a reply to:
This is something I dont yet understand entirely.
I agree with him on his take of rump and his supporters. Specifically here, in that context of Trumps campaign message, he is right. It appeals to a
demographic by playing off that demographics fears.
Where I start to cringe is when his micro detection meter is going off.
The entire concept excludes the fact that some people will absolutely not like you and that their dislike of you can be sparked by more things than
If this whole micro aggression thing were true then off the wall cops would be right with their over reactions, homophobes would be right, xenophobes
would be....because the opponents of these groups could be perceived as having flirted with them while asking for directions, acted menacingly while
being questioned, or because they spoke about their religion which takes up 90% of their life and consequently is all they know how to talk about, so
they are trying to force convert you.
The whole ability to weed out micro aggression seems more like opinion and pseudo psychology and less so like a valid thing to say about such a real
issue like real racism and its very serious nature.
It seems so typical of the evolution of cultural extremism and sadly every new generation born after its creation.
Trumps whole campaign is built on fears founded by such evidence as perceived micro aggression against traditional America. You see its not just a
left or right tactic dealing with ethics or morality. Its human BS to make ourselves seem vindicated in a victim /martyr death culture.
How trotted upon are our values or our rights.....right? You see, to a leftist I would say our rights are under siege. I would declare a superior
ethical ground for my argument based on social responsibility against such "aggressions". If the conservative right is my audience I would say our
values are threatened. I would declare a moral argument that elevates my cause to one of biblical proportions.
All the language already exists and is well drilled into our minds. One need only mention a threat, declare the aggressive enemy made less human in
light of your own awesomeness and TADA!, you have a loyal following. Enemies /opponents beware.
We all think we are being crucified by someone. We think every instance of discord we do not favor as being motivated by something unjust and unfairly
out of our control. Like mortality itself, perhaps in echo of it...We live in a martyr /death culture.
Trump is just the latest to use a system of governance and power that is well developed in us all.
Respect to all journeys but thats where I am at now with all this. This is all social programming.
edit on 2 6 2016 by tadaman because: (no reason given)