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Turkey is the new Pakistan

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posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 05:37 PM
Amazing that leaders of Turkey were stupid enough to coddle ISIS (for the short term possibility of dethroning Assad) for so long, and like Pakistan supported the crazy Taliban (whereas now they have done hundreds of terrorist attacks in Pakistan since) thereby making the same mistake that Pakistan did.

Remember Pakistan practically created the Taliban for the geo political reasons of fighting India and maintaining control of Afghanistan.

We all know now that this, along with US meddling there, is the origin of the entire world menacing jihadi terrorism in the world.

And now Turkey seems to have fallen into the same trap.

Turkey, like Pakistan did with the Taliban, has embraced ISIS for similar geopolitical reasons, in Turkey’s case the reasons are to defeat Assad of Syria and assist in defeating another enemy, the Kurds, whom they have been fighting for decades.

The parallels between these two Sunni giants and how they have been embroiled in the same template with the US is striking.

Now Pakistan is a beleaguered country infested with jihadi madmen all over the place.

As Turkey is slowly becoming the same as the recent suicide bombing has demonstrated.

Police Ignored Turkey’s ISIS Teahouse of Death

Of course behind this sinister geopolitical witchcraft are the US and their black operations which culminated many believe in 911.

Similar to when they helped create AL Qaeda to beat Russia in Afghanistan in the late 70’s and early 80’s, the US finds itself, in order to this time defeat Syria, supporting the same methodology they utilized in Afghanistan earlier.

Then the result of what the US and Pakistan did resulted in Al Qaeda and 911, this time Turkey and the US have created a worst stew of secret operations that has resulted in ISIS.

Now what these awful actions of politicians has done have brought this dark period full circle:

In the 70 and 80’s the US and Pakistan united with their jihadi clients came together to overthrow a secular Afghanistan government and in the process created 911 and a war that has almost lasted 20 years.

Today you have just like in Afghanistan then Russia fighting for the preservation of a secular Syria and a again simmering, sinisterly in the background originally Turkey and the US (Presently though the US’s secrets are now well known) supporting violent anti-democratic terrorist jihadis against the secular Syria and Russia.

Do people ever learn? Maybe people do but politicians obviously don’t.

But then again who ever said politicians were people?

edit on 16-10-2015 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 05:52 PM
I have been to Turkey and it isn't the new Pakistan. It's got problems with an autocratic president and the maltreatment of the Kurds (maltreatment both ways, mind), but the population are moderates.

Russia invading Afghanistan is nothing like Russia's political involvement in Syria. Different time, different place and different motivations.

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Cut the politicians a little slack .They lie because they have to .They know they lie and they know that we know .I am guessing they are on strong medication's in order to get a little sleep . They know there are more of us then them and that there are lots of street poles and rope is at the hardware store .

But yea ..Turkey and the ISIS chicken that should soon be coming home to roost is not going to work out well . I read that the Taliban were starting to join ISIS as well ...Not sure where that force will be sent but expect them to be showing up in a neighbourhood somewhere ...

posted on Oct, 16 2015 @ 06:09 PM

originally posted by: Willtell
Amazing that leaders of Turkey were stupid enough to coddle ISIS (for the short term possibility of dethroning Assad) for so long, and like Pakistan supported the crazy Taliban (whereas now they have done hundreds of terrorist attacks in Pakistan since) thereby making the same mistake that Pakistan did.

I am not sure if Taliban claimed any attack on Pakistan but rather Tehreek-e-taliban or ones called themselves as Pakistani taliban. Here is a list of attacks in 2015

The taliban group was headed by Mullhah Umar and they still suppose to have close ties with Pakistan. That is the reason why OBL was found near ISI head quarters.

The other talibans are like the moderate rebels in Syria we have today, you know created by whom

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Willtell
You are right, Turkey has gotten stuck in the grave he has digged for Syria. The issue of Syria is just an internal problem it should have not become an international issue with intervention of foreign terrorists and countries.

If Assad is not better than other dictator Arab leaders, he is not worse than them. No but the point is something else.

All of these stupidities are because of preserving and keeping Israel for the stupid end time games of evangelists.

posted on Oct, 17 2015 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
I have been to Turkey and it isn't the new Pakistan. It's got problems with an autocratic president and the maltreatment of the Kurds (maltreatment both ways, mind), but the population are moderates.

Russia invading Afghanistan is nothing like Russia's political involvement in Syria. Different time, different place and different motivations.

I drew a comparison to what Pakistan did with the Taliban and Turkey is doing with ISIS and other terrorist groups.

Based on this old maxim:

You lie down with dogs you come up with fleas!

BTW the comparison is very valid…Sure Turkey is not exactly like Pakistan but Erdogan ( his messing around with the MB and other extremists) wants it to be and the comparison is based on the foreign policy of placating terrorists and using them and then the terrorist come back to bite them in the ass.

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