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Alien Trained: Human 2.0

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posted on Dec, 20 2015 @ 06:49 PM
I think the main thing we keep banging our heads against in these type of discussions is an unclear vernacular.

What one person considers when they think of the term "alien" may be radically different from another persons understanding. As far as I see it we all originate from the same Seed and Source, and tangent off into various genetic tree-lines of genetics. Hybridization on this planet is ongoing, from Root Races mingling with other Root Races intermingling with Hybrids mingling with Hybrids and compounding on and extrapolating off one another.

Define what you mean by the word "alien" in this chaos-sphere, and maybe we might get somewhere faster.

edit on 12/20/15 by GENERAL EYES because: grammar edit

posted on Dec, 20 2015 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
I think the main thing we keep banging our heads against in these type of discussions is an unclear vernacular.

What one person considers when they think of the term "alien" may be radically different from another persons understanding. As far as I see it we all originate from the same Seed and Source, and tangent off into various genetic tree-lines of genetics. Hybridization on this planet is ongoing, from Root Races mingling with other Root Races intermingling with Hybrids mingling with Hybrids and compounding on and extrapolating off one another.

Define what you mean by the word "alien" in this chaos-sphere, and maybe we might get somewhere faster.

Not true.

A human being in a state of evolution, exists only in the present state.

They use all of the information they studied from a mind concept that wants to "transform and destroy".

Matter and gases that has formed over billions of years....

They then make statements that they know the beginning or that ALIENS were the first could you know this is true?

Did you factor an ALIEN, in your PHI equations, which uses O a circle and angles? did not.

You stated by your own higher evolved consciousness (for modern day consciousness is still mutated from ancient radiation attacks), that the O ANGLE was an did not say that the ANGLE was an ALIEN...did you?

You live in an evolved state of light and sound as a mass of cooled light and sound O....this light and sound is a SEALED STATE...the only condition that supports/protects life. You stated this sound was an ANGEL. You used an ANGLE and broke O the form a FALLEN ANGEL.

You then decide you want power and energy and then decide to change the SEALS O.

O the SEALS on Earth, are in a holy condition of DUST and ATMOSPHERE light and sound O....ANGEL.

You took the ANGEL of the Earth and converted it in an unnatural Earth life condition and caused .....ALIEN.

ALIEN does not exist in out of space.....nuclear fuel in star systems is natural healed sound.

You take healed star sound O and healed Earth dust sound O and formed artificial SOUND. Earth is its own stone body, it is not nuclear fuel floating in out of space.

Nuclear fuel is natural in out of space.....natural sound
Plasma creation is natural in out of space....natural sound
Earth stone is natural in out of space.....3 different naturally formed bodies in out of space.

You then form fake and artificial spirits in an evolved light and natural sound state that only supported the natural Nature to which you belonged...... Earth natural stone formation and natural atmosphere formation.

You want want the power of the say in your own mind that you want the power of the Universe that created the Creator....your own person thinking you are the Creator...your own plasma life evolved from the condition of all bodies supporting it....your own spirit as a spirit that you advise yourself is the CHRIST.

You state the holiness of your life spirit is the Holy Ox....oxygen and water condition of Earth's atmosphere, the supporter of your own Nature...natural sound.

You do not know anything other than the spirit that supports you....for this is the natural psyche and natural spirit state.

You then impose a condition that you advise your own person that you want.....power and energy. You then impose your own evaluations upon all other conditions.

You state through your own occultist documents that you are studying the concepts of GOD and the creation of CHRIST, the holiness of spirit that you named as your own male person....male occultist....male inventor...male destroyer of the natural evolved light and sound evolution.

You then factor what you consider is all light and sound bodies that exist at the same moment that you do as you imply the evaluation from the status in which you exist. You say that you are informed of all bodies....and then state that you want the power that began it all.

Yet you only exist because everything you evaluated supports the highest condition....conscious awareness. Your evaluations then advise you that you want to destroy your own presence, by changing all conditions that precede you.

Yet your calculations only exist because the information of creation exists for you to calculate.....billions of years of cooling.

Where is the status of knowing something that you inform yourself that you do not know, and yet state that you know.....what do you know? You do not know anything at all....except everything you studied and factored.

So you want the beginning without factoring the beginning and so you pose theory because you believe you know it all....your own consciousness tells you that you think you know it all....your statements tell you that you think you know it all. The facts tell you that you do not know it all.

What do you know? Only everything you factored from what you reviewed. You only review what is created, and if everything exists at the same moment you review difference, then nothing precedes anything else. It demonstrates that light has a multiple sound supporting it O inside its own O body. Light sound therefore created everything in 1 moment.

Where is the condition of a non factored Creator....or a presence of power that you cannot factor? It does not exist.

O you use the Creator model to then imply you know what happens when O is broken open...and all different light sounds fall out? O is the model you infer is the ANGEL the condition that keeps life safe...yet you chose to break it open.

How does an open O changed body factor origin or natural? Natural only exists as natural O....when you change natural you obviously change natural.

Did you change the nature of nuclear fuel O....a natural light sound body, not disturbed in out of space? Of course you did.

You therefore pose a theory on all information you factored....your theory then implies.....I will destroy all the Universe and energy that I factored to gain what I think exists before all factoring.....and so you did. I make this statement because I know from holographic memory that you previously did the same action converted a higher Universe into a lower Universe.

Your occultist mind states transformation through destruction. You advise yourself that you want to destroy and yet you presume as the organic life that you will succeed transformation through destruction....WHY?

Because you are an organic life who did succeed tranformation through destruction....because you have a higher light spirit communicating to your lower organic self and mind.

Your physical self desists, yet your higher spirit always existed and you did survive Universal destruction and transformation, being the only reason you imply that you would survive it again.

Yet the Universe advises you that if you destroy its factors to place it into an act of transformation, it will only return as a lower body....which it already did. Therefore your consciousness is totally advised of the condition of your incorrect theory.

Our family for thousands of years have fought your evil minded considerations and have tried to prove to you that spirit life as an origin has always existed....we give you our experiences...we write books of evidence about spirit and yet you ignore us all.

Archaeological evidence demonstrates that incinerated human bodies were found inside of coal beds...deep inside of Planet did they get there?

Earth had been incinerated of her origin self...holes bored into the Earth stone and Earth opened up her body....this is how the incinerated bodies in coal were formed...placed there by your own origin evil act occultist brother.

Aliens do not pre-exist us...they have never existed until you did occultism.

Earth demonstrates by its archaeological evidence that you did ancient occultism and placed the alien intelligence into the Earth terrestrial by combusting our origin life on modern day Earth. Earth existed as a higher crystalline fused body...and you once again removed a huge body of the fusion....Earth stone changed....and you did not know that you had removed many O origin sounds as you broke them apart and formed artificial intelligence...aliens....fallen out light sound images that form as they fall out...FAKE and ARTIFICIAL.

You have constantly committed the same evil act again and again.

posted on Dec, 20 2015 @ 08:45 PM
If they did, you'd think be they will peaceful, holding hands and singing...When the fact is they'd probably end up being very arrogant, I mean come on, I was trained in the school of Hercules, or like a kung fu film with all those different schools with animal styles.

It would be worse then World of Warcraft.
edit on 20-12-2015 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2015 @ 11:14 PM

originally posted by: beenharmed
Archaeological evidence demonstrates that incinerated human bodies were found inside of coal beds...deep inside of Planet did they get there?

They didn't. This statement is entirely untrue, yet this is at least the third time you've posted it. Why do you keep repeating blatant lies?

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: beenharmed
Archaeological evidence demonstrates that incinerated human bodies were found inside of coal beds...deep inside of Planet did they get there?

They didn't. This statement is entirely untrue, yet this is at least the third time you've posted it. Why do you keep repeating blatant lies?

Never argue with a random phrase generator.

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: beenharmed

Dude, I don't know what the heck you just said and think I'm more mentally sound for not grokking.

Thanks for playing, but I think you've got your game set on Player 1 versus Player 1.

Nothing you just typed had anything to do with my statement.

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: draknoir2

originally posted by: AdmireTheDistance

originally posted by: beenharmed
Archaeological evidence demonstrates that incinerated human bodies were found inside of coal beds...deep inside of Planet did they get there?

They didn't. This statement is entirely untrue, yet this is at least the third time you've posted it. Why do you keep repeating blatant lies?

Never argue with a random phrase generator.

Lol sound advice. I'm just trying to see if I can get any sort of direct, articulated response.

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 03:15 PM
The really dreadful thing here is that beenharmed has taught itself to write like that.

Two of the most common reactions to its writing are: "Oh, beenharmed's writing stimulates something in me that causes me to believe that I should study it harder for clues and listen more carefully"...

...or: "beenharmed is a bot".

Pretty "James-Tilly-Matthews-esque", if you ask me.

Good stuff.

edit on 21-12-2015 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: jellyrev
If aliens exist. There is likely a some sort of UN. In this UN the aliens likely debated what to do with non-FTL sentient species.
Some argued that they are dangerous if they got FTL tech and should be quarantined.
Some argued for disclosure and admittance into space UN
Some argued to keep them on their planet as a zoo. To keep it unspoiled from High technology.

I think they would go with the zoo. Why? Because Western Academics openly advocate this policy on Amazonians, Adamanese etc. Instead of exposing these people in remote locations to tech scientist and others try to keep these primitive groups isolated. If we do this to the same species it is not a leap for aliens to do it to us.

Umm the only problem with it's it still implies there's a conspiracy to hide the information by Earth governments. I don't know of any jungle natives who're not aware of higher civilization. I've seen shows/pictures them wearing modern shirts or using modern tools, so they've had limited contact with us. So where're the aliens then? We should be able to spot them occasionally. Where the humans wearing alien clothes or using alien tools? Where're hte UFO's watching us from a distance? This is the trouble with Ufology. There's no reliable evidence for it.

This might be academically interesting. A What-If question. But once you propose it as a possibility on Earth right now, you expose it to the problem I write above, thus probably dispelling it.

EDIT: Found this link on wiki: - Uncontacted peoples...

It is believed that the last group of uncontacted native peoples in North America were the Lacandón people, discovered in the early part of the 20th century. Both Ishi's Yahi family, and the Lacandón Maya, were aware of European colonization and the civilization that had developed from it, but purposefully avoided any direct contact, preferring to interact only with other native peoples.

I think this is the norm for most "uncontacted" peoples. They choose to remain uncontacted, despite knowing of the presence of others. This is not the same thing as being unaware of other peoples.

The logical conclusion is either there's a vast conspiracy to hide the contact information and quiet those who see the aliens or there has been no contact yet. I personally feel the latter is more plausible.
edit on 12/21/2015 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 04:54 PM
Beware there's a creature named Beenharmed in this thread. I tried to read some of the posts but I am fearful I'm infected with something. Please save your children and escape now. Beenharmed is spreading. I... can't... Oh, my hands are changing. Fluid. I can't see it. Go. Now!!

edit on 12/21/2015 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: AdmireTheDistanceanomalies in coal and rock

Human bones, foot and handprints and artifacts have been found in rock and coal ... to have found this bell inside a lump of coal that was mined near his house in West Virginia. ... Another rhino bone, cut by a sharp tool, was found in Ireland.

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: Bybyots
As the forums are advised, we are not allowed to share personal information on the Internet, because of wierdo's.

I have shared information about my own personal life journey understanding spirit, phenomena and then being attacked.

Obviously as most of the forums readers know, operatives make comments about the information trying to persuade the public that the information is false....being what the operative is paid to do as a study the forums and then attack the humans who give evidence in the public.

You want the public to believe that our consciousness is controlled and how you believe that a "bot" can answer a forum that functions so that the artificial computerized data cannot gain access to forums simply displays your own inability to question or interact with information as you do not want any public discussion to involve sharing of information.

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: jonnywhite

What sort of sick mind posts inappropriate comments and also visual displays, if not for the reason of implying an underlying retort?

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: beenharmed
Yes, I know there are fringe sites that make false claims. Why don't you try to find a reputable, scientific source that states human skeletal remains have been found embedded in coal?/just one will do.

Also, nobody who has responded to you here or elsewhere is an 'operative' (what a sweet gig that would be!). People keep saying you sound like a not because that's exactly how you type/write; Long, poorly formed sentences with content that is entirely unintelligible. These last two posts of yours are the first I have even come close to being able to decipher.

posted on Dec, 21 2015 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to:

You say "fringe", yet obviously the information gets reported, and the public are aware that particular information is given to the public for a that the public will be involved in considering what the information could relate scientists know that they are not the "all knowing" self that they presume they are.

Therefore they try to gain information from psychics, as the occult study of science is aware, just like I am, as to the human psyche condition that first allowed science to be developed as an ancient study.

Archaelogical evidence has already given the public data about its discoveries.

posted on Dec, 22 2015 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: Spader
a reply to: OneGoal
I've seen this type of post many times on various sites including ATS and in conversation many times.
The more I think about it, the more I come up with my own question I cannot seem to answer.
Why would a civilization that can master and exceed the speed of light want to come here to little ole Earth and carry out nefarious agendas.
If they wanted our resources they would just take them.
Abductions? Maybe a sick and twisted renegade who just wants to have some fun.
Until the point of "Them" making themselves known to us on a planet wide basis, or the worlds governments disclosing the fact we are being visited we will never know.
If there are aliens visiting us I will keep asking myself WHY? What could we possibly have that they couldn't find elsewhere or manufacture on their own.

We do have a lot of human beings on this ol'rock! To my knowledge not very many of us out there. I would think that's a good reason to come. Wouldn't you as an advanced race want to see a civilization you've observed since its infancy become an advanced race. Just a thought.

posted on Dec, 22 2015 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: Jahari

What is advanced about our race, when our civilization status, as a structure that developed the need for resources for energy usage is the reason we are going to be destroyed.

Human beings thought about new inventions to resource new energy and took the life source of Earth for their own civilization use.

You review the condition of human life, deteriorating into all different forms of diseases and illness and brain change.
You review the condition of life and its mind channeled motivated statement.....nuclear weapons....nuclear transmissions and the human mind who wants to use both to destroy life.

Before this condition, the human brain/psyche was developing into a knowing, loving, kind, considerate, equal status human being, who strived for humanity to succeed.

Invention took the cooled nuclear transmitted wavelength and changed it....and life and the human self changed.

How is this only concludes that the Alien presence, the artificial life spirit that was formed by the ancients also doing science....causing extra in the terrestrial....causing Earth crystal radiation leakage from the stone, multiplied the Alien presence and instead of the Satanic army attacking the Angels, as the spiritual scientific review, it was replaced with the destruction of the highest order of angels, the protection of Earth and Satan changed, and Aliens replaced Satan.

If you want to conclude that the Alien Army has come to manifest to claim its Creator.....then look to Science and the Scientist....for they come to claim your own person....the Creator of their spirit.

Why is it that human spiritual psyche advice told scientists that the Alien were abducting their life spirit....the holy Christ spirit that supports all life....the holiness of oxygen regeneration or returning function and the holiness of water?

Christ is no longer sacrificed on the wooden cross as the ancient spiritual attack, instead the Alien spirit is abducting Christ as the new Christ murder....isn't this situation obvious to occult science?

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: beenharmed

O, O...Do me next!

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: Specimen
Unlike your own alien possessed brain, I don't believe that I own the spirit of creation and tell it what to do.

posted on Dec, 23 2015 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: beenharmed
a reply to: AdmireTheDistancehttp://w
Archaelogical evidence has already given the public data about its discoveries.

Correct, however 'archaeological evidence' has not 'given the public data about' human remains being found in coal beds, because no such thing has happened and no such archaeological evidence exists. Prove me wrong.

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