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Calais port locked down as migrants break fences and board British ferry

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posted on Jan, 26 2016 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: anxiouswens

MOST ARE NOT FROM SYRIA OR IRAQ in Calais nor in Europe. Why do people still keep pretending that is the case. They are mainly from Pakistan and North Africa Countries. What the hell has a bunch of people following a backward ideology chopping peoples heads of, raping etc got to do with West. What responsibility do you place at their door..

There are millions of Syrian refugees…

The number of refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria to neighboring countries has now passed four million, confirming that crisis as the world's single largest refugee crisis for almost a quarter of a century under UNHCR's mandate.


Furthermore, at least an additional 7.6 million people are displaced inside Syria – many of them in difficult circumstances and in locations that are difficult to reach.

"This is the biggest refugee population from a single conflict in a generation."

UN site

You keep deluding yourself, fine by me.

posted on Jan, 26 2016 @ 01:19 PM

originally posted by: anxiouswens
I am happy with unaccompanied children if they are in fact children and as you said if they are coming from camps. I would take a child in my own home and look after them myself if I had the room.

What I do have a problem with is taking 16/17 year olds with beards who have been mature enough and street wise enough to travel across a continent! Any children taken should also not be at the detriment of British children and if there arent the places or funding without moving British children then that should be a clear indicator that we dont have the infrastructure in place. I am from the North of England and I see poverty day in and day out and still a lot get sent here. Time for Cameron to take sime in leafy Oxford.a reply to: paraphi

lol, half of them are 30-40 year old midgets wearing kids' clothing.

posted on Jan, 26 2016 @ 01:20 PM

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: anxiouswens
I am happy with unaccompanied children if they are in fact children and as you said if they are coming from camps. I would take a child in my own home and look after them myself if I had the room.

What I do have a problem with is taking 16/17 year olds with beards who have been mature enough and street wise enough to travel across a continent! Any children taken should also not be at the detriment of British children and if there arent the places or funding without moving British children then that should be a clear indicator that we dont have the infrastructure in place. I am from the North of England and I see poverty day in and day out and still a lot get sent here. Time for Cameron to take sime in leafy Oxford.a reply to: paraphi

lol, half of them are 30-40 year old midgets wearing kids' clothing.

Source? Or just more derping?

posted on Jan, 26 2016 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: intrptr
This thread is about the migrants camped at the French coast though, totally different kettle of fish, there are major organised Pakistani, Somalian, Eritrean and Sudanese areas in the camps as well as Syrian.

I haven't checked the figures myself but you would be wise to check your own facts before stating the member is deluding herself. Either way your general statement of displaced Syrians in Syria is a deflection at best.

Thank # the UK retained lawful control of the border on the French side or those thousands of single men would be here now...the French authorities would not have stopped them boarding the trains and ferries for sure.

You got a problem with the conditions in France then take it up with the French.

edit on 26.1.2016 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2016 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

Either way your general statement of displaced Syrians in Syria is a deflection at best.

Thats UN refugee data from their site.

The subject of refugees warrants an accurate look at the total numbers and why, not just, EU woe is us. Thats part of the problem, how can we accurately asses the problem if we don't pull the main stream blinders off?

posted on Jan, 26 2016 @ 06:35 PM
These figures you have produced are about Syrian refugees fleeing Syria and living in camps in Lebanon, Turkey etc.

This thread is discussing Europe and specifically Cslais in France where the majority are from Pakistan, Algeria etc.

Although an estimated 1 million fled to Europe in 2015 only 20% are from Syria. The rest 80% are made up of people coming from Algeris, Pakistan, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Motocco, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Eritrea. Hence why Europe is toughening up after also findinh many who say they are from Syria are carrying false passports/papers. Still the numbers are coming sd this BBC reports a reply to: intrptr

So it is you eho needs to come up with new rhetoric with regards to this migrant crisis in Europe. You blame everything on bombs being dropped and yet lots of the Countries people are coming from are not being bombed by NATO.

posted on Jan, 26 2016 @ 06:37 PM
Can you show me the small unaccompanied children at Calais? I take it you have a source to dispute that most of these are young adult men instead who are claiming they are under the age of 18.a reply to: stevieray

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Here's an aid worker scouring the camp for unaccompanied children.

We've been told here about dress code and look at the way she presents herself. This is racism. The white girls don't care about how their behaviour affects the brown girls as long as they get to be seen as a do gooder. Or am I getting too bitter about this. I see wind ups.

Having said that if she is finding the vulnerable kids she deserves respect and support.
edit on 27 1 2016 by Kester because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 02:12 AM
a reply to: intrptr
This thread is about the thousands of men camped at Calais though, very many of whom are not from nations bombed by NATO.
Start a new thread crying for Syrian refugees if you like, I may respond there if it interests me.

For now I shall continue feeling satisfied that the UK has lawful control of the border on the French side.

Again I say if you have a problem with the conditions in France then go whine to the French.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: grainofsand

Again I say if you have a problem with the conditions in France then go whine to the French.

I'll post on any ATS thread that suits me, all of them are open to all members, all the time.

Thats what free speech is all about.

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: anxiouswens
I am happy with unaccompanied children if they are in fact children and as you said if they are coming from camps. I would take a child in my own home and look after them myself if I had the room.

What I do have a problem with is taking 16/17 year olds with beards who have been mature enough and street wise enough to travel across a continent! Any children taken should also not be at the detriment of British children and if there arent the places or funding without moving British children then that should be a clear indicator that we dont have the infrastructure in place. I am from the North of England and I see poverty day in and day out and still a lot get sent here. Time for Cameron to take sime in leafy Oxford.a reply to: paraphi

lol, half of them are 30-40 year old midgets wearing kids' clothing.

Source? Or just more derping?

wow, aren't you all wound up tight about it all.

That much angst about an obvious toss-away joke ? That worried about being kind to criminals ?

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: Kester
a reply to: anxiouswens

Here's an aid worker scouring the camp for unaccompanied children.

We've been told here about dress code and look at the way she presents herself. This is racism. The white girls don't care about how their behaviour affects the brown girls as long as they get to be seen as a do gooder. Or am I getting too bitter about this. I see wind ups.

Having said that if she is finding the vulnerable kids she deserves respect and support.

WTH could possibly be wrong with what the "white girl" is wearing ? She's wearing a big baggy coat and pants, lol.

What's missing ? An iron chastity belt and a burlap bag on her head ?

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 09:55 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: grainofsand

Again I say if you have a problem with the conditions in France then go whine to the French.

I'll post on any ATS thread that suits me, all of them are open to all members, all the time.

Thats what free speech is all about.

It's funny, the classic liberal line about getting conservatives fired or boycotted for their opinions is "weeelllll, opinions and speech DO have REPERCUSSIONS". Or continually complaining to mods on websites, lol.

I think the guy was saying that it's easy to complain and demonize the non-criminals from far away......not necessarily "don't speak".

posted on Jan, 27 2016 @ 11:35 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: grainofsand

Again I say if you have a problem with the conditions in France then go whine to the French.

I'll post on any ATS thread that suits me, all of them are open to all members, all the time.

Thats what free speech is all about.

Perhaps you missed my point, I suggested you go whine to France about conditions there for migrants because it is not the responsibility of the UK.

And there is nothing the EU can do to force the UK government to stop defending it's border on the French side, that pleases me of course.

posted on Jan, 28 2016 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: stevieray

Read what the knowledgeable woman says.

. . . no tight jeans . . .
The Iranian woman understands what the men say about the aid workers. She says the migrant/refugee females suffer as a result of the men being wound up by the unaccustomed way the aid workers dress.

Now take a look at those jeans. How do you actually get into a pair of jeans that tight? Jump from a great height? Slather your legs liberally with lard? Ask the neighbours for help? Whatever method you use by the time you've managed to get them on you must be consciously aware that you've made an effort, and made yourself uncomfortable, just to project an image. An image that the Iranian woman says results in much suffering for the migrant/refugee females in the camp.

Can any of us here say we understand the situation better than the Iranian woman? Why is she not being listened to?

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