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Reporter Spills the Beans and Admits All the News is Fake!

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posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:12 AM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

I don't think its exactly kept quiet because if you want to find a journalist in London you simply gravitate to the nearest pub to Fleet Street etc.

We had had the odd hint by journalists but you only have to look at who controls the media in the West and their link to Israel and you can see exactly what slant on the news and information propaganda is going to play out. You just have to look at the salaries to know people love the money so will sell their professional integrity. The days of a news reader giving just the facts died a long time when honour left politics.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978
He also claimed the CIA would steer a number of journalists down a certain route in order to push their agenda. He claims it is endemic in Germany and the U.K, but also goes on in most countries that are allied to the U.S.

Did you know many of the pioneering staff of the CIA were ex-Nazis that were recruited by USA after WWII??

Many of them were wanted for WWII war crimes and the USA secret service then were well aware of it but ignored it anyway because the needed the expertise of ex-Nazi spies.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:42 AM
This is why it's important to get news and information from all sides, and build the full picture yourself. RT is critical of the West, while Western media is critical of Russia, you're only going to get the dark truths about each from the opposition.

If this guy is admitting to working in this way for Western media (for money), perhaps he's only releasing this info now because he's now working for the other side (for money). I doubt he would risk his career/life for nothing. Good, necessary info, but take with pinch of salt because of course both sides are guilty.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 04:09 AM
If you KNOW you CANNOT trust everything they say, how CAN you trust ANYTHING they say....

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 05:28 AM
Speaking as a journalist who has written about insurance-related business matters, including terrorism insurance and cyber risks, I have to say that this German is talking out of his nether regions. I have never, ever, been told to write something from a pro-Western angle. I've only ever been asked to make sure that my quotes and sources stand up.
Why do so many people believe this rubbish? And no, MI6/the CIA/ Queen Brenda did not ask me to post this reply.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: BrianFlanders

I don't think its exactly kept quiet because if you want to find a journalist in London you simply gravitate to the nearest pub to Fleet Street etc.

We had had the odd hint by journalists but you only have to look at who controls the media in the West and their link to Israel and you can see exactly what slant on the news and information propaganda is going to play out. You just have to look at the salaries to know people love the money so will sell their professional integrity. The days of a news reader giving just the facts died a long time when honour left politics.

One teeny problem. There are no National newspapers anywhere near Fleet Street these days. They all moved away. And by the way, speaking as a journalist who knows other journalists we don't all piss off down the pub for lunch. Methinks your stereotypes need an update.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 05:42 AM
this mans life and future are at risk now maybe he needs to go join snowden for his own protection,maybe we all should as we have all been sold out,never thought i would wish to be in russia but it seems thats the only protection for those that want truth

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978

originally posted by: tempestking
how can ALL new be fake ..... and if it is fake so dose that mean what you are saying is also fake couse what you are saying is in a sence NEWS to us so are you FAKE ????????????????????????

Okay, thanks for the contribution.

That's not an answer. The title suggests all news is fake which logically it cannot be. A more balanced reply would at least suggest you understand the problem and you should have some suggestions as to how we weed out the fake from the real.

Otherwise you come across as a parnoid naysayers who gets off on doom porn.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 06:51 AM
Maybe on the national level or issues/concerns, the news is manipulated or slanted. I agree to this. Maybe even most if not all of the major publications are in on it. But the medium scale and local papers...I doubt the CIA or any clandestine group would bother manipulating them.

That being said...most people I know don't even bother reading and/or scrutinizing news these days. They're busy working and sleeping. Even the whole presidential debates, interviews and what not...some of the people I know in the suburbs and even the city don't even give a sh*t about it. They could care less if the republicans and democrats kill each other with bushmasters and wooden spoons.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: smurfy

You're missing the point about RT.

One word...Ukraine.

It is amazing that one forgets about that when discussing other news organizations and their reporting.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: yorkshirelad

originally posted by: Cobaltic1978

originally posted by: tempestking
how can ALL new be fake ..... and if it is fake so dose that mean what you are saying is also fake couse what you are saying is in a sence NEWS to us so are you FAKE ????????????????????????

Okay, thanks for the contribution.

That's not an answer. The title suggests all news is fake which logically it cannot be. A more balanced reply would at least suggest you understand the problem and you should have some suggestions as to how we weed out the fake from the real.

Otherwise you come across as a parnoid naysayers who gets off on doom porn.

I've already answered the question previously.

But, thanks for your contribution.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

A top German Journalist and Editor Dr. Udo Ulfkotte has gone public and exposed how many western journalists write fake articles with a pro European and/or U.S slant.

And yet no mention of any media such as Press TV, RT, and many other media that do just the same.

Imagine that.

If he is making the claim all should be called out...not just western media.
edit on 5-11-2015 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

A top German Journalist and Editor Dr. Udo Ulfkotte has gone public and exposed how many western journalists write fake articles with a pro European and/or U.S slant.

And yet no mention of any media such as Press TV, RT, and many other media that do just the same.

Imagine that.

If he is making the claim all should be called out...not just western media.

I agree with you totally.

Only problem being, he hasn't worked for any of those organisations, so he is not at liberty to call them out.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Great Post!

And a special thanks to our German friend for confirming what we already know!!!

Seriously though, the Lee Rigby murder was huge over here in the UK at the time. Yet at around the same time, an old man was stabbed in the back and killed on his way home from a mosque in an unprovoked attack by a young white male and it barely made the local news.

It's all done to demonise Muslims, so the next time our warmongering leaders need to invade the middle east the public are already baying for blood.

Another thing that always makes me laugh is when western media outlets are discussing a story that has made the news in China, they'll always start the sentence with "And the state controlled Chinese media has said............" The hypocrisy is unbelievable!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:38 AM
The CIA have at least one editor in every major publishing house that matters, and news agencies, too.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: Flesh699
The CIA have at least one editor in every major publishing house that matters, and news agencies, too.

Names? Faces? Facts? Cites? Or are you just throwing a claim at the wall and hoping that it sticks there?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Only problem being, he hasn't worked for any of those organisations, so he is not at liberty to call them out.

I have never worked for the US government...doesn't mean I can't call them out for lying.

He can when they have been shown to do just the same, and they have.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

The CIA have at least one editor in every major publishing house that matters, and news agencies, too.

Fun to say there actual proof?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: AngryCymraeg

Leo Ryan was the first congressmen to be murdered by the CIA during Jonestown massacre. Along with four reports. Ryan was shot soon as he stepped off the plane. The Hughes-Ryan Amendment was killed in Congress soon afterwards.
Ever since, the CIA has infiltrated every media house. You will not find names, these people aren't dumb enough to just post up their names for everyone to view.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: Flesh699

Leo Ryan was the first congressmen to be murdered by the CIA during Jonestown massacre.

Yes he was.

Ryan was shot soon as he stepped off the plane.

No he wasn't.

Here you go from someone who was there at the time.

: He became concerned that there was something going on that was indeed problematic, and as he became introduced to more and more former members of the People’s Temple, people who had defected, his concerns grew and he was chair of a sub committee on protecting American citizens abroad. So as chair of that sub-committee he decided to make a trip to Jonestown and find out first hand what was going on.

We got to the commune and it was pretty remarkable. In two years, they had created a very viable community. There were crops growing, there were cabins, there was a pavilion, there was a medical clinic, there was a day care center. So over the course of that evening we interviewed many members.

Meanwhile Don Harris, the NBC reporter on the trip, was moving around the pavilion. There had been a show put on for us and they were making a very positive impression on many people, and someone had slipped Don Harris a note. His name was Vernon Gosney, and he desperately wanted to leave, so he brought the note over to Congressman Ryan and myself and you know, our greatest fears had been realized – that people were being held there against their will and people wanted to leave.

The next morning word had started to spread and another person came forward and wanted to leave, and then before you knew it, it was a whole family that wanted to leave. And then pandemonium started to break out. Jim Jones became very agitated, “Why do all these people want to leave? We have a beautiful life here.” And then he tried to convince them to stay. So emotions were running very high.

One of my vivid recollections is of a family, two parents, pulling on a child, one wanting to leave, one wanting to stay. So over the course of that day, more and more people wanted to leave. We didn’t have enough room on the plane to take back all the defectors that wanted to go so Congressman Ryan decided that he was going to stay behind with the second airlift.

We eventually all got onto the dump truck and were in the process of leaving, when there was this huge cry that erupted from the pavilion. The truck stopped and shortly thereafter Congressman Ryan walked down towards the truck in a bloodstained shirt. There had been a knifing attack on his life.

We get to the airstrip and we have two planes, and I’m starting to load the planes. One of the new defectors was a young man by the name of Larry Layton, who just hours before was one of the most fervent apostles of the People’s Temple and convincing us what a remarkable place it was. He had this poncho on him and I was just suspicious of him and asked that someone frisk him. He was frisked but they missed the fact that he had a gun on him. He was put on the smaller aircraft, and I was loading those on the larger aircraft. All of a sudden unbeknownst to us there had been a tractor-trailer following from behind and they started shooting.

All of sudden Congressman Ryan was hit and blood gushing from his neck. I raced under the plane and tried to hide behind a wheel and then they came and shot us at point blank range. 2&Itemid=15

It had nothing to do with the CIA.
edit on 5-11-2015 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

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