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US State Department can’t answer for its baseless accusations against Russia.

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posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

you got a source for any of that?

posted on Nov, 4 2015 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: fartlordsupreme
a reply to: dragonridr

you got a source for any of that?

The state department doesn't want to admit they are funding an NGO in syria. Thus the evasive conversation with the press but that is how they know about the strike. This area was supposed to be left alone according to deal with Iran Russia hit the area attacking Syrian rebels.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Thanks for heads up LadyT and great transcribing SB

A humble layman's interpretation.

RT..."Do you have any evidence that Russia bombed hospitals in Syria?"
Him - "We have seen uh some press reporting to that end."
Interpretation - Press Source....CNN, Fox News..

Him.."We have seen uhm some uh Syrian civil society groups uh say that".
Interpretation - Civil group Source...Syrian Observatory for Human Rights..Live from the bedroom of our neutral and non-biased reporter "Rabid" Rami Abdel Rahman, Coventry.

Him.."uhm And I would tell you that we have other operational information that lead us to believe that uhh ........."
Interpretation - Source...Cab driver on way to press conference.

Him..."we've seen some information that would lead us to believe that uh, Russia...Russian military air craft did hit a hospital."
Interpertation - Source.. From the same cab driver who heard it from a friend who read it on his cousins neighbors kids twitter page.

Awesome Intelligence gathering/propaganda machine guys. Credibility plus... Not

Her: "How about this. I'll take your question. If there's information we can share, We'll get back to you. Okay."
Interpretation - Thats the last you'll here about it, and the last time they will answer a question from either of those reporters..You know operational security and all...

FFS...What an utter clusterf.../k.

The US military/allies surely are losing the (dis)information/propaganda war, and look more and more ridiculous by the hour.
Their lies are being exposed like never before....W***kers.

The US and its allies should cut their loses and back out gracefully, but we know that aint gonna happen.
Cause we got some more "killin" and "warrin" to do first, aye lads. Oh yea, but dont forget to install a NATO puppet or two and a couple of NWO banks..for "freedom and democracy" of course.

Cut to......the next distraction/fabrication for the masses....brought to you by Fox/CNN/BBC/NZ herald etc. in conjunction with; "Rabid" Rami Abdel Rahman and other "super secret", "awesomely accurate" , "really reliable" and "truly trustworthy" sources.

FFS...Face Palm

edit on 5/11/2015 by Ngatikiwi because: edit and stuff

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:19 AM

originally posted by: MarioOnTheFly
a reply to: Lady_Tuatha

so the name and a location of the hospital is an "operational" detail...

it's it just me or can you really spot a liar that easy ?

it's it just me or can you really spot a liar that easy ?

love that, if you wernt awake before you certainly are now

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 05:57 AM
JFK warned the American People about the media a long time ago, i Guess everything JFK sated in this video have come true today. Are the Americans to blind and ignorant to Accept that they are being dooped by their government and media? Or is it do to their nationalism and patriotism?

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: MarioOnTheFly
a reply to: Lady_Tuatha

it's like..."here...this is the truth...print that...don't ask any questions".

It would really be that easy...just name the f******g hospital you p***. If it's there and bombed...then you stand vindicated, if're a damn liar.

HAve you considered that maybe they are just saying what they are saying to make people think they know something they dont?

so which is it ? do they know something or they dont ? or do they just want me to think they do...which makes them liars and deceivers? If they don't then shut them yappers...if they do...then show me the money...

my world is that simple.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 07:43 AM
During the UN Assembly Putin straight called out the US for overthrowing Ukraine and attempting to install a puppet. He did it cleverly, without naming names, but everyone knew exactly what he was saying.

No one in this country ever saw so much as a snippet of his speech on any major News outlet. That in of itself speaks volumes.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: Flesh699
During the UN Assembly Putin straight called out the US for overthrowing Ukraine and attempting to install a puppet. He did it cleverly, without naming names, but everyone knew exactly what he was saying.

No one in this country ever saw so much as a snippet of his speech on any major News outlet. That in of itself speaks volumes.

Do you live in a cave? His speech was covered on all the major outlets and transcripts are available as well on news sites. Just because you didn't hear about it doesn't mean the news was ignored. In fact made a big deal how Put in speech was better than obamas. Sad how people's biases alters their reality

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: spy66

Yes, today's americans are the product of many decades of brainwashing by the government. Edward Bernays was hired by Woodrow Wilson about a century ago, and his role was "public relations", to manipulate and condition the public perception.

It worked, really well, and has evolved into an art form.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 10:02 AM

US State Department can’t answer for its baseless accusations against Russia.

So we have field hospitals being bombed in areas where Russia has been conducting airstrikes being reported by the the group Doctors without Borders, but Russian media denies the facts from the ground...well then those on the ground must obviously be lying.

Seriously this is amazing you have people who aren't there for their own joy helping those civilians being bombed and all many of you do is complain about the US saying they are lying.

And those who are doing this for SAM are volunteers doing this on their time to help those in need...not because they have to, and have no reason to make things up, as if the US were doing this they would have the same problems with it.

It's funny the fact that when the hospital in Afghanistan was hit the outrage was well founded yet when it happens in Syria and Russia is involved it is all a lie...what has this world come to?

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

So lets sum this up... Red Cross workers in the area report no such strikes on hospitals... Russia does their research and find many of the hospitals they were said to have struck don't even exist.

And yet those who run them say differently.

Nine Russian air strikes have hit hospitals or field clinics operating in war-torn Syria, killing civilians and medical staff, a Syrian medical organization said late Thursday.

It said several of its facilities had been hit in Russia’s bombing campaign, including in the Mediterranean coastal province of Latakia and the central province of Hama on October 2 and in the northwestern province of Idlib on Tuesday.

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: Lady_Tuatha

The State Department has long been involved in discrediting the former Soviet Union, and more recently, Russia. The Reagan Administration was notorious for this. Both sides participated in discrediting campaigns against each other. Let the games continue!

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Flesh699
During the UN Assembly Putin straight called out the US for overthrowing Ukraine and attempting to install a puppet. He did it cleverly, without naming names, but everyone knew exactly what he was saying.

No one in this country ever saw so much as a snippet of his speech on any major News outlet. That in of itself speaks volumes.

Do you live in a cave? His speech was covered on all the major outlets and transcripts are available as well on news sites. Just because you didn't hear about it doesn't mean the news was ignored. In fact made a big deal how Put in speech was better than obamas. Sad how people's biases alters their reality

That is a lie.

We in Norway didnt see any of this. The Norwegian media are to occupied With derailing Russian propaganda to suit the inerests of the US. We even have Jens Stoltenberg at NATO fronting the same damn thing.

On all the media debate forums Our media are being pounded for being one sided With US propaganda. So stop the nonsens. Damn... Our government even support the US claim that Russia bombed the friken hospital that we cant mention for some damn reason, because som official cant tell. But they sure can make the damn claim.

That is like saying God exists but we cant give you any details do to Security reasons.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I love how you've tried to turn this back around on the girl and make it about her looks... you truly cannot do any better than that? Come on US cheerleaders I was expecting a bit more from you...

By the same token you are a Russian cheerleader. And guess what? Thats why she is there. I already posted a clip of a former propaganda girl that publicly resigned from RT stating she was tired of spinning propaganda for them.

I really don't have a side, it doesn't affect me in my limited bubble. I will say Im not so ignorant to think I know the ins and outs of world relations between the two largest super powers in the world though. You don't either.

Is Russia so forthcoming with information when its them in the spotlight? Maybe Putin wants to hold some press conferences on the people he's disappeared over the years? Nah, didn't think so.

Lmao, maybe those officials wouldn't look so silly if the US wasn't so totally incompetent and obsessed with destroying the Assad regime, they wouldn't have to get themselves tangled up in a web of lies. It's their own fault, if they don't want to look like an idiot in front of the world they shouldn't do idiotic things.

Do you know what a field hospital is? If there are field hospitals, being run by civilians tending to the enemy of Assad, the rebels, the horse in the race the US is betting on, and they were bombed, it would be a valid military target in Assad/Russia's eyes, but the US wouldn't be able to disclose the locations for obvious reasons.

This is an impossibility to you?

Even if its not the case, to me its just bull# from two world powers fighting a proxy war. No different than when they were fighting one in Vietnam, or Afghanistan, or wherever. Im pretty sure I hadn't been a cheerleader for any of those wars nor would I anytime soon.

At the same time I don't expect either side to pull out until one has decided the effort futile.
edit on 5-11-2015 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2015 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: boncho
a reply to: ChaoticOrder

I love how you've tried to turn this back around on the girl and make it about her looks... you truly cannot do any better than that? Come on US cheerleaders I was expecting a bit more from you...

By the same token you are a Russian cheerleader. And guess what? Thats why she is there. I already posted a clip of a former propaganda girl that publicly resigned from RT stating she was tired of spinning propaganda for them.

I really don't have a side, it doesn't affect me in my limited bubble. I will say Im not so ignorant to think I know the ins and outs of world relations between the two largest super powers in the world though. You don't either.

Is Russia so forthcoming with information when its them in the spotlight? Maybe Putin wants to hold some press conferences on the people he's disappeared over the years? Nah, didn't think so.

Lmao, maybe those officials wouldn't look so silly if the US wasn't so totally incompetent and obsessed with destroying the Assad regime, they wouldn't have to get themselves tangled up in a web of lies. It's their own fault, if they don't want to look like an idiot in front of the world they shouldn't do idiotic things.

Do you know what a field hospital is? If there are field hospitals, being run by civilians tending to the enemy of Assad, the rebels, the horse in the race the US is betting on, and they were bombed, it would be a valid military target in Assad/Russia's eyes, but the US wouldn't be able to disclose the locations for obvious reasons.

This is an impossibility to you?

Even if its not the case, to me its just bull# from two world powers fighting a proxy war. No different than when they were fighting one in Vietnam, or Afghanistan, or wherever. Im pretty sure I hadn't been a cheerleader for any of those wars nor would I anytime soon.

At the same time I don't expect either side to pull out until one has decided the effort futile.

Russia is attempting to be misleading here that's all. A field hospital location is given to even the enemy. They k ow where they are or should anyway. Russia is getting away with a technicality if you ask did they bomb a hospital no they did not. If you ask did they bomb doctors and patients of the hospital in a field clinic the answer is yes.

Just like politics what question you ask depends on what answer you get. If you want to know if Russia bombed field hospitals you can look at even the link I posted earlier. You can see Russia was trying to hurt the first responders and did. They drip a bomb knowing this will bring people to check for injured and clear rubble. Then they double back drop a second bomb in the same location this kills medics and people that were drawn to the location by the blast. In the video in the link you can see it was at the front door of a field hospital.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: dragonridr

Yep that's what I was trying to get at. It's hilarious people are sitting here talking about American brainwashing after they watch a two minute clip of a Russian News kitten and all they can discuss nothing but superficial nonsense and tow the line of Russian propaganda.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 01:45 AM
a reply to: boncho

Now the latest is Russia using cluster bombs in civilian areas. See Russia has a problem they don't have a lot of precision ordinance. So they use cluster bombs only problem is the use is banned by many countries. The reason is the damage it causes to civilians in a conflict. Everytime Russia hits some city in syria they are creating more terrorists to fight them. putin is a fool he has no idea what he started just to take the focus off Ukraine.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 01:55 AM
Where can I find the video? It's been removed.

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