Ummm...have you ever wondered...?
Wonder fraught
My mind my self is warped around a singular notion of perception
All other such blinded selves are bound tight to the same notion
The pattern frequencies of sense are locked and interlocked
All wills are directed in sight smell hearing taste and thought
We perceive and experience along lines of compelled belief
We are trapped…I am trapped…held tight in a false realm
A realm that fosters greed and gains pursuit
A realm that preaches shades of grey
A pale and pallid mockery that eschews maturity
That fosters synaptic titillation and tactile gratification as the be all and end all
Your minds exude frequencies that find comfortable sympathy
A sympathetic symphony that unknown is concerted
An internal singing of complacency
conducted on a grand experimental form
A concerto of false impression portrayed as real
This life we live the things we experience
All…only a scam
A sham
Perpetrated that we never realize our vast potential
That instead we eat sleep and breathe that we dream…small
We become the dream
Subtle nudges propel us along
We become wonder fraught
Existence is a determined sequence
that folds thought dream and discovery inward upon self
This convolution of design prohibits growth maturity and evolution
In our tactile prisons we forgo a determined self discovery
Ensnared in willful denial we make such an excellent feast
Host to the leech mentalities we offer up much more than throat or blood
These succubi sup on confusions state…on blindness lack of sight…on fearful denial
How pale are we…that seek illuminae
welcome to a thought I had once...once...(shouldn't that be spelled wunce...?)