posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to:
This. This is the method by which we should be combating terrorists. Don't we realize? Killing leads to more killing. We bombed them, so they hated us
and attacked us. How did we respond to their response? Killing will never lead to peace. When will we realize that taking away someones son, brother,
daughter, sister or parent will never lead to peace? How could it? I understand. I understand perfectly. We, the West, we find it so hard to simply
let go, to just let go of the killers. But when will we realize that we continuously provoke them. That everyday, every action. It is ruled by fear
and mistrust. Even if our governments hadn't taken away our rights, we would have lost them. Only then it wouldn't by the governments hand, for power.
No, it would be by fear, but through fear we have also lost our liberties.
So keep killing them. Keep killing their children, their families. Destroy their homes. Ravage their countries. Empower them, do it. Just continue.
Because if we for one moment agree to trust and believe our governments and that they do not support terrorism with money and training and bullets. We
as a people continue to do so with fear.
Fight with compassion for one another. Do not break. Do not falter. Rise every day. Play with your children. Love one another.