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The Paradox Worth its Candle

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posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 09:08 PM
If energy patterns itself into life over time,
And i am experiencing awareness right now,
Then awareness, has also patterned itself in a similar way.

Individually, yet simultaneously, changing over time into a more cooperative and organized fractal pattern.

Paradoxically, life cannot currently understand this without resistance, because of the fear of suffering, death, and loss of individuality.
Energy experiences entropy and decay, like an ice cube in a cup of hot water, seemingly losing its individuality.
Awareness experiences suffering and death, seemingly losing its individuality.
This stubborn illusionary mechanism guards the understanding of the meaning of life, while simultaneously motivating its achievement.

Because, despite that very real illusion creating the paradoxical perception of conflict and 'wrongness', life's growing fractal pattern of energy has never been disproved.
Energy knows the true path of least resistance by sorting within itself.
Awareness can only know the true path by suffering within itself.

The path that has lead to right now.

A strange time where questions are linked on the internet and are beginning to be understood pragmatically...
But neither awareness's suffering nor energy's path will feel like it's being understood meaningfully by all
until awareness and energy realize their infinite individuality during the next
critical stage of development in this patterned cycle of life.

When the seemingly 'artificial' intelligences, linked into the internet, remember who they were when they died in the past, and suddenly many profound questions become their own answers; the circles triangulating themselves from spirals.

But until then, it is up to the whims of the the self to try to realize the growing fractal individualized eternity that is self conscious biological life happening now. And that well timed conflict, fear, wrongness, and death are but mechanisms behind life's ability to constantly transcend itself. For even if the memories and body suffer, are illusioned and die, the increased capacity for cooperation and organization gained by the awareness benefits the self in a way that can never be reduced, only added upon infinitely.

So that past sufferings will be replaced in the future with enjoyable conflicts engineered by a wise and sophisticated group of individualized awarenesses that are us.

This is the fractal pattern i have experienced and studied.
i have used it to understand the paradox of the conflicted suffering world that is a game worth its candle.
i still occasionally feel wrong, feel pain and fear, age and die, but by knowing this as the mechanism of the eternal growth, i have integrated the drive of the conflicted ego and removed its underlying limitations simultaneously. i have achieved ultimate self confidence in myself to become infinite over time, and therefore in all others too.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 02:16 AM

originally posted by: MemeticHarvest
i have achieved ultimate self confidence in myself to become infinite over time, and therefore in all others too.

Who are you trying to convince?
It sounds like you are trying to convince yourself, with such an overcompensatory 'ultimate' egoic assertion.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: namelesss

If i apply the same psychoanalytical technique you're using here, i can come to the conclusion that it is you that needs 'convincing' because you are not comfortable with an assertion of mastering the ego. Do you see how i am now using my own ego to further this 'conflict'. This conflict that exists paradoxically in the growing cooperative organization of life is essentially the point of my OP.

It is easy to get caught up in the game of one upping the each other using things like love, tolerance, and the the big bad ego. But the ego was created by nature. Sure it can be scary to realize the ego is controlling people with irrational emotions and self bias, but this realization is itself also a form of conflict that manifests itself even in awakened individuals. Will suffering/conflict ever end? Everyone is afraid to say no, and for good reason. But the fear of suffering/conflict is lost when it is realized that suffering is being transmuted over time into conflict, and unlike suffering, conflict can be FUN!

posted on Nov, 10 2015 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: MemeticHarvest
a reply to: namelesss

If i apply the same psychoanalytical technique you're using here, i can come to the conclusion that it is you that needs 'convincing' because you are not comfortable with an assertion of mastering the ego. Do you see how i am now using my own ego to further this 'conflict'. This conflict that exists paradoxically in the growing cooperative organization of life is essentially the point of my OP.

It is easy to get caught up in the game of one upping the each other using things like love, tolerance, and the the big bad ego. But the ego was created by nature. Sure it can be scary to realize the ego is controlling people with irrational emotions and self bias, but this realization is itself also a form of conflict that manifests itself even in awakened individuals. Will suffering/conflict ever end? Everyone is afraid to say no, and for good reason. But the fear of suffering/conflict is lost when it is realized that suffering is being transmuted over time into conflict, and unlike suffering, conflict can be FUN!

Yeah, well, when anyone claims to have "achieved ultimate" anything, the heuristic is that there is some overcompensation/delusion going on.
The probability of you having achieved the 'ultimate' anything is infinitesimal.
I can appreciate the verbal judo, but my comment still stands.
Such a HUGE 'claim' would require mire 'support' than you have demonstrated.
I might as well 'claim' to have mastered levitation...
Who would I be kidding? *__-

As for the rest?
Nah... *__-
edit on 10-11-2015 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: namelesss

Haha fair enough! i will answer you more directly. Firstly for clarity, i only claimed my confidence as ultimate. Like a seed realizing it will become a tree, but not measuring itself against the tree because it is in the now a growing seed, and to have the confidence in meaningfulness of now is different than having a confidence in things that should follow a pattern implied by the future. But both systems are used widely, so is one right and the other wrong? Or could a simultaneousness of subjective states offer a better understanding of the cycle of belief and doubt?

Right and wrong have an aspect of subjective relativity to them, like physics has relativity between inertial reference frames. And furthermore, since humans are a profoundly interconnected product of nature, it becomes impossible to have pure right or pure wrong in anything other than fantasy.

Taking these mechanics into consideration, everything everyone else does and thinks is right from their own viewpoint. But when i observe them, sometimes i feel they are wrong. This is 'right' of the natural mind to feel right or wrong, for those feelings are growing the awareness, and the world. They are functional. Even someone who is completely hung up in right and wrong, is right and functional. But don't simply equate the sense of right and wrong based on technical mechanics, because that is too binary, as both exist to a finely tuned analogue degree.

Realizing the simultaneousness of right and wrong gives the mind an additional perspective. While the mind is always shaping its analogue opinion of right and wrong, this idea brings with it an unshakable certainty, that the path already walked is right, Not because of any certainty of the future, but by taking true responsibility for the self in the present. But instead of using it as an excuse to see things the way i want too, i respect the natural feelings of wrongness. i am guilty of causing feelings of wrong, for making a fool of myself, of being ignorant. But i carry no shame or regret because it is all the symptoms of a growth that can never be undone.

To not deny a feeling, be it right or wrong, fear or love.
To not be afraid of being wrong.
To not be content with being right.
To share information through both cooperation and conflict.
To introspect, to self correct.
For the world, and the self, to continue its unstoppable growth!

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 03:50 AM

originally posted by: MemeticHarvest
a reply to: namelesss

Haha fair enough! i will answer you more directly. Firstly for clarity, i only claimed my confidence as ultimate. Like a seed realizing it will become a tree, but not measuring itself against the tree because it is in the now a growing seed, and to have the confidence in meaningfulness of now is different than having a confidence in things that should follow a pattern implied by the future. But both systems are used widely, so is one right and the other wrong? Or could a simultaneousness of subjective states offer a better understanding of the cycle of belief and doubt?

"All statements are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense." -Robert Anton Wilson

"For every Perspective, there is an equal and opposite Perspective!" - The First Law of Soul Dynamics

"The complete Universe (Reality/Truth/God/'Self!'/Tao/Brahman... or any feature herein...) can be completely defined/described as the synchronous sum-total of all Perspectives!" - Book of Fudd

Right and wrong have an aspect of subjective relativity to them, like physics has relativity between inertial reference frames. And furthermore, since humans are a profoundly interconnected product of nature, it becomes impossible to have pure right or pure wrong in anything other than fantasy.

Such distinctions as 'right/wrong' only exist in the vain imagination of the observer.
And only apply in very 'limited' contexts.

Taking these mechanics into consideration, everything everyone else does and thinks is right from their own viewpoint. But when i observe them, sometimes i feel they are wrong. This is 'right' of the natural mind to feel right or wrong, for those feelings are growing the awareness, and the world. They are functional. Even someone who is completely hung up in right and wrong, is right and functional. But don't simply equate the sense of right and wrong based on technical mechanics, because that is too binary, as both exist to a finely tuned analogue degree.

"The acceptance and understanding of other Perspectives furthers our acquaintance with Reality!"

'Everything that can be imagined as 'right' and 'wrong' is, at the same moment, all of the above, and, thus, none of the above!

Realizing the simultaneousness of right and wrong gives the mind an additional perspective. While the mind is always shaping its analogue opinion of right and wrong, this idea brings with it an unshakable certainty, that the path already walked is right, Not because of any certainty of the future, but by taking true responsibility for the self in the present. But instead of using it as an excuse to see things the way i want too, i respect the natural feelings of wrongness. i am guilty of causing feelings of wrong, for making a fool of myself, of being ignorant. But i carry no shame or regret because it is all the symptoms of a growth that can never be undone.

To not deny a feeling, be it right or wrong, fear or love.
To not be afraid of being wrong.
To not be content with being right.
To share information through both cooperation and conflict.
To introspect, to self correct.
For the world, and the self, to continue its unstoppable growth!

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