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Police attack and beat two men for... jaywalking

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posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: VP740

Man, you're all over the place with that post.
"Cops are good....cops are bad...they screwed me....they just care about the 'rule of law'....they abuse power"

how can you criticize the cops for fighting for the rule of law which they firmly believe in?

When I hear this, all that comes to mind is what people must have said in a place like Germany back in the day.
"how can you criticize the SS for fighting for the rule of law which they firmly believe in?

Sorry, that's just all that comes to mind every single time I read that statement, which is, sadly, quite often.

I don't believe it was just the cops making a big deal of nothing here though.

The only ones being violent here are the pigs (yes, pigs. Because actual cops wouldn't do this)...that tells me that the pigs are the guilty ones who escalated a situation where there was no victim (which = no real crime)....

Who are the real threats here? A couple young guys goofing off, making a bit of a sense (perhaps) or a group of, what are essentially, gangsters beating up said couple of kids and then arresting two more for claiming the former two did...(and for filming...because that is obviously "obstruction" or something similar in the eyes of pigs like these)

....these are bike cops with nothing to do.
If they cared about "rule of law" and "order" they'd be putting in real, actual police work.

I live in small, middle of no where, VA....and I personally know of quite a bit of actual crime that cops could work on (and in some ways, some of them do)...but these aren't hero cops busting up an international gun running and sexually exploitative cartel run by cold blooded types. Those cops exist, but generally they aren't Mr/Ms beat cop.

Of course, in many cases, to do the above " hero cops busting up an international gun running and sexually exploitative cartel run by cold blooded types".
..that would often require taking out their "higher ups". BUT, that's another story, for another time. :/

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 09:17 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

the past couple of generations , and old farts that never grew up, that think they can do what they want and not be held accountable are the real problem.

well said.
in most of the videos and news articles posted here on ATS, the violence could have been avoided by some simple courtesy. i'm not saying that all of the police officers out there are good. we all know some are not. but most are out there just doing their job.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 09:17 AM
Oh look an Austin Cop acting like a psycho-nazi...

Austin cops go against the whole vibe that the city attempts to project.

Guess I can't complain too much, Denver police are known for the brutality as well...

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

i'm one of those who grew up and know how ____ up people are, and the lies that are told on both sides.

We've found something we agree upon. I'll be the first to admit that and know about it myself (addiction, and the shady people one must deal with when within it's grasp will take you places you might not want to go, at, you see things...yata yata)

i don't revolt over petty sh@@ such as getting a ticket for jay walking, i wait until there is a real reason and do something then.

Again, we agree (how about that
Personally, if I was "jay walking" and got approached by some cops that decide to ticket me, about the most stink put up by me would be to wax pissed off about the asinine nature of said law, much like I would do in similar sitting in a parked car in a fire lane.

I understand the nature and intent of said laws (given the stupidity of many humans) but it is often obvious the "intent" of the law is not what is followed by the beat cop. It becomes...revenue generation. Ticket anyone and everyone...blah blah get the idea. (I'm actually not saying that is the case here, btw)

i don't play the keyboard warrior and then in real life shrink back.

Meh...I was just discussing the thing, and honestly the "keyboard warrior" jazz is thrown around so much anymore, it doesn't have the "effect" it once had. Tbh, there are things I have seen around the net and in real life that I am far more indignant and adamant about. Couple of guys taking a bit of a "beating" like this really isn't at the top of my list of horrible sh%t to go down that I could be outraged about.

Not "shrinking back" has placed me in a position to be accosted, and twice abused by pigs....I was not always totally innocent. Funny thing though, when I wasn't innocent, that's generally when I got less....static, shall we say.
Not shrinking back also tends to draw attention, so the boot is just pressed a bit more firmly, at times. One has to decide if the fight is going to be worth it, and expect it, really...

look there are laws, passed by people that were elected. they are there because some voted for them to represent us. if you don't like the laws, run for office, lobby to get them changed. but when your stopped for breaking them, and fight back against a gang that has the laws and most times the numbers in their favor, and get your ass kicked for fighting them on the street which you'll never win the cops don't stop, they will get you in the end come hell or high water. you have no one to blame but your self. pick your battles to fight and don't sweat the small stuff.

^^I wrote the above before reading the above quoted. So, as you can see, in a lot of ways...we agree. I just tend to lean more civil disobedience than "just shut up because they're going to win anyways". Sometimes the "keyboard warrior" fight the power stuff is more......playing my part to combat the "do as you're told" that is seemingly more prevalent. Some things one might deem "small stuff" is a bit of a larger issue for others (ex. cannabis prohibition laws and such)

if you don't like the laws, run for office, lobby to get them changed.

Meh, "they" (the corrupt ones "running the show")....well, they "run the show". I don't think combating them from that position is possible, I honestly do. Just mho.

the past couple of generations , and old farts that never grew up, that think they can do what they want and not be held accountable are the real problem.

Meh, some of them, I can grant that we've both said, people are both sides of that line are ___'d up. I think most see that.
But I also see that certain people that pose no real actual threat to society have been criminalized because of asinine laws. A lot those "less than savory" elements commit no actual crime (with a victim)...So, in the end, a lot of them have been sort of forced into a corner, so to speak. It's survival instinct to "lash out", no?

but when you get a edited video that shows nothing but the cops taking someone down and nothing from before the take down you can't possibly judge if it was a ligament response or not.

While I'll agree that the video doesn't show us much to go on, in this case....I actually think it shows quite a bit more than you are giving it credit for. The reaction of those around the two taking the beating says a lot to me. Where are the people are the street that these jack boots are "protecting"? What threat are they to anyone?....besides a "nuisance", perhaps.

Seems to me, the pigs in this video are the only violent offenders. I see no "resistance", other than that which is natural, and to be expected (when one is jumped by a gang of people).

The faces of onlookers says things to me, but hey, that's just me.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: trollz

Hi all

Im pretty sure that alot of cops in the US are on steroids and are daily hyped up and brainwashed..... And the more scary thing is that it seems to be spreding across the world in fast pace

Love and light
Sat Nam

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

What happens when all laws are followed to the T? More laws to justify the presence of law enforcement of course.

You are a fool for thinking this type of violent, uncivilized reaction was warranted in any way.

People like you deserve everything that is coming in the near future.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: subfab
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

the past couple of generations , and old farts that never grew up, that think they can do what they want and not be held accountable are the real problem.

well said.
in most of the videos and news articles posted here on ATS, the violence could have been avoided by some simple courtesy. i'm not saying that all of the police officers out there are good. we all know some are not. but most are out there just doing their job.

In the land of the FREE you better OBEY.

If you OBEY we will impose more asinine laws that make obeying more difficult.

Oh and groveling at the feet of your OPPRESSORS will make all these situations much better.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

In the land of the FREE you better OBEY.

If you OBEY we will impose more asinine laws that make obeying more difficult.

Oh and groveling at the feet of your OPPRESSORS will make all these situations much better.

it isn't about kissing the boots but rather using the system in place to make your voice heard.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:02 AM

originally posted by: hounddoghowlie
a reply to: Jakal26

and as i've said, from NV law,

Getting arrested for J-walking in Nevada is extremely rare, but it will happen in either of the following circumstances: The cop runs your name and sees you have an outstanding warrant,
You're a habitual jaywalker or other repeat offender,
You resist the cop giving you the citation, or
You're on probation (thought whether or not the judge will revoke your probation is decided on a case-by-case basis).

Nevada "Jaywalking" Laws Explained by Las Vegas Criminal Defense Lawyers

i imagine if you resist and try to run, it's the same in Texas

Here's how the encounter should have happened. The cops should have calmly walked up to the two men and told them they were being given a ticket for jaywalking. Maybe they could have even been told they were under arrest. Both of these are still over the top in my opinion, but neither of those things happened. The cops rushed them and just started beating them without explaining what was going on. The men did not try to run. There was also no resisting because the two men didn't even know what they would have been resisting in the first place.
No matter how you try to put it, two men got attacked and beaten because they crossed a street. They didn't stab someone or rob a store, they walked across a street.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:13 AM
originally posted by: subfab
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

I don't have enough money, erg "free speech" I mean, to create change in this country's system. Only a fool would believe that the citizenry's wishes trump the corporations wishes. If it were so money wouldn't be in politics.

edit on 7-11-2015 by theyknowwhoyouare because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: subfab
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

the past couple of generations , and old farts that never grew up, that think they can do what they want and not be held accountable are the real problem.

well said.
in most of the videos and news articles posted here on ATS, the violence could have been avoided by some simple courtesy. i'm not saying that all of the police officers out there are good. we all know some are not. but most are out there just doing their job.

All I can say to that is that courtesy has to be given by BOTH sides. Most people get mad at the [US] police because they treat you like a scum criminal for something really not that important.

I have been stopped by police that confronted me with....humour, a smile a funny line. Guess what, I was immediately changed from offensive to all "Ah ok officer, sorry about that etc" I have also been confronted without having done anything and they were all enjoying my tears and threatening me. Had I been a bloke I would have been in jail, that's how angry and helpless and unfairly treated I felt.

See how the police must also follow certain rules of politeness? Only that for them it should be mandatory to be polite because it is their chosen job. Normal humans don't have to be polite if they are being treated like criminals without a judge nor jury having had their say.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

I don't have enough money, erg "free speech" I mean, to create change in this country's system.

Spot on!
...but those who still believe that the system works the way they wished it worked [in their heads] won't listen, rather they will just keep repeating those lines about "changing the system from within".....pssst!

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: trollz

The cops rushed them and just started beating them without explaining what was going on. The men did not try to run. There was also no resisting because the two men didn't even know what they would have been resisting in the first place.

you don't know that, other than the accused saying that. all the video shows is the cops taking them down, it doesn't show the guys walking in the street and it doesn't show the cops stopping them all it show is the take down. for all we know they did exactly what they were accused of and ignored the cops when called out or while trying to stop them.

for all we know it could have been they were stopped or told to stop and they continued to flee, you can not judge by the video shown what had taken place before hand.

the video started before the guys even got touched by the cops, you see some guys feet first then you see the two and then the cops. which tells me that there was some form of communication between them or attempt before the guy started recording it, or he wouldn't have tried to start it before they were tackled.

unless he could see the future and knew before hand what was going to happen, which i don't believe for one minute.

your source RT, they wouldn't have any kind of agenda now would they, and their claim it going viral with 20, 000 views the day they posted the article on the 7th, which it's been 7 more days since then and it only has 21,299, many of that last 1,299 probably came from people on ATS watching it over and over again to post comments on here.

no this is nothing but some BS and everyone knows it.

edit on 7-11-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:49 AM

no this is nothing but some BS and everyone knows it.

Yeah...many of us know it's some bs to take a beating over f'n jaywalking! Period.

your source RT, they wouldn't have any kind of agenda now would they

What does RT have to do with this? The source is the youtube video, RT just picked up the story.
Who cares (or does not know) that they have an agenda?

The video is there to see and is clear.
You are going to sit here and say that was good police work?

LOL...the one pig punching the guy in the arm. WTH? That's how they are trained to subdue a suspect?
Like I've said, it's the training. "Violence of action" is all cops in this country know and it's all they're being trained to know and that is the problem. One cannot expect an officer to operate outside the parameters of the training instilled. ...and it's all for "safety's sake". Safety of the officers, be damned the people, violent criminals and "normal folk" all lumped in as the perceived "enemy".
edit on 7-11-2015 by Jakal26 because: adding thoughts

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:55 AM
a reply to: Jakal26

Spot on! ...but those who still believe that the system works the way they wished it worked [in their heads] won't listen, rather they will just keep repeating those lines about "changing the system from within".....pssst!

what a load of horsesh@@, there are tons of of laws and changes that have been made to laws in this country that were unfair or unjust to people.

womens right to vote, civil rights for black people whether you believe there is are or not, lgbt rights, are just a few that come to mind within the past 60 to 100 years.

the most recent is the push to legalize weed. something that most people in the U.S. thought would never happen, now ther are how many states where it's legal and how many more where they are talking about it. even discussion up on capital hill, including the prez himself.

don't hand me that HS.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

"From out of the frying pan we jump into another form of slavery"

....just sayin'. But that whole argument is not for this thread. I would digress far too much.

In some ways your argument here is valid, I'll give you that.
In others, we might fundamentally disagree....

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: [post=20004899]Jakal26[/post

What does RT have to do with this? The source is the youtube video, RT just picked up the story. Who cares (or does not know) that they have an agenda?

The source is the youtube video, , that's even worse. and it's not even about the two guys jay walking it was posted about the guy and the women arrested for flming it. it was posted by PINAC News,( Photography IS Not A Crime) which i agree with.
it wasn't even about about the two jay walkers it was for the guy recording it. that's why it got posted

What does RT have to do with this?

RT goes out of there way to make the U.S look bad, you know and just about everybody that isn't deaf dumb and blind does to.

edit on 7-11-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

Ah, I bruteish and violent behavior is only acceptable when you and yours are pushing the buttons and throwing the punches. So it's not a matter of civility and polite behavior at's about behaving like mindless animals under the guise of "Anarchy" because somehow you have deluded yourselves into believing that you are the strongest, most fit, most capable, most intelligent and most "well armed" of all other homosapiens.

I find this concept amusing.

You would actually prefer to fight and risk physical injury and possible death than just wait for the crosswalk light.

Ok then.
Good luck with that ideology man.
Best of luck to you and yours out there.

I'm sure your army is impressive when you can't even tuck your shirts in and tie your shoelaces properly...have fun on the playground kiddos. When you trip and fall I'm sure it was all the sidewalks fault.

Your "utopia" must really be something special....I hear the toilets have been backed up for generations because ya'll don't want to follow the "rules of plumbing maintenance" because it's just too freaking oppressive.

Been there, done that, seen your camps, not impressed.
Like I said, have fun with that.

edit on 11/7/15 by GENERAL EYES because: formatting because the lulz are just too strong in this thread

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

What's amusing is that you seem to imagine only one of two options....oppression and tyranny, or some "hippie utopia".

Sadly, you're wrong. Not all those opposed to a police state ruled over with an iron fist are "hippie utopia" flight of fancy types.

It's sad that some lack the creative ability in their own minds' to see this simple concept.

The world is not black and white...all or nothing.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:29 AM
just found this on PINAC.

We exchanged Facebook messages with Rolando Ramiro, the young man who recorded the incident. He said he and his friends began crossing a barricaded street when the light changed as they were crossing, which made the cops demand their identifications, accusing them of jaywalking. “F_____no,” one of his friend’s said, pointing out that it was a barricaded street with no traffic, essentially a legal pedestrian walkway.

Austin Police Beat Up Men for Jaywalking in Texas (Updated)

as i said they mouthed off and kept on going.

if your told to stop and asked for ID and they have probable cause you can expect to be detained. what did they think was going to happen.
edit on 7-11-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

ETA: plus what Rolando Ramiro says seems to be a lie go back and watch the video, you see no baricades in the street and a set of headlights coming up the street.
edit on 7-11-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-11-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

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