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EU refugee crisis is part of path to WW 3

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posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 05:57 AM
There is an emerging picture on what is really going on. I believe the world has now been set into direct path to WW-3 and it will be fought in Middle East and will result in accounts being evened between ISLAM and rest of the world. The final result will be ONE WORLD.

Germany, Sweden ... and where ever these current mass invading refugees are heading to - are actually being targeted in FIANCIAL WARFARE. The refugees are just a tool - mostly not knowingly. But each and everyone of them are heading to only two locations: GERMANY and SWEDEN. Ripples are coming into other countries as well, and will be also re-distributed within EU to provide increased capacity.

The FINANCIAL outcome however will be, EU will collapse financially - the area is already constrained financially, not least due to GREEK crisis giving a hefty baseline cost. Add to this UKRAINE CRISIS - trade to Russia collapses currently FINLAND and its finances - Italy is taking hits as well. Refugees into this mess will kill Sweden and Germany primarily - them being the targeted location by the refugees (how come?) - giving a neck shot for THE ENGINE for EU financially speaking. The hiking tax rates will kill the already deflatrory ecomonies all around EU. Exit from EU is almost the only option for BRITAIN to survive in this situation.


But there is more to come.

SAUDI Arabia is heading towards trouble. They are financing Syrian war, providing arms and drugs, and giving RUSSIA hell by keeping OIL PRICE low, but then ruining own economy. Current project for SAUDI is that they are going to be bust in 5 years.

SAUDIS are key to fighting IRAN ally YEMEN - which will receive growing support from Russia and Iran.

The key to controlling YEMEN and to to control SAUDI situation and secuirty is Bab El Mandeb strait. This strait controls maritime traffic from Suez channel through Red Sea. If any naval power tries to move ships from Mediterranean to Persian Gulf or Indian Ocean - they need to pass Bab El-Mandeb - it is EXTEMELY strategic location.BAB EL MANDEB

When US and its allies occupy Bab El Mandeb - WW 3 is already going on. This is the key point in managing naval power through-out the region. Also if anything happens in South-East Asia - reads "China" - the way-point for NATO is through this strait. Or Russian fleet to support IRAN. War with China is just a bonus, which US is seeking today. China needs to be aligned into One World. China is not going to engage in mid-East - but will maintain regional pressure for resources in the South-China Sea. USA building up for BAB el MANDEB

RUSSIA and IRAN have therefor strong interest to keep YEMEN in their club - strait is under YEMEN control de facto.

When EU is down financially, it has real problems in creating consensus on MILITARY POWER to be sent to Mid-East region. There is no money to pay for the armies. Given the social unrest due to refugees - there is barely a defence capability towards Russian threat from East.

This leaves minor capability through NATO, however mainly through UK - as the non-EU power - to fight in the mid-East.

When SAUDIS collapse, due to both internal, ISIS and IRAN interference, RUSSIAN dominance is AUTOMATICALLY total in the region - and US and UK will respond to this. ISRAEL will # blood - and will require immediate US intervention.

And war in the region is total.

And at any point of time RUSSIA can launch attack against EU and receive resistance only from Poland and somewhat from Germany. The finances of the EU block are not going to allow long term war either.

And after that point, EU has to make decision if it will switch into WAR TIME ECONOMY - and forget mambo jumbo democracy, human rights etc - and fight for their LIBERTY and RIGHT TO LIVE. Answer is obvious.

And WW3 is a fact.

edit on 30-10-2015 by deckdel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 06:43 AM
The powers that be want to dominate everyone and everything, not blow it all up. Fine tight rope walking there. The meetings in Vienna over Syria are like vultures carving up a carcass. Syria isn't represented there, by the way.

We see the sudden rush by all the players to meet and hash it out when things aren't going their way. Regardless of how drawn out and bloody the battle for Syria has been, things were going 'fine' until the Russians gummed up the works. The rush to meet in Vienna by all the local players (except Syria) is evidence of how the nations involved consider Syria like a caracas on the world dinner table served up to pick over.

Will Assad go or won't he?

They always call these meetings "peace talks".

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 06:56 AM
The refugee crisis is causing civil unrest in the EU. I've heard remarks like "I hope this won't cause a civil war", in countries like Italy. If civil wars do begin in EU countries, and they ask for U.S. assistance, they will no doubt get it, and of course Russia will join in.

And that is how WWIII starts imo.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:09 AM
Yes, the Allahu akbarians are gonna take over the whole world, then the Mexicans are gonna be Moslims, and take over Umeeeerica...

Geez, do you know how you fixed a demographic curve which went the wrong way in the old world? fantasies about Moooslim takeovers?

Humans share, primates well they want..

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:10 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

wow, just wow... what movie did you watch?

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:18 AM
a reply to: deckdel

That's interesting but i'm not sure if you're right. Economy not the refugees will cause civil unrests, the refugees may get used and recruited by salafists, once they're dissappointed from their hosts. Depending on how fast and effective their leaders get executed.
But Syria will be the big crossroad where it will get decided if we stand united, or fall...
edit on 30-10-2015 by Peeple because: Auto

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Your avatar is a half-naked woman about to be assaulted by a monster? It's really rather off-putting.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: angeldoll

It's okay i am a lady and i love my seamonster.
Maybe that's better?
edit on 30-10-2015 by Peeple because: Add

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Peeple

Lol! yes, this one looks a little friendlier! Happy Halloween!

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:34 AM
edit on 30/10/2015 by nonspecific because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
The rush to meet in Vienna by all the local players (except Syria) is evidence of how the nations involved consider Syria like a carcass on the world dinner table served up to pick over.

They always call these meetings "peace talks".

You're right, they call them "Peace Talks" and represent these meetings as if they are all about human rights, when really it's just a bunch of leaders planning how to divvy it all up. What a sad state of affairs..

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: deckdel

Interesting OP. The economic analysis appears to me to be quite accurate.

There's one thing I've wondered about however. As you point out, the EU Nations are militarily very weak and understaffed and they don't have a deep reservoir of manpower to draw upon. In the EU, most of the population is over the age of 50! As well, they don't have the money to equip much in the way of military prowess. Recent articles have pointed out that something like 40% or less of the German inventory of Leopard Tanks are operational. The rest are in pieces, broken and waiting for repair.

Like wise, Britain has reduced its military to incredibly low numbers and the US is doing the same thing. And none of these countries have operating, functioning, military conscription systems and public opinion would never support conscription. And conscription wouldn't work in the US. You can't fight a war with 5' tall 200 lb. children of Walmart. They can barely walk. Even in Russia, the military has conscription in place, but they rely mostly on contractors and mercenaries because the Russian populace has no stomach whatsoever for casualties. That's what cost them Afghanistan.

So my do you have a WWIII without any armies? Without any "boots" on the ground? Without any sustained offensive capability?

Then of course, there's the so-called China threat. China doesn't need to militarily invade the US; in fact that would work against China's economy. The US doesn't produce anything; it consumes billions of dollars of cheap crap made in China. The value of the US lies only in its consumption capability which transfers wealth to China and its technology, which China has either already stolen or is in the process of stealing. The Chinese will take over the US by way of immigration and that at the invitation of the US Government. outright this point, I don't see it.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 08:11 AM
No refugee can ruin economy as the big banks can. But yeah,lets blame everything on the weakest segments in our society,because its the easieat thing to do. I wonder when people will wake the # up and see through all this bs they have been feeding us.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
The powers that be want to dominate everyone and everything, not blow it all up.
Why are you so sure? Maybe controlling everything isn't the final intention. Maybe there are more than one side at war in a secret conflict.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: ErrorErrorError
No refugee can ruin economy as the big banks can. But yeah,lets blame everything on the weakest segments in our society,because its the easieat thing to do. I wonder when people will wake the # up and see through all this bs they have been feeding us.

Every refugee that doesn't the language or technical skills to land a well paying job is going to have to be cared for by the social services of that country. Just to keep someone in a prison costs around £40K/year. That's a professional salary.

Who's encouraging all these people to move to Germany and Sweden? It seems to be people like Soros who are trying to bankrupt EU countries in order to make them take out international loans.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: Robert Reynolds

originally posted by: intrptr
The powers that be want to dominate everyone and everything, not blow it all up.
Why are you so sure? Maybe controlling everything isn't the final intention. Maybe there are more than one side at war in a secret conflict.

The secret is that they indeed bargain for their "peace" of the pie.

Syria is the next victim on the list of countries to be toppled, right? Regime Change? Syria is independent doesn't want to be in debt, doesn't want to submit to the greater hegemony, thats a no no.

You didn't really believe in a "War on Terror", did you?

If a country is being discussed over a table of many nation state negotiators and that country isn't even there, how much respect for their independence and self determination is there? We've already destroyed the place with weapons of war, now it will soon be time to rebuild. There will be huge loans (at interest) for construction and rebuilding. There will be millions of Syrians to work for minimum wage at the new corporations like McDonalds and Wal Mart. They will pay the tax to the IMF to pay the interest on all the unending debt.

Thats a large chunk of world stage money and contracts. Thats what they are meeting about.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 11:08 AM
The social security system is going down at least in the EU (most likely in US too). Statistics in EU say refugees (earlier) have not integrated well in EU previous years, unemployment is rising and benefits paid for immigrants is taking a big piece of every country's budget and those who pay are tax paying citizens. Now situation is even worse, even that liberals say that immigration will benefit countries in long term and fix the difference between aging population in EU with new taxpayers from Middle East.

Sadly, statistics sing different song, the money needed to support refugees in countries they entered is so extreme that it will raise debt of countries to bankcrupt.

40 000 refugees cost 1 760 000 Euros a day and it takes about 2 years before registrations are completed ( even more in some countries ) so before refugees from ME are able to work they need education of the system, language skills ( if not in England ) even working skills to learn, this raise the time of being actual taxpayer at least 2 years more.
Which country really is able to cope with this.

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: intrptr
I'm not really sure how your post relates to mine, or if you've even understood what I've said.

I understand why you have your opinion, but why are you so sure that you have the whole story?

PS. Syria is not a wasteland.

edit on 30-10-2015 by Robert Reynolds because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Robert Reynolds

PS. Syria is not a wasteland.

The militarily strategic parts of it are. These associate with infrastructure and will be costly to rebuild.

Lucrative contracts there. And endless debt from IMF loans, all COD to the Syrian people. Plus theres oil, lots of it.

Edit: Wars are waged for territory and resources (i.e., money and power), not 'humanitarian reasons'. You do get that…
edit on 30-10-2015 by intrptr because: bb code and Edit:

posted on Oct, 30 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: intrptrYou seem very proud of the depth of your understanding; you seem to think that you are in possession of the only possible truth; you speak of a popular but very simple explanation.

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