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Jesus: The First Communist

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posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Jobeycool

Yes thank you much I agree

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: Jobeycool

Romans 13:1-5 All of you must obey the government rulers. Everyone who rules was given the power to rule by God. And all those who rule now were given that power by God. 2 So anyone who is against the government is really against something God has commanded. Those who are against the government bring punishment on themselves. 3 People who do right don’t have to fear the rulers. But those who do wrong must fear them. Do you want to be free from fearing them? Then do only what is right, and they will praise you.

4 Rulers are God’s servants to help you. But if you do wrong, you have reason to be afraid. They have the power to punish, and they will use it. They are God’s servants to punish those who do wrong. 5 So you must obey the government, not just because you might be punished, but because you know it is the right thing to do.

I don't know about you, but that looks an AWFUL lot like a political message to me.

Rulers are gods servants until they stop serving gods true purposes. Do you imagine that a communist despot like Mao or Stalin served god ? I don't think so. . Should they be obeyed just because they were rulers? Would Jesus today advocate letting us be continually taken advantage of by evil despots ?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 01:29 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

lib·er·al. to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values:

1.holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.

Neither of those definitions have changed within 2000 years.

PS: If you think there aren't conservative jews out there anymore, you are SORELY mistaken.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
originally posted by: Krazysh0t
Rulers are gods servants until they stop serving gods true purposes.

Oh? Glad you cleared that up for us. Now you have to travel 2000 years back in time to Jesus' day and let the writers know so they can put that in the Bible, because I notice what you are saying here is lacking from the Bible.

Do you imagine that a communist despot like Mao or Stalin served god ? I don't think so. . Should they be obeyed just because they were rulers? Would Jesus today advocate letting us be continually taken advantage of by evil despots ?

According to the Bible the answers to those questions are: Yes, Yes, Don't Know (Hard to say because Jesus' teaching about obeying rulers is a bit hypocritical in comparison to his messages about love and tolerance).

But for reference, How many rulers of Jesus' day did he speak out against? You don't by any chance think that despot ONLY ruled in during the modern era and that Jesus wouldn't be aware of any in his time do you? After all, Jesus IS the son of god right?
edit on 5-11-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: TheJourney
Seems clear to me that Jesus and his disciples were communist. Maybe socialist, but it seems pretty clear they were trying to establish communism.

I believe you have been duped...

My advice: forget everything you have been told.

It's propaganda and it's blinding you to what is real in the world and what is really going on.

Most people think Communism is an ideology dedicated to championing workers and the poor. This was an incredibly successful ruse which manipulated millions. The New World Order is Communism

Communism is not a movement to help the downtrodden people of the world, but Communism is actually being run today by capitalists, the very people who control the wealth of the world that Communism is supposedly fighting against. Very few Americans know that Karl Marx was a correspondent and political analyst for Horace Greeley who controlled and managed the New York Times newspaper.

The Illuminati going to America

Communism is a monopoly over everything, including thought, enforced by the "State." The "State" is a front for the Illuminati Jewish central bankers who own its debt. Anything that increases "State" power is Communist. World government will take this to the next level. Most people think Communism is an ideology dedicated to championing workers and the poor.

This was an incredibly successful ruse which manipulated millions. Behind this artifice, "Communism" is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power.

What is "Communism" ?

The real motive behind Communism is not to distribute the world equally, but the Communist Party is just a front for the super-rich as an instrument for gaining and using power. It is not the Communists that run Communism. There is yet another controlling power behind Communism. Communism and socialism are just arms of the more devilish conspiracy working behind the public eye that is not being run from Moscow or Peking, but from New York, Paris and London.

These are very serious and dangerous times. This is a very serious and dangerous movement that has been working politically and socially since the French Revolution to destroy the world.

'Pandora's Box - The Ultimate "Unseen Hand" Behind the New World Order

Komov believes that if you “dig deep enough into the ideological roots of these socialist movements, you end up finding satanic roots in them.” And although only a softer version is prevalent now, “it is still very dangerous,” he says. “I would warn all those people fascinated by socialist ideas that they have never worked in human history — never worked.” Alexey Komov

Roots of Socialism
Evil Roots Of Socialism

There is NO such thing as "Christian Communism." All Communism is of the Devil. Communism is not an ideology; but rather, a secret weapon of THE ILLUMINATI intended to enslaved the human race. It was Karl Marx himself, unquestionably the father of modern Communism, who said:

"My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism." —Karl Marx

It was Whittaker Chambers, a former Communist and Soviet spy, who said:

"The Communist vision is the vision of man without God. It is the vision of man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world."

Dethrone God? Man without God? Can a person dethrone God? Absolutely not!!! The very essence of Communist philosophy is the absence of God.

Didn't The Early Church Practice a Form of Communism? No! The early Christians in Acts DIDN'T practice Communism in any way, fashion, or form. They weren't Communists. The communalism described in the Bible (Acts 2:44; 4:32) was a voluntary sharing of goods that had absolutely nothing to do with heathen Communism, which is a blueprint for world takeover, outlined in the Communist Manifesto authored by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848.

A common misunderstanding is that the early Church practiced communal socialism, which some believe based on what they read in the beginning chapters of Acts. The believers at the time felt extremely blessed, grateful, hospitable and generous. Many who had extra assets sold some of them to help finance the living expenses of others. The expression “all things in common” means this: “I love you, and therefore your needs are just as important to me as my own needs. I consider all that I have as being yours also.”

However, keep in mind that they could not sell what they did not own. They were voluntarily selling some of their privately owned property so they could help others. This was charity, not communism. No one was compelled to sell his property, nor did anyone confiscate one's property or income to give it to others, as many governments do today.

The Early Church Was Not Communist - and Neither Was Jesus

Question: "Does the Bible support Communism?"

Answer: Communism, a branch of socialism, is an experimental social system based on a set of ideals that, at first glance, seem to agree with some biblical principles. On closer examination, however, little evidence can be found that the Bible truly supports or endorses communism. There is a difference between communism in theory and communism in practice, and the Bible verses that seem to comply with communist ideals are in fact contradicted by the practices of a communist government.

There is a surprising sentence in a description of the church in Acts 2 that has led many people to wonder whether the Bible supports communism, and has led some people to defend strongly the idea that communism is actually biblical. The passage reads, “All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need” (Acts 2:44-45). This statement seems to imply that communism (which has, at its heart, a desire to eliminate poverty by “spreading the wealth around”) is found here in the earliest of Christian churches. However, there is a crucial difference between the church in Acts 2 and a communist society that must be understood.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:27 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: HorusChrist
USSR banned Christmas. Hence why it eventually failed. They took the fun out of socialism. Really it was cuz the party elites wanted more power for themselves. But come on. People like Christmas.

Erm, no. The USSR failed for many reasons, predominantly economic. When you're creating economic plans based on production figures that lower level officials are submitting based on what they think you want, you have a disaster in the making. Especially when corruption then rears its ugly head. And the USSR had its own version of Father Christmas - Grandfather Frost if I recall correctly.
That's true their economy suffered, but Russia had previously been poor with most being peasants, it wasn't industrial at first when soviets took over in 1917. They already had a worse economy than rest of world. Soviets tried to modernize but like here most of the gains went to the rich 1%, called party members there or nomenklatura. They went nuts with power and it corrupted them absolutely so they did nutty stuff like outlawing xmas. If you piss off all the people with nutty laws and corruption, well people get fed up.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: HorusChrist

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: HorusChrist
USSR banned Christmas. Hence why it eventually failed. They took the fun out of socialism. Really it was cuz the party elites wanted more power for themselves. But come on. People like Christmas.

Erm, no. The USSR failed for many reasons, predominantly economic. When you're creating economic plans based on production figures that lower level officials are submitting based on what they think you want, you have a disaster in the making. Especially when corruption then rears its ugly head. And the USSR had its own version of Father Christmas - Grandfather Frost if I recall correctly.
That's true their economy suffered, but Russia had previously been poor with most being peasants, it wasn't industrial at first when soviets took over in 1917. They already had a worse economy than rest of world. Soviets tried to modernize but like here most of the gains went to the rich 1%, called party members there or nomenklatura. They went nuts with power and it corrupted them absolutely so they did nutty stuff like outlawing xmas. If you piss off all the people with nutty laws and corruption, well people get fed up.

Your very reference of 'the rich 1%' proves it wasn't actually a communist system. There is, definitionally, no rich/elite class in an actual communist system. So everyone is forming their opinions on communism based on non-communist systems, which doesn't make any sense.
edit on 5-11-2015 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: TheJourney
Your very reference of 'the rich 1%' proves it wasn't actually a communist system. There is, definitionally, no rich/elite class in an actual communist system. So everyone is forming their opinions on communism based on non-communist systems, which doesn't make any sense.

Your method will never work nor does it make any sense either.

Lets say for example one wanted to study Scientology...

So you begin to read L. Ron Hubbard's books on Dianetics.

How well do you think that is going to work out?

Good luck with that.

Your premise is no different.

Did you see the above quote that stated that communism is an incredibly successful ruse?

One cannot understand propaganda by studying propaganda.

It makes just as much sense as saying we need to listen to politicians to learn the truth about politics.

In fact, you will NEVER understand any type of fraud by looking at it from the inside out.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: TheJourney

Question: Human nature being what it is, how do you propose people achieve a "true" communist system?

Please enlighten us.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 05:30 PM
originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: vethumanbeing

vhb: You and I alone know that Jesus was an ESSENE; no one else will understand this

*I* understand it!!
I do!!!

I believe you do; reading your interesting contributions to this website..SWEET!
edit on 5-11-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: TheJourney

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: TheJourney

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: TheJourney
Communists don't believe in religious dogma (GOD). Why would Jesus NOT be their first best Christian poster child for a communism whose espousers should recognize as the obvious initial creator: SON OF COMMUNISUM; forget the lame Lenin or Trotsky.

You can't generalize communists. My ideal form of government/society is probably communist, anarchy-communist to be exact. While I don't support dogmatic structures of organized religion, which yes Marx was highly critical of, I am also very spiritual, and support persona spirituality. And I'm sure many others who support communism are that way as well. Communism is essentially a spiritual idea, imo.

I am not generalizing them; they do so themselves by their actions. If so 'spiritual' how does this nebulous idea manifest into murderous physical action? Stalin's, Pol Pot's, Kim Jung Ung; extermination of millions of their own people that are not agreeing with the exact same 'spiritual' idea?

A concept is not a label. A nation that calls itself communist, but acts in ways fundamentally opposed to not communist. Are the crusades and the various terrible things representative of christianity itself, in your opinion?
The Nations people never freely call themselves 'communists' in *JOY*, would you; if you were denied the right to leave that nation and travel freely, worship the God of your choice (for starters). There are just a few at the top that rule those unfortunates that find themselves without any control over the direction (therefor meaning) of their lives. State owned, state controlled slaves. Where/when did this idea of communism become a religion? I don't see it anywhere listed as one of the major religions of Mankind, more of an intellectual concept that looks good on paper but in practice rapidly defuses into corruption.
edit on 5-11-2015 by vethumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 06:01 PM

originally posted by: TheJourney

originally posted by: vethumanbeing

originally posted by: TheJourney

originally posted by: vethumanbeing
a reply to: TheJourney
Communists don't believe in religious dogma (GOD). Why would Jesus NOT be their first best Christian poster child for a communism whose espousers should recognize as the obvious initial creator: SON OF COMMUNISUM; forget the lame Lenin or Trotsky.

You can't generalize communists. My ideal form of government/society is probably communist, anarchy-communist to be exact. While I don't support dogmatic structures of organized religion, which yes Marx was highly critical of, I am also very spiritual, and support persona spirituality. And I'm sure many others who support communism are that way as well. Communism is essentially a spiritual idea, imo.

I am not generalizing them; they do so themselves by their actions. If so 'spiritual' how does this nebulous idea manifest into murderous physical action? Stalin's, Pol Pot's, Kim Jung Ung; extermination of millions of their own people that are not agreeing with the exact same 'spiritual' idea?

Furthermore, citing 3 humans as proof of a whole group of people, is the definition of generalizing. Lol.

Dictators generally act on behalf of whole groups of people; to control, subjugate or slaughter.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

There is no abundant life under communist rule and the elites are not going to bring prosperity with no matter how much the Utopians keep trying to tell us.

Yeah. Except that you talk about Socialism now.

Communism is not the same, there is actually no need for an elite in a really communist society. Read the articles in my first post and you'll see what I'm talking about.
The communist ideal is a roadmap to a form of anarchy (without anomy) but with an emancipated and independent citizenry, not a dictatorship.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: ThirdEyeofHorus
a reply to: SlapMonkey
Good works always produce good fruit if the intention is pure and free of corruption...

I've seen quite a few cases in this world where this does not hold true...of course, I guess it could come around in a few decades or so, but I see this as more of an ideal for which to strive and a good motivator for how one conducts their life, but it's not an infallible truth by any stretch of the imagination.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: TheJourney

originally posted by: HorusChrist

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: HorusChrist
USSR banned Christmas. Hence why it eventually failed. They took the fun out of socialism. Really it was cuz the party elites wanted more power for themselves. But come on. People like Christmas.

Erm, no. The USSR failed for many reasons, predominantly economic. When you're creating economic plans based on production figures that lower level officials are submitting based on what they think you want, you have a disaster in the making. Especially when corruption then rears its ugly head. And the USSR had its own version of Father Christmas - Grandfather Frost if I recall correctly.
That's true their economy suffered, but Russia had previously been poor with most being peasants, it wasn't industrial at first when soviets took over in 1917. They already had a worse economy than rest of world. Soviets tried to modernize but like here most of the gains went to the rich 1%, called party members there or nomenklatura. They went nuts with power and it corrupted them absolutely so they did nutty stuff like outlawing xmas. If you piss off all the people with nutty laws and corruption, well people get fed up.

Your very reference of 'the rich 1%' proves it wasn't actually a communist system. There is, definitionally, no rich/elite class in an actual communist system. So everyone is forming their opinions on communism based on non-communist systems, which doesn't make any sense.
Yeah good point. Socialism in one country is what Stalin made up. Why? In one country implies fighting against the rest of the capitalist world, not cooperating like they had in WWII anyway. Cold war. Perfect for keeping people at home scared and perfect for them to turn to a strong man to keep them safe. Meanwhile we did similar propaganda here in this country at same time. Anthony Sutton showed how there was not much difference between New Deal with FDR, Nazis where they funded things like autobahn with wall st money, and Stalins Russia that had help from American companies like the Koch brothers dad.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: TheJourney

Question: Human nature being what it is, how do you propose people achieve a "true" communist system?

Please enlighten us.


posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 08:20 AM
or, back to original subject from OP, we need to tip over some tables. figuratively speaking.
edit on 6-11-2015 by HorusChrist because: typo

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: cooperton

Mission Statement
It is time for America to pick itself up out of the economic gutter. It is my sincere hope that this Idea comes to fruition and never ceases to imagine its potential in creating and evolving toward that promised golden age of enlightenment. I intend to create a business that will create within itself…solutions for a better tomorrow for both the earth and humanity. We must begin where it hurts in order to heal our wounds. And so twenty years ago I Asked Heaven and earth for a favor…They listened… and they responded…You see…Earth as we know it should have ceased to exist because of divine decision to End the human experiment…. this favor has had universal repercussions that as I understand it.. I am completely culpable and responsible for the time I took from creators and creation to pose my simple question…Is there anything I can do to save it all both the earth and Us…??? The response was …why was I the only human being on earth asking that question…furthermore…why was there no one on earth that cared enough to ask of god this seemingly simple question…..the reply was a frightening and spiritually audible YES!!! Yes young one…but…this will not be easy…this will test your strength of will to the breaking point and your life from now will become a very strange and spiritual battlefield.
The creators of light had been working out a way to at least save the consciousness of humanity along with the consciousness of the animal kingdom…some less attractive and corrupted physical architectures from both were to be omitted in the next creation…you see the creators goals are not of perfection but of refinement and cultivation of both a planned and pleasing physical architecture as well as an evolved consciousness that is perpetually growing to reach a level where we could actually assist creation in the evolution and development of galactic creation…That’s right…God wants so very much to teach us how to understand and manage solar mechanics so that we might help ignite an entire galaxy within our own solar system…ours has all the necessary timings and atomic materials to manage such a feat…first though we must learn to clean up our own planet before we will ever be allow to tinker around in gods atomic dustbin…or heaven…whatever suits ya…
I am also responsible for the creation of the spiritual prison that exists at the precise moments when one second becomes the next…I have had to comprehend the importance of size, scale, time and places…I know of only 13 original designs for the consciousness of humanity…12 divisions of the original being…12 physical designs of flesh that if combined…create the whole of our creator…one reason for such a division is the perpetuity and timing of these dimensions…for there are souls…part of the greater whole.imperishable and unforgiving…that are responsible for teaching that which god hasn’t the will to personally mete’ out according punishments to the deserving spiritual offender this spiritual prison I have created has only one earthly grace toward humanity. lifetimes of lessons can be facilitated within this eternal and timeless abyss…in less than a mortal second.
Let me give you an example…say a person responsible for murder of another…say with a .40 cal. Hollwpoint…this spirit will be given an opportunity to express correct emotions upon assessment of earthly sins…if this individual delights in the reenactment…the emotion is spiritually registered and just after the bullet ignites …time is slowed to mirror..oops..mere… frames…-10 to the 47th power to be exact…a replacement subject…say the image of offending entities 6 year old son replaces the intended victim and thus the offending entity is rewarded with a front row seat to witness his sons head disintegrate by his own hand…now teaching and learning have very scary dynamics…do you suppose that valuable and indelible spiritual lessons could be taught? less than one moment a monster can be reduced to a mouse by precise and simple lessons of light ….
just as there are many mansions…and many rooms…there are also many classrooms…and many infallible masters employed by those that created… WE…each unique and seasoned in their own riteful craft..
So enough of that doom and gloom…my best words of advice is to understand compassion and the impact our lives and decisions have upon on another…sounds simple but so very complex to comprehend the minutiae. At the very least cultivate your own understanding as if you were god… understand perspectives and views of a god….because if our masters can’t comprehend our lives patterns…you wouldn’t want them walking your footsteps in your shoes through your eyes in order to see what the heart was feeling in your mind during your sins…or most importantly, what the eyes made the heart feel…
God just wants us to be more like him at all cost…and honestly in my opinion and understanding….that is not at all bad…we want so much for god to understand and accept us exactly as we are…and there are those he does accept only because they have complete understanding of compassion…since the moment I asked of the heavens and earth for a path to total salvation for all…I have been both learning and earning my galactic diplomas all the while handling the mental conceptions for the manufacture of solutions that earth and all life will certainly require to ensure our necessary progress and posterity …or have a complete atomic come-apart and molecular separation so that at least the elemental material might be recycled for the next great creation…oh p.s. this would mean that our own creator god would fail, lose consciousness, and become mortal as we…I just can’t have that happening …again…brothers and sisters… I am trying to explain that our very own self-aware unique consciousness that we call a soul…is….at risk of universal eviction by our very creators….stuffed into a well-designed solar coffin and flung to the outskirts of darkness with no possibility of light unless called and pardoned by light….i call the solar coffins Geodes or Easter eggs because they return east to west and leave a thermal signature instead of a show of light..if we could fathom the information in those time capsules…we would understand that what has taken so long and hard to design, create, cultivate, and refine… built by creator after creator…Is now on the verge of destruction because it appears from a galactic point of view that no good fruit grows nor can be grown here….in the first destruction god figured that all flesh had been corrupted save noah…then understood it was a consciousness defect …so he reassembled all the 12 divided parts plus his original 1 to create a spiritual clone who we know as jesus … still this would take generations to germinate a new dominant consciousness so he utilized the vast consciousness of the earth and animal kingdom to propagate a vector consciousness that had the ability to communicate by firing our(brain cells) thoughts, into the ionosphere onto the next person on that particular conscious freq. so that thoughts could be shared and grow exponentially among like-minded souls. All these reviewable by the sun(bi-directional light) I think of it as gods peephole…ions are essentially the magnetic roundup and culmination of the worlds thoughts(brain cells)…currently around the globe there are black budget contractors playing with things called h.a.a.r.p.s and believe me…

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 09:08 AM
…they’re no angels. The consciousness of the world has once again divided and free agency has more to do with sports than any kind of plan…for it makes sense to me that if you plan on raising humanity right…you had better come to the board meeting with more than one jackass plan….the consciousness of mars would love to return to power…it is universal suspension for creating recombinant-replicating dna that could not be unlocked, altered or destroyed…ergo…the dinosaurs….the Nephilim…giant life forms all over the earth that continued to increase in size, strength and appetite …unfortunately life sustaining foods, minerals, and atmospheric accommodation did not follow suit and scale…
Eventually they were dealt with im sure it was merely coincidence and not a solar fastball (comet)…kinda funny with all that space out there that some cosmic racetrack has these potential planet killers in the bullpen just waiting for some errant dust mite size deviation in trajectory so that it can play planetary 9 ball…comet actually an abbreviation that means cold-meteor. And meteor…phonetically means… well… ME-TO-YOUR….im not real sure at this time what that all means but as I understand…there might be sumthin to it. You see I know many different architectures but planetary ones humans are kept in the dark about…forbidden knowledge…its comforting knowing there’s a backdoor AL Gore-Rhythm..ts equally comforting to know that humans can # that up too…now we can create our very own universally accepted architectures…in fact its encouraged highly…to answer the age-old question concerning the chicken and egg…I mean duh…what came first was… the design…for both physical atomic appearance, necessary procreational coding, brought together by hybrid reptile and avian(birds) dna coding.. cats were a combo of owl, jackal and reptile…to the core…all conscious life on earth has reptilian base…remember the indestructables? and humans created by the wise old owls…for they have more correct variations than any other species of avian. Second comes the harriers, hawks and eagles…the crow however was the biological canvas that carried the sole consciousness of the creator…one thing that is undeniable is that birds have been evolving right in front of us all along all the while keeping an eye on us and foreseeing our needs. Better than we could ever manage…hell we destroy our most precious needs…(galactic residency)…many ask…is there other life out there? Ponder this…what if we are life’s infancy? Lifes very own big bang by-product and though the possibility of life certainly exists…but we seem to harbor an incessant urge to find new and exciting ways to produce domination, s&m, even snuff films on a genocidal proportion so that if there are indeed any intelligent creator types in audience…well they can just grab some jiffy-pop and pepsee…and be entertained by humanity’s best attempt at life….or…..should we just take the power back …lock up all legislators, politicians, ceo’s, religious leaders, at least the ones that have managed this some Sirius bull# for the last 2000 plus years….sorry but when someone says they will return after preparing a place…im wondering why he don’t wanna bring me to help and why he gonna leave me and the crew with pissed off romans and cannibalistic Jews only to have to flee to an unfamiliar land spreading gospel about someone who clearly is not coming back and did not for a moment die on the cross…the lance actually saved his life from septis. Ever wonder why it wasn’t called a spear? Essentially the same thing…only lance has always been a medical term. Back to this absentee road dog…so Mary (revered and respected by many for much)…goes tomb robbing? Well I know that messin with the dead was just not the thing to do back then…he could have made his return trip a little more public maybe go knock over some more moneychangers or chase people around with a bullwhip? That would have crystallized the whole story for me… or…# god he still has too much reptilian code and he aint dyin so well…so the whole resurrection story is hinged upon a known harlots here say and she didn’t even immediately recognize him either…? Wtf????so he is either the first zombie or he got caught slippin outta town and had such an awesome wonderful story to explain why he aint decomposing…so good in fact this story stick as the gods honest truth and is a bestseller for the next 2000 years…did any one actually see him ascend into heaven? Ummmm no…jesus yo if you are gonna prepare a place for 13 plus peeps oops 12 I forgot poor old Judas…he must’ve learned some dirt …I mean what was he gonna do to worsen Jesus position with Sanhedrin, Pharisees, and Rome who wouldn’t even grant this messiah an audience or maybe some official order to deal with this trouble causing nutjob …poor Judas could a used a little Lazarus love right? No the Judas story is a bit off too…see Jesus found some nephilimb blood…but a reptilian coding in a human works like this…. the human hybrid will regenerate any cells it has shed …wounds…heal in a couple few days….Mary didn’t recognize him because he had a brand new regenerated meatsuit and no wounds … Jesus in my belief was in fact the son of Caesar and Cleopatra…Caesarion……

Ceasarion or little C…Jr. had a little brother and sister as well..twins even Alexander Helios aka. Thomas and Cleopatra Serene II aka Magdalene . The sun and the moon is what their Greek names mean.I could go on about this fairy tale for pages much is conjecture yes but I am just baffled that so many could me guided and manipulated by such obvious fabrications…the reason so much was written about him is the obvious…royalty ..lineage and Bloodlines…monarchy and rule has always been about purity of or mixing of specific bloodline to effect royal agendas which are obscure and highly guardedsecrets…this I can say for europ[e…since the rule of charlemange…and whatever secrets that abnormal giant possessed…royal lineage has been the subject of power absolute…its almost like a game of chess using actual biological creations…but what I ask is the defining characteristic the constitutes creation of a king…

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: TheJourney

Question: Human nature being what it is, how do you propose people achieve a "true" communist system?

Please enlighten us.

True communism is probably impossible just as free markets are impossible.

Even if you could establish a true communist system you're going to run into the problem that people just aren't going to work as hard is they don't get any extra reward from it.

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