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Is North Korea a manufactured fear?

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posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 01:16 PM
NK has an important part to play in WW3 that's why they are being allowed free reign that and no oil

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: haven123
NK has an important part to play in WW3 that's why they are being allowed free reign that and no oil

North Korea doesn't have anything close to 'free reign', and they do have oil...Nice doom rhetoric, though.

posted on Feb, 7 2016 @ 03:01 PM
edit on 7-2-2016 by HUMBLEONE because: Unst!

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 03:35 AM

originally posted by: avgguy
Think of it like this, NK isn't the reaction ( nuclear war) they are the catalyst ala ( making it more likely). If they were to ever fire a real nuke because little kimmy ran out of cognac. The entire world would end, humanity would disappear. So it's worrisome that a self proclaimed man-God has all of our fates in his fat little hand.

Not really.

North Korea has only a hand fall of low yield nukes.

Sure they could kill a few million but no the whole world.

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 04:00 AM
Had the TV on last night when the BBC news came on. I couldn't believe the amount of coverage the NK rocket launch was given, with talking heads and "experts" wheeled out for opinions and that retard Samantha Power talking up the "threat" to civilization!

To be honest, I find it rather ironic that those who shout the loudest about others having weapons with a long reach, possess even bigger ones, and in such quantities as to threaten every other place on the planet and blow them up several times over. I'd prefer to see a more level playing field with nobody having having such weapons. Isn't that fairer and a better safeguard for those of us no involved in pushing wars?

posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 04:30 AM
To the OP.

No, the threat of North Korea is not over-hyped.

North Korea is belligerent to South Korea with frequent military provocations. The leadership of North Korea is unstable and the people are highly indoctrinated and repressed.

It would be no joke if North Korea was found to have the capability to launch nukes. North Korea's neighbours are correct to be concerned that they have such an unstable and nasty neighbour. If the North Korean authorities can treat their own people with such contempt, imagine what they would do to other people.

China needs to help bring an end to North Korea, but that won't happen in the short term. China fears a reunited Korea and keeping the repressive North ticking over is the price that North Korea's pay to prevent reunification.

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