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Scientist and pilots set out to test Chemtrails phenomenon

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posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 12:20 PM
Some of you may have come accross this headline already. I thought it makes an interesting topic, since we may finally be witness to an attempt to get to the truth of chemtrails. There are a few caveats however. Let's see if you can spot them. Here's the press release associated with this :

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 3, 2015 (PRNewswire) — Potentially the most difficult environmental test in history is about to take place. World renowned scientist Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, along with two volunteer environmentalists from the National Crime Scene Cleanup Association (NCSCA), are setting out to find conclusive evidence about the existence of “chemtrails”. Award Winning Director/Producer Michael J. Murphy will be documenting this monumental feat.

which I found here:

The problems I see are the following:

Marvin Herndon's paper concerning coal fly ash has already been retracted:

So that kindof takes out the basis on which this experiment was to take place in the first place. However, Herndon insists he's right, so hemay still push forward with all of this.

The other problem is Murphy. He isn't known for his unbiased way of reporting things. In fact his entire 'documentary' has been found to be full of misdirections and flaws:

Murphy of course ignores all of this, and keeps pushing his agenda.

The third problem to me seems to be the experiment itself. I have a hard time imagining a bunch of powered paragliders going all the way up to jet cruise level (30.000 ft and higher), enter a contrail and successfully sample it. They may be able to get up there using wave lift, but that only occurs in specific locations under specific circumstances.. so chances that all of these conditions are met and allow them to enter a contrail seem extremely slim to me. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway.. I'd like to encourage you to shine your light on this whole thing, and see what you think of it.

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 12:49 PM
Honestly? I was excited about what you posted until I read that Murphy is involved. I have no, zero, trust in any test he has any involvement with I'm afraid.

But since chemtrail believers have no problem being lied to repeatedly..I'm sure they will lap it up.

Real shame. Would be great to get this put to bed really..

Edited: now I know an iPad changes chemtrail to chest earl.

edit on 18-12-2015 by 3danimator2014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: payt69

It is not a phenomenon, it is a conspiracy. Just ask Pinocchio, he knows.

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: soulpowertothendegree
a reply to: payt69

It is not a phenomenon, it is a conspiracy. Just ask Pinocchio, he knows.

Well the pilots aren't trying to fly through a conspiracy, but through the actual thing, which would be a phenomenon if it existed

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 01:37 PM
A powered paraglider can make it up that high.
I would guess that if we can get samples from the tail of a comet, that this should not be to hard to do.

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: payt69

the logical flaws in this " plan " are large oeough to fly an A380 through

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 02:51 PM
a reply to: soulpowertothendegree

It is not a phenomenon, it is a conspiracy. Just ask Pinocchio, he knows.

Actually it is neither of the's a hoax.

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014
Honestly? I was excited about what you posted until I read that Murphy is involved. I have no, zero, trust in any test he has any involvement with I'm afraid.

I have no idea who the guy is.

It would be awesome if you could elaborate a bit :-)

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 05:09 PM
a reply to: payt69

In your link to retraction watch, Herndon said

Be patient and perspicacious and you might find a story far bigger than you ever experienced. In the meantime, keep in mind the dust has not settled on the retraction matter, so may I suggest not rushing to press.

There are technical problems with the paper, he may resubmit it.

I am just glad he isn't a crackpot. He has a PHD in Nuclear Chemistry from A&M. J. Marvin herndon Wiki. Published many times over.

The experiment appears possible, from the article.

The argument is not dead, no matter how many times people want to say chemtrails don't exist.

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 07:56 PM

The experiment appears possible, from the article.

The argument is not dead, no matter how many times people want to say chemtrails don't exist.

The point is not to prove that they don't exist, since you can't prove a negative. The point is to show that there is evidence that they DO exist. And that hasn't been done yet. At the same time there is a good explanation for the things that have been pointed out as 'proof' for the the existence of 'chemtrails'.

Show some evidence for 'chemtrails' that can't be explained as regular contrails, cloud formations, testing equipment, etc, and I'm sure most people on this forum will believe in chemtrails. I know I will, at least. But what Ive' seen so far is rather unconvincing, and most of it just plain stupid.

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 09:40 PM
a reply to: payt69

I knew I knew Murphy's name from somewhere...

Then I visited his fb page....
What is it they say...."better to remain silent and make people think you're an idiot rather than open your mouth and remove all doubt"? Yeah, Murphy removes all doubt at his fb page

......I'm sure this will be a very unbiased "experiment"...confirmation bias will not be an issue here

*off to find out about the others they are of the same mindset as Murphy (but I could be wrong....going to find out)

posted on Dec, 18 2015 @ 09:45 PM
a reply to: reldra

I am just glad he isn't a crackpot

I think that would depend on one's definition or perspective on "crackpot"...Check out his fb's essentially all he talks about.

....over the years of my research (and as a one time "believer") I've found that those of this ilk that go on and on and ON and on.......

....they're not exactly "sane" or unbiased..

posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: reldra

There are technical problems with the paper, he may resubmit it.

The problem he has is that he can't actually prove what he thinks so he has to finagle the so called proof to back the his buddy Mr. Murphy did with his ridiculous movie What in the World are they Spraying.

I am just glad he isn't a crackpot. He has a PHD in Nuclear Chemistry from A&M. J. Marvin herndon Wiki. Published many times over.

And that proves he is what?

A nutter with an education.

The argument is not dead, no matter how many times people want to say chemtrails don't exist.

And yet it was when the chemtrail hoax started with Will Thomas over 20 years ago.

Haven't you wondered why no actual scientific evidence has been shown to back the chemtrail hoax in the last 20 years...pretty much proves the argument right there.

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: payt69

I think they've given up on the idea of using a light aircraft (they discovered it couldn't get high enough, unlike MJM) or paragliders and are now trying to raise money for the jet they've realised they need for the test as they've been told for years

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: mrthumpy

not to be smug - or anything

but it was blisteringly obvious that this " plan " was a walt-fest from the outset

2 idiots with no background in hi-altutude paragliding .

1 - plan to break the world record


while doing so - preform a series of complex manouvers requiring the interception of a moving target [ while turning thier engines of ]

what the fook could possibly go wrong ??????????????

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: mrthumpy

not to be smug - or anything

but it was blisteringly obvious that this " plan " was a walt-fest from the outset

2 idiots with no background in hi-altutude paragliding .

1 - plan to break the world record


while doing so - preform a series of complex manouvers requiring the interception of a moving target [ while turning thier engines of ]

what the fook could possibly go wrong ??????????????

Yeah it was more like a publicity stunt for National Crime Scene Cleanup Association rather than a realistic attempt

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 09:54 AM
If they invited someone like Mick West to accompany them on the flight, and verify the test, it would make it credible and believable.

Just think, concrete proof. Undeniable. The end to the debate.

Unless.........Wiggington was wrong and high bypass engines really can make contrails. (then how would you know the trail you tested was a chemtrail and not just a persistent contrail?)

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: network dude

Wiggington's a hack (as I am certain you know)
I've attempted to engage the guy in the past and only got some circular, illogical non-answers from him.
I've showed him things that I asked for his comments on (in the past) and again, the same circular, illogical non-answers from him and his ilk.

He doesn't care though. Neither do his cronies. They're in it for the money. Such as it always is.

*off to buy my detox kit so the chemtrails don't kill me off.

posted on Dec, 22 2015 @ 01:41 AM
If they successfully follow a jet leaving a 'chemtrail', I wonder what they'll make of the fact that their own jet is also leaving one? It could blow their minds.

posted on Dec, 22 2015 @ 02:40 AM

originally posted by: waynos
If they successfully follow a jet leaving a 'chemtrail', I wonder what they'll make of the fact that their own jet is also leaving one? It could blow their minds.

MJM filmed his own flight leaving a trail on the way back from Paris

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