posted on Nov, 15 2015 @ 09:03 AM
Was just watching some local news on the tragedy in Paris when a young college student who was present with several of his friends at the concert came
on and did a wonderful interview, in it he said that "It is easy to hate, but hard to feel love at a time like this'.
His entire interview brought tears to my heart because in his gracious innocence and shock his words rang truth and a great reminder.
A great reminder.
So easy an emotion to hate, yet to feel the blessings of love at such a crazy time when everything is topsy tervy is next to impossible.
This humble young man was a direct reminder to me to not lose myself into the hate, the gut feeling of hate because of the insanity being thrown on
all of us, against our higher intelligence, our marginalization by the powerful few who are orchestrating this global chaos.
For me I listen to music that helps me find peaceful prayer, love and sanity at a time when it is hardest to find.
Just a reminder.
There are still hundreds of thousands of innocent families, women, children fleeing a hellish nightmare of bombings, raids and devastation for a
safer, peaceful future away from harms way. We cannot hold responsible the many because of the intent and action of the few.
The elitists and puppet masters are the responsible parties here, not the honest and truthful asylum seekers of a peaceful future for themselves and
their families, their elderly, and children.
I am not saying to put down our guards and live in a fantasy world of how we wish things could be and to look at the bigger picture through rose
colored glasses, instead just reminding any of us with a heart and a clear vision of a world at peace, to not allow hate and fear and antiquated
fanaticism to control our higher goals as a collective of a evolving race of humans regardless of color, race, religion or demographics.
Find what helps remind you of the blessings of this life, of this precious gift in eternity which we are all a part of. Energy is as real as it gets,
the energy being sought by the powers that be are upside down, they are wrong and with just a little consciousness, heart energy, we can flip the
energy and help heal the planet and all life suffering at this point and raise the vibration frequency.
Remember the saying "From chaos comes clarity"?