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Halal only KFC in ENGLAND refuses to serve bacon

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posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:50 AM

This story has appeared today in the Daily Express and has angered me more than anything I have seen recently. I once again will be called all the names under the sun but that's fine because I am not going to keep putting up and shut up as that is what we have done for far too long in this Country. As usual the newspaper has put this article out there deliberately to anger British people but as usual no one is allowed to comment on it as is usually the case on any of these articles because they know that a lot of British would have an awful lot to say about this article and so therefore want to silence these voices, much like the left wing.

I couldn't believe it was actually true after all this is Britain we are talking about. So I searched a little further and found that in fact it was true.

And then I found this from the Guardian touching on the subject of other restaurants where Halal is sold

Someone on here has commented that it makes sense for the particular KFC in question to serve Halal because of the area being predominantly muslim. I understand that it is a predominantly muslim area BUT that area is also in BRITAIN. In Britain we have lots of people who travel for a job and so travel through these predominantly muslim areas and surely a British person should be able to buy bacon from a KFC. Same with tourism we have millions of people come to this Country I wonder what their thoughts and feelings would be to be in Britain and told they can't eat bacon because it is a predominantly muslim area! I haven't got a problem with KFC selling halal food, I have however got a problem with it being Halal only!

This issue may seem really petty and small but I don't think it is, I think it is another example of how little by little our culture is having to change to suit muslims and not vice versa. It also shows brilliantly how we have these areas now that are seen as a muslim area only.

As a final thought before the name calling starts can you imagine if I went to a muslim country and tried to open a non-halal KFC and if I tried to build a church? No, I can't either!

+33 more 
posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Not sure what the big deal is if a franchisee wants to have that type of Kentucky Fried Chicken establishment. They paid for it so they can manage it anyway they want.

Not any different than when I go to a kosher deli in New York City and they will not put cheese on a pastrami sandwich (not that I like that combo anyway).

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:52 AM
They want to change our culture. If I lived in England I would invest in a prayer rug business you will become rich beyond imagination.

+4 more 
posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:57 AM
If the owner wants to cater to his customers, I have no issue with this decision.
If the owner is being forced, then that's a problem for me.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Its also about the cruelty to animals slaughtered by being drained out to suit some dinks dietary persuasion. We are a nation of animal lovers and yet again our values are being ignored and ocmpromixed in the name of a foreign religion.

But it isn't only Muslims that drain out animals Kosher for the Jews does it also. Time for a debate on this because many in this country will find this type of slaughter cruel and against their principles.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Haha what difference does it make? I'ts KFC, it's crap, eat crap and you will die regardless of prejudices.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:02 AM
Stores should be able do whatever they want to, I just find it strange that people won't eat food unless someone says abracadabra first.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

If only they would get rid of the MSG they have in anything.

Can't touch their food.

+11 more 
posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:03 AM
So f'n what..drama queen much, my favorite asian eatery in my area does not serve pork, the location I used to eat at did..shall I light my hair on fire? GET OVER IT.
1st world problems

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: ZcustosmorumPsst..I have some news for you, we are all going to die. I have yet to see a vegan celebrate being the oldest living person in the world.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:07 AM
thank god they don't make wedding cakes

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:08 AM
You know they do have Halal BEEF bacon, sausages, links and you know they taste just as good as Pork

What's the big deal?

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: anxiouswens
... we have millions of people come to this Country I wonder what their thoughts and feelings would be to be in Britain and told they can't eat bacon ...

No-one is telling anyone they can't eat bacon. Why are you making this up?

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: Enochstask
a reply to: ZcustosmorumPsst..I have some news for you, we are all going to die. I have yet to see a vegan celebrate being the oldest living person in the world.

So is the point of this thread because you have a problem with those who don't like bacon, are you David Cameron? Haha

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:15 AM
I live and work in a predominantly Muslim community,we have had a halal kfc for years,plus a halal subway,they don't do pork,big deal,

I'm not sure where you live,but pretty much every curry house in the UK is Muslim/halal,that's why you can't get a pork vindaloo,but I bet you like a decent curry from time to time?

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:16 AM
i don't believe i have ever eaten bacon from kfc, i am positive i have not

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Don't worry... the last laugh will be on the consumers that actually believe KFC will be strictly adhering to all the halal requirements.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:17 AM
This could just be the American in me talking, but a restaurateur can run their restaurant any way they want, and can cater to their specific clientele in whatever fashion they desire. If they can do enough business as a Halal only restaurant then they'll be able to remain open, if not, they'll fold. That is how the free market works. In America we have restaurants catering to every type of ethnicity there is. Makes for some interesting dining experiences. If you gotta have your bacon, I'm sure there are no shortages of restaurants that'll take your euros. Imagine complaining about a Kosher restaurant not serving bacon...? There is a kosher Subway near me, which is hilarious as the normal Subway menu is loaded with pork/ham/bacon items.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:18 AM
Honestly I understand why some people are irked by this..... but as was mentioned, since KFC pays for it, they can run it however they please. The only reasonable thing I can think of in protest would be to boycott KFC period. Not just the Halal only location but all locations. If enough people are truly that upset that they will agree to boycott KFC, then KFC's profits will be hurt enough for them to change it to halal if requested, bacon if requested.

Other than that, not much to be done, at least as far as my mind will take me today. If anyone else has any other suggestions I'd be happy to hear them. PS this doesn't really affect me as I live in the states, but none the less I see your frustration.


posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: Zcustosmorum

originally posted by: Enochstask
a reply to: ZcustosmorumPsst..I have some news for you, we are all going to die. I have yet to see a vegan celebrate being the oldest living person in the world.

So is the point of this thread because you have a problem with those who don't like bacon, are you David Cameron? Haha

I think it would be in your best interest to ask the OP what the point of this thread is. I was specifically addressing your post not the thread.

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