posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 08:44 PM
I've been aware of this website for many years but never felt an inclination to join. Over the years, I occasionally followed a link here from other
websites and found it was easy to become lost in the extensiveness of this cyber hang-out. It's like a whole library and I'll never read every
thread (book). I've been an Internet user for 16 years so I can say I've seen a lot, to say the least.
I was recently reading a bunch of threads at ATS concerning what people think about so-called disclosure so I thought I would sign up in case I want
to add my thoughts on that subject or any other subject of interest. Here it is at least a few weeks later after signing up and I still have not
introduced myself.
It's now or never.
I'm ultimately interested in what is to become of this planet and its inhabitants. That is my major concern which, of course, I share with most
inhabitants of this very strange planet. In more recent years, we always seem to be on the precipice of do or die. The precipice seems endless. I
am a very esoteric-minded person; less a five-sensed, physical-is-all-there-is kind of person. My other senses are just as, or even more-so, important
to how I perceive and evaluate what I study, observe and experience day to day.
I chose the name, "tweetie," because it's a term of endearment I use to address various wildlife I come across when I am outside anywhere, more
than just the birds. I suppose I could be included in the fauna of Planet Earth.
So, hello!