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Islamic State releases video of shooting Russian plane out of the sky

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posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: Hyperia

So now instead of the logical, such as mechanical failure or even a bomb, we're going to lasers shooting it down?


Anythings a possibility right now since we don't know.
No SOS from the flight, speculation of a bomb....
If it wasn't a bomb and they didn't detect or were warned of a missile strike then its just as reasonable to suggest a laser.
.....which countries have laser weapons in the region??.....

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: EA006

Hardly reasonable bud, that is one of those possibilities that's in the bottom of all the other possibilities.

It's as reasonable as suggesting the plane was brought down by a Railgun.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: EA006

A laser is so far down the list of possibilities that it's not even funny. You can't even call it a leap to suggest a laser. There's not ruling anything out, and there's jumping to the almost impossible, which is what a laser is.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 11:05 AM
If "ISIS" was behind it, you can bet it was US/Israeli/Saudi/Turkey's retaliation for Russia's presence in Syria. Either these "terrorists/rebels/freedom fighters" were given surface-to-air missiles, or ... someone else did it.. wink wink. And to be honest, this isn't the first time a civilian airline was shot down in this manner. Or an attempt has been made.

As far as the provided video... It's too blurry to see any missile streak. Honestly I can't even tell what the plane is, other than a twin engine jet (or turbo-prop?).

There are certainly MANPAD's that can reach a high flying plane. The FIM-92 Stinger can reach up to 26,000 feet, and it's shoulder launched. The Starstreak can reach 23,000. Then you could assume they might have had a SAM launcher (BUK, 2K11, 2K12, MIM-72, etc). It is not an impossible feat.

I think things are really going to escalate over there.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 11:10 AM
That doesn't look CGI to me. WTF is wrong with this world?

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
Which begs the question, can an Air Bus reach cruising altitude in 28 minutes?


It's only a climb rate of 1100 ft/min on average, perfectly normal.

I don't think IS managed to shoot this plane down... Plant a bomb on board? Maybe - but given the fact that neither Russia or Egypt have particularly good air safety records, I'm going with the usual piss poor maintenance and careless attitude usually shown as the culprit for this crash.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: stumason

originally posted by: intrptr
Which begs the question, can an Air Bus reach cruising altitude in 28 minutes?


It's only a climb rate of 1100 ft/min on average, perfectly normal.

I don't think IS managed to shoot this plane down... Plant a bomb on board? Maybe - but given the fact that neither Russia or Egypt have particularly good air safety records, I'm going with the usual piss poor maintenance and careless attitude usually shown as the culprit for this crash.

Would have to agree with this
mechanical failure of some sort / or tampered with maybe


posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: stumason

To add, the Egyptian ground engineer claims the plane was in good nick when he checked it - for all of 35 minutes!

I fail to see how anyone can declare anything in perfect working order in half an hour of looking at it, much less an Airbus.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Thats not filmed from the ground, the plane would only be a few thousand feet up if it was.
I agree with it looking like old dogfight footage

ISIS trying to poke the bear is all...

But they have footage of the plane explosion in mid air then going down, which means they must have known it was going to happen. Or do you think someone was just randomly filming that plane and it just happened to have an explosion while someone was filming?

I think the former, meaning they must have known it was going to come down, because they were testing thier new missle systems on a Russian flight.

I wonder who gave them the intel on that flight?

From that video it looks like the aircraft has something wrong with the tail with all that smoke coming out. In an Airbus, there is an APU unit at the back (Auxiliary Power Unit) which is used to power electrical systems. So if the engines fail the pilot can start the APU and keep electrical systems going. But if there were a leak in the fuel line going all the to the back of the plane, that would not be good...

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 12:49 PM
Keep in mind the group that calls itself ISIS in the Sinai has no connection to the ISIS of Syria and Iraq. The use the name for funding and recruiting however, they are the same radical groups that have been their forever taking shots at Israeli and Egyptian guard posts. They have no beef with Russia and have no heavy equipment that would be needed to take down and airliner that high up. The fact is Russian aviation has a bad track record and more likely than anything else this will just be another case of that.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: stormcell

originally posted by: FormOfTheLord

originally posted by: SecretKnowledge
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Thats not filmed from the ground, the plane would only be a few thousand feet up if it was.
I agree with it looking like old dogfight footage

ISIS trying to poke the bear is all...

But they have footage of the plane explosion in mid air then going down, which means they must have known it was going to happen. Or do you think someone was just randomly filming that plane and it just happened to have an explosion while someone was filming?

I think the former, meaning they must have known it was going to come down, because they were testing thier new missle systems on a Russian flight.

I wonder who gave them the intel on that flight?

From that video it looks like the aircraft has something wrong with the tail with all that smoke coming out. In an Airbus, there is an APU unit at the back (Auxiliary Power Unit) which is used to power electrical systems. So if the engines fail the pilot can start the APU and keep electrical systems going. But if there were a leak in the fuel line going all the to the back of the plane, that would not be good...

It is my understanding that the APU is basically a little propeller that drops out under the body. It then uses wind to turn the prop, thus generating small amounts of power. Good enough to keep certain systems up and lights. I don't believe there is any fuel running to the back of the plane.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: DerekJR321

No that's the RAT. The APU is basically a jet engine in the back of the aircraft that provides power on the ground. The RAT is used when all power is lost to provide basic controls and limited power.
edit on 11/1/2015 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 02:19 PM
im calling it a hit by u.s.a or the uk ,i really do not think isis did this,
putin has proved america has been funding isis ,so it makes sense its the united states because they have been outed by putin for funding them to remove asad ,

so u.s.a shot it down and then got their terroist group isis to claim responsability ,but its easy to see if you connect the dots

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: LogicalGraphitti
Sorry to say but that's as much of an emotional, knee-jerk reaction I've ever heard. I'm so sick of people thinking the US (and UK) are responsible for every pimple on this planet. And, by the way, your new pal Putin knows very well what it takes for terrorists to shoot a commercial airliner out of the sky. It took Russian military hardware and training to take down MH17.

I never said "we was responsible for every pimple on this planet"

I said, we sell Saudi Arabia weapons and they fund ISIS.

If anybody has had a "knee-jerk, emotional" response LogicalGraphitti, it would be you. I don't know if you are blatantly disregarding the connections between the west and the Wahhabi Regime or you genuinely have no idea what you're talking about.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft
I heard, the plain broke in the air or exploded, because of the debri on the floor that makes a track of an Ellipse with 8km long for 4km wide. 5mile X 2.5mile
An explosion / attack its very probable.
edit on 1/11/2015 by voyger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: voyger2

If there was an attack it almost had to be a bomb. But everything so far is also consistent with a mechanical problem as well.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:33 PM
Isis stoking the flames of thier own demise ... This wont end well for Isis.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:53 PM

originally posted by: stuthealien
im calling it a hit by u.s.a or the uk ,i really do not think isis did this,
putin has proved america has been funding isis ,so it makes sense its the united states because they have been outed by putin for funding them to remove asad ,

so u.s.a shot it down and then got their terroist group isis to claim responsability ,but its easy to see if you connect the dots

That is just silly. Nobody in the real world thinks the US funds ISIS since the US has been fighting with ISIS under its old names since 1999. And what sense would it be for the US to shoot down a civilian airliner in Egypt where 3 nations would have radar tracking and who knows how many satellite tracking.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

No kidding. The only people who are experts at shooting down commercial jets are the Russians. At least we have evidence to support what downed MH17. No one has legitimate evidence that this plane crashed for any reason except malfunction. The fact that anyone would blame America at this point shows that these people don't care about the innocents, they only care about their hatred for anything America. I'll save my emotion for when the real evidence comes out.

posted on Nov, 1 2015 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

Actually, a lot of people believe the west is funding ISIS. Or you could call it a coincidence all those times the west accidentally dropped weapons to ISIS. Or training of the terrorists.

The west has been bombing ISIS for how long now? And why does Russia has more success in a month than the west has had in years?

Another coincidence, maybe? The Russians probably just got lucky and stuff.
edit on 1-11-2015 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

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