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Fact No 2

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posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 11:46 AM
We are told by the 'Trolls' who post on this board that Freemasons tell lies and are able to fool people into accepting the lies of Freemasons. I have not read what these lies are, who tells these lies and why people believe them. The Freemasons are not perfect men but men who strive for perfection.They know that only that the GATOTU is perfect and that no man ever becomes perfect. The quest to reach perfection does make a man a better person.

On a lighter note as Freemasons we do not destroy people's toilets or use mind control on them to become Freemasons. As I will be seen by the 'Trolls' as a low level Mason they will not believe this post. Some times the truth is boring.

If I was to lie about Freemasonry and say that we drink the blood of children, carry out acts of sexual perversion and communicate with the Devil; they would say that we told you so. They would say that Freemasonry is evil and that it is Satanic.They would say that Society is run by the elite of Freemasonry who plan revolutions, kill people, use mind control against them and also destroy people's toilets.They would then sell you a book exposing Freemasonry.The truth is out there and sometimes boring but you can always buy a book to make it interesting.


posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 12:18 PM
what was fact no 1 ?

what was your point in fact no 2 ? freemasons don't lie or freemasons aren't perfect ?

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 01:12 PM
For fact no 1 read the board please. Fact no2 is that Freemasons ar not perfect and some may not bee honest.The major point is that we are not in league with the Devil.


posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 01:39 PM
provide links please, its a pretty big board.

posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 01:43 PM
The link is in the post called the facts.



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