or as
wide as the doorway. There were no distinguishing features. It was shaped sort of like a very fat bullet, with fuzzy straight sides and sort of a
rounded top. It seemed to be illuminated, but barely, and I could not tell if this was from within or from some sort of reflection. I watched while
this thing moved slowly to the left, beyond the open doorway, and then slowly move back again to the right, and then move a third time to the left,
out of my site of vision. It didn’t bounce, meaning bobbing up and down the way one would expect if there were a person involved. It just silently
and slowly seemed to float back and forth.
I was sort of mesmerized by looking at this. I still wasn’t afraid but my curiosity was heightened by it. I kept looking to see if it would pass
again. In fact, wow, this is sort of weird, but just now what came to me was the clear memory that I was wondering if the jar of Oval-teen that I
coveted in the kitchen, and would privately dip into when no one was around, was okay, since that cabinet was not far from this fog thing.
As I continued watching towards the kitchen door, I then became aware of a "shadow" that moved across the dining room, from right to left. Except for
the fact that it ignored me, I automatically assumed that it was my Uncle Johnny, and I was sort of relieved to see it. It was the clear silhouette of
a tall male with strong features, sort of like the picture cutouts that were popular many years ago. I didn't want to wake my aunt so I tried to
whisper out to it, "Uncle Johnny? Uncle Johnny?" But it didn't seem to know that I was there. I was more hurt than alarmed. After a moment, it passed
across the room again, this time from left to right. Again, I called out to it and again I was ignored.
At that point, I did begin to become a little alarmed and I tried to stare at it as it moved. Two things seemed odd. One was that it moved too
smoothly, sort of like that grey foggy thing, as if it weren't using legs to move. Plus the edge of the silhouette was way too sharp, as if it really
were one of those cut out pictures, only life size. The other was that it was way, way too black. It was not illuminated in any way by the ambient
light. It was only by the absence of ambient light, in the portion of the room where there was ambient light, that it could be seen, so I would lose
track of it, except for when it was on the right side of the room. This shadow was the crisp and literal opposite of light, and the third time it
passed, from right to left again... this time I chose not to speak.
With my attention now on the left side of the dining room, I became aware of a sort of neon colored small light in the upper far left corner of the
dining room. At first I couldn’t make out what it was, but then it seemed to get larger; say, just shy of one foot in diameter but it still remained
in that upper corner of the room. It looked like a face, made of bent neon lighting tubes, that was mostly two very large and slanted eyes. Around
these eyes, sort of where the edge of a face would be, seemed to be swirling lines. They weren’t moving in a swirling fashion but were swirly in
design. Perhaps both are true. I’m trying to remember better but can’t because this thing started to grow larger rather rapidly and began to move
towards me and, like the other poster said, I thought my heart might jump out of my chest.
These things happened very quickly. Between this thing and me, that was moving towards me in a straight line, was a doorway on the left that was
between the living room and dining room portion, which led to a small hallway and to my aunt and uncle’s room. In my warp speed fear, I became even
more afraid of the consequences, imagined or otherwise, of what would happen if this thing passed that doorway, meaning it would now be only two feet
from me and between my aunt and uncle, especially since the face was now about three feet in diameter and, unlike the shadow figure that didn’t seem
to know that I was there, this thing was looking straight at me.
While I have never been one to scream, even when I seriously tried to, as this thing approached the other side of that open doorway, I did manage to
shout out, “Auntie Lila! Uncle Johnny!” In no time they were both bolting through the doorway, in a collision course with this thing, and I
shouted, “Look out! It’s behind you!” They jumped and looked about but there was nothing there. By then they had switched on the lights and I
don’t know who was more upset, them or I, but I was comforted and warned to be quiet and to go back to sleep.
Of course, I really wasn’t comforted. I’m still not. But there does seem to be a symbolic pattern of comforting people, warning them to be quiet
and to go back to sleep.
As you might guess, I have wondered about this over the years. Some theories come and go, but the two that seem to tag along with me in my old age is
the idea that this may have been some sort of test, to see what it would take to scare me. I don’t mean in a rude, mean sort of way, but more as an
experiment. I’ve often felt that if I had yelled when I saw the shadow, it would have ended there. If I had yelled at the first glimpse of that fog,
it would have ended there. But this doesn’t fit with the projection of what would have happened if I had not screamed with that third
Later on in life, as I began to read about poltergeist activity or telekinesis, I wondered if my own fear may have fed a bit of “life force” into
some odd pleomorphic entity. That makes shallow sense at first, but again, there was no fear to begin with so why the initial manifestation?
What’s that old saying? “The Shadow knows.” Maybe. Maybe not. I do know that I didn’t imagine this, though. That much I know.