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The return of Cicada 3301?

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posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

Thanks for the input, think i'll steer clear myself

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 03:50 PM

originally posted by: pr0ph3t
Good afternoon ATS, Hope you are well?

Whilst on one of my journeys across the web, I happened upon a peculiar website known thestewards1033. After piquing my interest, I had a little scour around to see what this thing was. Looks awfully similar to the Cicada 3301 antics, even the inverse of the numbers, however, the first 2 'puzzles' have been rather easy.

I won't post the answers to the first two as this seems to be against the rules, but alas, I can't locate the rules, It's all been hearsay, so maybe a hint will suffice? 1. Bible, and 2. Conway.

I am by no means one of the most intelligent people on this planet, which is why I want to bring this puzzle to light. I know by the time I hit level 3 someone else more worthy may have gotten a lot further.

So I bring to you, a real ongoing cryptographer's wet dream

Enjoy ATS, Good luck

I love this stuff!

Unfortunately I have exams up the wazoo next week and not much time to spend on this, but I will bring it up at my group study session tonight and see if anyone else is interested.

Thanks OP!


posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

Password protected for clue 1 now but yeah - John, Bethany and 11 38 is an easy one

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